
How fine is your Man?


We see a  and our heads start spinning.. LOL!!
There’s nothing wrong in thinking a guy is attractive.
However, check yourself that you don’t lust.

We are only suppose to lust after our husbands.
If you don’t have a husband,
you probably shouldn’t be lusting after anybody.

Girl, go beyond looks,
Does he love the Lord?
Not just go to Church,
does he have an intimate relationship with the Lord?

Guys are getting smart these days..
Some guys don’t just go to church,
they go to meet ladies.
We have to be wise,
going to church or singing in the choir is not enough.

You be the judge..
With the leadership of the holy spirit,
you will know if this guy is legit or not..

Please look beyond looks..
Check out his character.
What is his character telling you about him?
Pray about it.

Cos a   that puts God first should be PRAISED!!