
My Top Reasons for Abstaining…

1. I want my children to know and have a relationship with their father.
2. I don’t want to put my children in a situation where they already feel rejected and abandoned by their father.
3. I want a good male role model for my sons, if God bless me with sons.
4. I am worth more than a one night stand.
5. My love deserves a lifelong commitment
6. God respects sex in the institution of marriage.
7. I don’t want any ungodly soul ties.
8. I want a life free of STD’s and ETD’s (Emotional Transmitted Diseases)
9. My body is God’s temple.
10. I don’t want to be a single parent.
11. To rise above the status quo.
12. Cos I want my honeymoon night to be hot.
13. I want my daughters to be taught by their daddy how they ought to be treated by men.
14. Most importantly, I want to obey God!!

*Your love deserves a lifelong commitment before benefits. Why don’t you consider abstaining today?