
Tedx Talk Review: Failing All Way to Success by Jason Njoku

Jason Njoku is the CEO of Irokotv and founder of Nollywoodlove on YouTube.

Here are my notes from his Tedx Speech..

“People fear failure but what they really fear is the shame associated with failure.

Embracing failure allows you to be completely free from the fear of taking risk.

There’s a point that if you keep on failing nothing matters anymore.

Emotional Capital is similar to money. You make a deposit every time you fail and get back up again. With emotional capital you are unshackled by what people expect from you.

The more we have an open discussion about failure, the more we accept failure as culture and the more people can spend time trying and taking risk.

What’s the worst that can happen? You fail but there’s tomorrow.

Everyone has a challenge to overcome. Failure is ok.”

Please click here to watch his speech.