
5 Types of Africans you will meet in your country:

1. An African who lived in, their home country for a long time and migrated to your home country as adults. These types of Africans are those who have stayed in your country for a long time, but their accent sounds as if they recently migrated to your country. They can lose their accents, but some of them choose not to. These types of Africans are more likely to hold onto their culture and practices. They are very traditional and still stay true African identity.

2. An African who came to your home country at a young age: this African can remember growing up in their home country.   They are a combination of their own country and your home country. They can tell the difference between living in their country and your own country. They have the best of both worlds. They will choose to stay true to their African roots, be fully immerged in your culture or both.

3. Africans who grew up in your home country: this African has never been to their parent’s country. They can only tell you  from what they have been told, heard or read. This African is a born-citizen of your country with an African name.

  1. Africans who just arrived from their home country: when you meet these ones you will know them right away. Give them time, they will get acclimated.
  1. Africans who have lived in your country for a long time and forgot about their African identity.

Next Post: How to communicate effectively with these different types of Africans.