
Dear Mr. Someone,

I had it all typed out, I was going to disgrace you on my blog then I stopped myself because this is not my battle to fight. I hope you are not who I heard you are. If you are who they said you are I hope you soon learn from your mistakes and straighten up. I couldn’t believe my ears of the things I heard about you. It seems they were telling me something about someone else. If that’s really you, I pray God will fight for the people you have hurt. That is all for that one. If that’s not who you are then I am sorry for all the accusations. I can’t judge you. I leave you over to God for the people you have hurt. I am not hurt but I have learned a valuable lesson (and I can’t wait to share on my blog as soon as I can verify it). I am going to be the bigger person because the bible says you overcome evil with good. God bless you again.

I forgive you!!!

For those who are new to my “Dear Mr. Someone” series. This series are letter I write to real people in my life.