Spiritual Weapons..

As a Christian, I have noticed the enemy attacks these 4 areas:

1. Time with God
2. Studying the word
3. Praying
4. Fasting

These 4 things builds up our spiritual man. Remember, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to pull down strongholds.”- 2 Cor 10:4
If these 4 things weren’t powerful, the enemy wouldn’t attack them.

Inner Beauty..

if you can’t love me when I look like this..
You can’t love me when I look like

Love goes beyond mere looks.
Guys, you need to evaluate both the inner and outer beauty.
Outer beauty fades..
Inner beauty is more important cos that never fades.

Guys, Does she love the Lord? Does her character match her looks? Does she dress modestly to protect your mind?

Proverbs 31:30-Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fades;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Disclaimer: The first pic is just for an illustration. Please don’t go outside looking like the first pic. It’s not presentable. I didn’t go anyway looking disheveled like this pic.

Love the LOrd with all your HEART..

I Sam 16:7..”God doesn’t look on your outward appearance, but looks at a man’s heart”
what is it about our heart that is so important to God.
If God wants us to love him with all our heart, it must be very important to God.

As we know, we need our physical hearts to survive.
If your physical heart were to stop beating right now, you would be dead in seconds.
Physically, every human being need their physical hearts to survive.

Our physical and spiritual hearts are different.
In Matt 22:37..you shall love the Lord with all your heart.
I think the reference here was to our spiritual heart.

What is a spiritual heart and why is it so important to God?
I looked at Matthew-John

In Matt 6:21 paraphrasing..our heart is with what we treasure.
Matt 13:19 refers to our spiritual heart as a ground and Luke 8:15 referred to it as well.
Luke 8:15 was about that parable of a man that goes to sow seeds and different
seeds fall on different ground. In this verse, it was a good ground.

Mark 6:52..I see our spiritual heart can harden and doubt because of unbelief (Mark 16:14).
Luke 18:1..Men, ought to pray and not lose heart. Heart in this verse, I think means hope, faith.

John 13:2..If you read, you will see that the enemy has access into our hearts to plant seeds.
John 14:1 and 16:22.. Shows we can worry or rejoice with our hearts.

I know, I need to study more to really understand our spiritual heart.
From my studies so far, it seems our spiritual heart is ground that can accept good or bad seeds.
If it accepts good seeds, it will grow a tree that manifest good fruits and that will be manifested by what we say.
Remember Luke 6:45..”out of the abundance of the heart, the month speaks.”

Obviously, the word of God is the seed that is sown in our spiritual heart.
The enemy having access into our spiritual hearts to plant his own seeds is concerning..

To reiterate, our spiritual heart is different from our physical heart.
It is very important to God.
It seems our spiritual heart is capable of growing both good and bad seeds.
The word of God is the spiritual seed we plant in our heart.
The enemy can also plant his own seeds in our spiritual heart.

My knowledge on our spiritual heart is still vague.
Study with me.
Share what you find.

More to come..


As periodic screams from outside my room interrupt me from doing my project.
I ponder..
What the deal about halloween?
Why do people go around dressing like ghosts or scary stuff in the name of Halloween?

Don’t get me wrong,
I like the idea of dressing up and getting candy but the negative attributed to skulls, ghastly things makesĀ  me wonder
What really the point?

Why are we giving demons an avenue to bring more havoc..
What is the spiritual connotation?
For the fact, we don’t understand the spiritual implications
makes halloween much more dangerous than we think.

If only God could open our eyes to see the spiritual implications..