Ladies, he is a proud father of two. He is very hardworking, good father, and avid lover of politics. He is an engineer by training. He wants a God-fearing woman in the US or Canada. You must be ready to settle down in the next 6 months to 1 year. He is ready to make a lucky lady his wife. He loves to sing. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his children. He is a hopeless romantic. He is a very honest person.
If you are interested in Mr. Canada please send an email to [email protected] with Subject Line “Interested in Mr. Canada.” Include any specific questions you have for Mr. Canada in that email.
Please share this post with all your single lady friends in the US and Canada!!
I just received your invite to your wedding scheduled for June 12, 2020.
Before I select “Yes” I want to highlight my terms and conditions:
My dress to your wedding will cost me: $220
My Hair: $200
My Makeup: $70
My Nails(pedi and mani): $75
My Shoes: $100
My Hotel(since your wedding is out of town for me): $300
Accessories: $100
My Money to Spray the bride: $300
My Time at your wedding: Priceless
My Total investment to celebrate your day is: $1,395 + priceless for my time.
Your wedding is not only a financial investment for you but also for me, as your guest.
No, you are not required to give me $1,395 to attend your wedding but you are to respectfully acknowledge my financial contribution to celebrate your union.
If you choose to divorce in the next 0 month to 5 years, I will send you an invoice to return 90% of my contribution to your day which is $1,255.50.
If you choose to divorce in the next 10-20 years, I will send you an invoice to return 80% of my contribution to your day which is $1,116.00.
If you choose to divorce in the next 20-30 years, I will send you an invoice to return 70% of my contribution to your day which is $976.50.
If you both comply with to the terms of this agreement, please can you both sign in the designated spaces below and return this letter back to me. I will rsvp “yes” as soon as you return this signed letter back to me.
May the candle of your love burn forever!!!
We are adults here if you know your marriage will not last for common 5 years. Please don’t invite me to your wedding. Nobody has time and money to waste.
For this post we will focus on “why some married Nigerian men cheat?”
Here is my answer…
Married Nigerian men cheat because they can find women to cheat with.
It takes two to tango!
This post is not only to bash married men who cheat but also women who clearly go for married men.
My sista, you know he is married. Na wetin?
Are all the single men on strike?
All single men cannot be broke.
There is something about a married man. He has a wife and children at home. He is responsible. I know it is exotic to have something we can’t have.
It does not matter what religion are you. You need to feel somehow messing around with a married man. If you don’t, you need serious prayers and fasting. You are possessed or something. It is abnormal to mess with a married man without your conscience worrying you.
Aunty, how would you feel if your husband cheated on you?
Guess what? If you sleep with someone’s husband, it will come back to you (Not cursing you, it is called Karma!).
You are sowing a seed for your husband to cheat on you.
Lets leave Married Men alone.
Some of you your boyfriend never cheated on you but as soon as you get married, he cheats.
You know why?
Because you sowed that seed in your single years.
If you do not know he is married, its one thing. My sista, please when you know.. LEAVE HIM ALONE!
To foreign ladies, your Nigerian married boo will NEVER LEAVE his wife for you.
Your Married Nigerian guy will never leave his wife for you.
Let’s stop this..
Some of you are messing around with married men and praying for God to send your husband.
Sister mi, there’s God o!
To all the married men or women who cheat on their spouse, guess what? One day, your spouse will cheat on you and the tables will turn. Keep playing games with God. God will soon give you the same dose of your medicine.
WRONG!!! Some virgins are naïve about relationships. Some people in general are naïve about relationships. Let us be real, people are naïve about a lot of things.
I know of a lady who literally had a guy ignore her messages because she stated she was a virgin.
There are lots of people who are not virgins and still clueless about relationships.
Society give virgins a break!
It is hard enough navigating a hyper-sexual world as a virgin, do not make it more painful.
Virgins UNITE!! You are not clueless about relationships.
People who assume virgins are clueless about relationships are clueless themselves.
Because you had sex with your boyfriend or whomever you choose does not automatically mean you know a lot about relationship.
Sex does not equal relationship. There are some people who are sexually active without a commitment or relationship.
If you ask me, until you have been in a stable relationship for more than 5 years, you are still clueless about relationship.
If sex was the secret to a stable relationship, we would all be pros in relationship.
Iris from Married at First Sight
One can make the argument that virgins are clueless about sex because of their lack of experience. Knowing sex and having sex are two different things.
Morale of this post is: give Virgins a break!! Some virgins are clueless about sex and some virgins are not.
From a young age, I have always known I would marry for love and nothing else.
I have grown to discover that is not enough. I also have to use my head.
The reality is the heart will always want what it wants at all cost logical or illogical.
Nowadays, love is not enough.
See your potential mate through the eyes of your future children, what would they say?
The person you choose could become the mother or father of your children.
Is this person the kind of mother or father you want for your children?
A wise man once said, “the spouse you choose is a reflection of your intelligence.”
Forget about their looks, money for once. Will your love stand the test of time?
Is your relationship built on a good foundation?
Will the strength of your love survive the test in marriage?
Whether you choose to stay or leave your marriage will affect your children.
Let’s make this practical.
You convinced a woman to marry you because you have money. Why are you surprise she left now that the money is gone? Whose fault is it?
Don’t blindly marry anybody. The reality of divorce is too real.
Know what you naturally like. Don’t settle for less and think you can change anybody when you enter marriage.
Don’t ignore anything that bothers you in the pre-marital stage thinking that marriage will solve it.
Marriage magnifies your problems.
Seek counsel from people in successful marriages.
Marry someone who genuinely loves you and you also love.
Life will test your marriage.
Equip your relationships with all the necessary tools you need to succeed in your marriage, you owe your children that much.
