Choice with a Twist!

God gave us this free gift call “choice” in all aspects of our lives except in choosing our race, gender, and family. None of it seems fair especially if you’re a poor black person in America. Of course, you wish you were born to President Obama or born to some rich Hollywood movie star or something. It’s not fair, why do some people have it made like Prince Harry and William?

Why didn’t God allow us to pick our race, gender, and family? I don’t have that answer.. Nobody does.
He allowed you to have the race, gender, and family  for his purpose and glory. He placed you in the right family, and gave you the right race and gender. Despite the fact, it is not exactly the kind you wanted. God chose this part of our lives because he knows everything. He knows the right family, race, gender that will best prepare you for his purpose for your life.

If you hate your race, gender and family; you’re technically saying that God’s choice for you was not the best. For those that truly know God, you know that God chooses the best for us. If you were given the choice to chose for yourself, I seriously doubt that your choice would have been better. No man’s wisdom can ever measure up to God’s. Our wisdom minutely shows us a glimpse of God’s wisdom. God is always right and his choice is always the best; even though, we don’t understand.

Complaining only undermines God’s decision to make you this way. Complaining wouldn’t change anything. Instead, thank God that he made you the way you’re cos he knew that he needed you to be this way to fulfill your purpose for your life. Remember in Genesis, God re-assessed everything he created and he said “it was Good.” Apply that to your life now, he looked back after he created you and said the same thing. God’s choice and decision is always perfect, and we know he is not the author of confusion.

God knew you would mess up making this decision, so he chose by himself. If you think you’d have made a better decision than God, think again. Embrace this inevitable facts about you. Some people can change their gender this days through surgery. U can go through surgery or you can just accept the fact that you can never be smarter than God. Accept yourself, God made you!!!

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