Take your time to build a solid foundation, so your love can stand the test of time.
Ladies, I have answered a lot of your questions about Nigerian men.
It’s time to hear from the horse’s mouth
Check out this video as these guys answer this question.
I like this group of guys because they are a good representation of the types of Nigerian guys you will meet in the States.
They are smart, funny, educated, witty and very Nigerian.
Each guy brings a different perspective to the discussion which I love.
Check out the video.
Let me know what you think?
Email, comment or facebook me!!
Ladies, when was the last time you appreciated your black man?
In a society where black men are perceived in a negative light, it is your responsibility to appreciate your good black man.
Our good black men need more accolades.
Our men are not all bad.
It is rough for our men out there; they have to deal with all types of prejudices, social injustices, racism and much more..
Honor your good black man!!
You don’t have to wait till his birthday to appreciate him.
Your man has a choice to stop providing for his family, but he wakes up every day to make sure his family is ok.
He needs to be appreciated.
Tell him what his presence means to you and your family.
Have the kids do something special to honor him.
Being a black man in America is not easy.
A black man has to work extra hard in environment that was designed to work against him.
The outside world has wolves ready to tear him down.
You have a good black man who takes care of you, his kids and household?
Please, give him the honor and respect, he deserves.
To good black men out there, who treat their women well, raise their kids and do the right thing: I SALUTE you!!
To all the white girls in Nigeria and the future white girls wannabe’s, BEWARE!!
If you are going to bleach, get ready for these:
Dark gray spots: (All over the skin you are trying to bleach)
Skin cancer: (I hope you saved up money for chemotherapy. Buy a good wig because your hair will fall out as a side-effect to chemotherapy. If you don’t have money for chemotherapy then, good luck!!)
Swelling of the skin: (you want to walk around looking like a monster, go for it)
Thinning of the skin
Cataracts: (clouds the lens in your eyes. Google it.)
Setting down of fat on face, chest, upper back and stomach: (get ready to gain more weight.)
Increase in appetite and weight gain
Osteoporosis: (it affects your bones.)
Neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams- (No amount of attention is worth you losing your kidneys. Ladies, stop this nonsense.. Wake up from this madness, seriously! Stop with this stupidity.)
Psychiatric disorders: (depression- no matter how fair you look, you will never feel beautiful.)
Severe birth defects: (it could affect your future unborn children)
Seeing all these negative consequences, do you think its still worth it bleaching your skin? Who told you were not good just the way you are? Newsflash: Nobody can tell you something, you didn’t already tell yourself. Bleaching is not the answer for an internal problem. Get a mental image of who are and fix that first. Fixing the outside comes with a price that will affect you for the rest of your life.Stop letting society define you, define yourself for ONCE.
Truthfully, anything or guy that wants to subject you to these unnecessary health problems is not worth your time. LOVE YOURSELF. TELL YOURSELF, YOUR ARE BEAUTIFUL. SAY IT UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IT.
Ruth is Naomi’s daughter- in- law and now Mrs. Boaz. She is famous for her love story with her husband, Boaz. It’s a very unique story.
9jagirl4real: Thank you Ruth for choosing to do this web interview with me. I am honored to have you talk to me outside your busy schedule.
Ruth: Thank you so much for having me. I always feel honored to share my story with the world.
9jagirl4real: Let’s get right in then…
Ruth: Sure..
9jagirl4real: You know your story is very unique story because you married a rich man. A lot of women in my country, Nigeria want to marry politicians because they are rich. What is the secret in getting a rich man?
Ruth: Work! Face God’s business and God will bring the man. After my ex-husband died, I moved from New York to Florida with my mother-in-law. I was also going through grief missing my ex-husband, but I had to get myself together and went back to work. I prayed with my mother-in-law and I left with God’s favor. So ladies, face God’s work. Whatever God gives you to do at the time.
9jagirl4real: You are saying you got your husband by working. What type of work? A lot of women nowadays are working very hard by wearing flashlights (mini skirts, shorts, fake breasts, boobs) So explain what you mean by work.
Ruth: Work as in I got a job. Do something. Have something going for yourself. Do you think Boaz would have noticed me if I wasn’t working? I concentrated on the job I was doing and I did it wholeheartedly for God. Boaz noticing me was nothing of my doing either. It was God’s favor on my life. When you are about God’s business, he will favor you.
9jagirl4real: Wow.. Ruth is preaching on my blog!! It was an honor having you here. Thank you so much. Greet your husband, and mother-in-law for me.
Ruth: Thanks!!
9jagirl4real: What can you learn from the love story of Ruth and Boaz? Ruth wasn’t lazy. She was about God’s business and God gave her husband. Instead of spending your time looking for a rich husband, spend your time and face God’s business or whatever God puts in your hands to do. Do something!! Let’s be real, no man of God wants a lazy woman. Use this time to add value to yourself inside and outside. Your blessing doesn’t necessarily have to be a rich man. If you desperately want a rich man, no problem, you also need to be a rich woman. Let’s be fair.
One of my close friends graduated from Benedict College.
I was insulted by the venue of this graduation.
I don’t know whose idea it was to host a graduation in football field under 90 degree weather.
It was so hot; it felt like we were in an oven.
To make matters worse, the graduates were dressed in black robes sitting under the hot sun for hours.
Seriously, a lot of the guests were so hot that they had to miss watching the graduation.
Students don’t spend four years in college to get burnt on their graduation day.
The exposure to such extreme temperature under black robes is disrespectful to your students and their families.
For your next graduation, please think about the temperature and how it will affect your students on their big day.
Under the hot sun is the worst place to give long speeches and accolades.
Please be considerate of your students, their friends and families.