Meaningless without you…

My scripture for today was Matthew 22: 37 “And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’”

Until I get to the point where I love God more than life itself, then everything about my life is pointless.

Ecc 1: 14 “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and like grasping the wind.”

Life w/o God=Vanity..(Pointless).

Only God can truly satisfy us not sex, drugs, friends, money, alcohol.. True Satisfaction comes from ALMIGHTY GOD!

Make your Life count!


Through sickness,
I found out God is a healer.
Through sorrows,
I found out God is a comforter.
Through disappointments,
I found out indeed
God works everything out for my good.
Through heartbreak,
I found out God’s love is enough.
Through the cross,
I found Salvation.
Through Grace,
I found God.
Through God,
I found LOVE!

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Inspiring Hope: Interview..

I interviewed the founder of 50strong50wise, Sheka Mansaray. Please check out the previous blog “inspiring Hope featuring 50strong50wise” to understand who am talking about in this blog post.

1. What is your dream for Sierra Leone?

My dream for Sierra Leone is…there is truly so much, I will say is to build House of prayers and schools all around the nation to build education and faith in man and woman to see their true calling on earth and know their calling to Humanity. I also hope to see the government change of thinking towards it people. I hope to renew Sierra Leone with God’s word-with the vales of faith that is coming in my life time and the next generation will see the fruitfulness of those who were the founders of the land and they will be the builders of tomorrow.

2. What keeps you grounded?

What keeps me grounded are a lot of things, I pray, I give speeches, I read the Bible and write poetry and books, I spending time with friends and family. Work on my Non-profit.

3. What is your definition of success?

My definition of success is defined by faith in Matthew 17v20. I believe with faith dreams become reality and Success seems to be connected to action. A farmer must have faith to harvest so is Successful people, they must keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. If you want to succeed in the world you must make your own opportunities as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time coming. You cannot commit any greater folly than to sit by the roadside until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence. Success takes faith and action.

4. What impact has your faith made in your life?

My faith as impact me in so many ways, coming from Sierra leone, attending school in the States, publishing books, and touring the country and meeting new people in the faith. My faith has truly given me anything I want and need because I put God first he is the driver I’m only the side passenger going with his plan and fallowing Romans 12:12 “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.” I believe in Luke 1:37 “for nothing will be impossible with God.”
5. If you had an opportunity to advice a young man cruising through life with no direction. What would you say?

If I had the opportunity to advice a young man cruising through life with no direction, I will say stay positive trying writing down all that things you need in your life and as you keep on staying positive, keep your mind busy with the list which you have made and call God to step with you in every direction. He will give you what you love, keep positive people around you.

Get a note book to write your thoughts, encourage yourself and give back to others the best you can, life is a journey some say to you to run or chase your dreams, I say to you receive it because it was already given to you it is up to have the faith to believe what you work for you will receive it all. And learn to accept the gifts that come with it in return you will be blessed for the rest of your days.

To my heart Throb!

Hey babe,

It’s me again o!!
I know you are like “jeez, how many blog posts will she write to me?”
So I should be studying but am on wordpress blogging to u.
I can wait to meet you cos I still have to grow in my relationship with God.
Am there, but am not completely there.

I want you to Love God more than me,
I have to Love God more than you until I get there,
am not exactly ready for you.
I don’t want us to idolize each other that we forget about our true love <GOD>

Waiting for you is hard,
Learning to put God first now makes it, worth it!

BTW..I wrote to our kids in my previous blog..
Yea, I know.. how awkward and kool at the same time.

I hope you’ll write yours when we meet.
Am praying for you babe,
Am praying for our kids and future.

Till we meet my amazing God-fearing man,

Do you see what I see?

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” (Psalm 139:14)

Have you ever looked at someone for the first time and immediately, you thought in your mind that he or she is ugly or beautiful just based on their face, shape, skin color, etc.

The truth is we are all beautiful, no matter how we look on the outside.
Our outward is a temporary house, the real person is on the inside.

Until you know the real person on the inside, you don’t really know the person.
Don’t write people off because they are not attractive in your eyes.

Martin Luther King Jr said in his “I have a dream” speech… where he said that you shouldn’t judge people by their outward but by the “content of their character.”

The person on the inside is the real person not the person we think we see on the outward.
We have bought into this lie that the outward matters more.

The outward appearance can only give you a clue about the person’s character.
Get to know a person’s character.

Nobody can change the way God naturally made them.
Who are you to say God’s creation is not beautiful?

We are all beautiful.
Get to know the person on the inside first before you assume.
We rather assume because we really don’t want to take that extra time to know the real person we can’t see.

INSPIRING HOPE featuring 50strong50wise..

God blessed me with the privilege of having parents that valued education. I was never in a situation where I was kicked out of school because I didn’t pay my school fees; however, this wasn’t the case for some of my classmates. In Sierra Leone, some students starting from elementary school to high schools are sent home, if their parents can’t afford their school fees.

Meet Sheka Mansaray..

  founder of 50strong50wise, a college  senior trying to opens doors for a better future for young students in Sierra Leone.

His mission:

Take education away from an African child and that kid has no chance in this world. Apart from God, education is the only cure out of poverty. An uneducated child is doomed for a life streaked with poverty and no Hope. Every child deserves a fair chance in this world.

How you can help? Go to and Donate or Spread the word to others who can help. God bless you.

Dear future Kids,

Dear future Kids,

Mom here. I know, you will probably think it is lame that am writing you a letter before you are born..hang on, I have a lot to tell you already.

Well, I am 24yrs as am I writing you this letter. I pray God will allow me someday to see everyone of you. You see..God controls my fate. I have devoted my life to him cos only him can truly satisfy. When I meet you all, I will teach the importance of knowing God and putting him first before everything else. Btw, I can’t wait to meet your daddy, I haven’t met him yet. I can’t focus on your daddy just yet, you know.. There’s so much I have to accomplish before I start thinking about your father and you all.

I can’t wait to kiss you boo-boos, drive some of you to soccer practice, read a bath time story and much more. There’s time for everything tho. Right now is time for me to be single and allow God be first in my life before God brings your daddy into my life. I will update you when I meet your daddy! Oh joy! I love your daddy already u know.. I have to patient tho.. You know every attractive man is not your daddy. I am so careful about who I date cos the person could easily be your daddy after we get married. I want the best daddy for you all that’s why am waiting for God to bring me the best man. I want a man that loves God with all of his heart first and  love his family next. I am extremely careful, I don’t want to make a mistake with this decision cos whatever I decide will affect your lives for good or bad.

I sincerely want God to bless me with a good man that together, we will enrich your lives. Your mom is naturally adventurous, u will soon find out. I pray God will bless me with the gift of been your mother, so we can go on some adventures together. I pray that I will do my best to be the best mom to you. The last few yrs were very rough with me; however, I persevered cos I don’t want anyone of you to go through the same things I went through. As I fight for the future I want, it warms my heart that am fighting for you.

If God allows I see great things for all of us. I want God to bless me with a family that love God hungrily and live to help others. Life is all about using your challenges as a motivator to make it easier on somebody else. When daddy comes, we will write you a letter. I can’t wait to meet your daddy again. Your dad is a lucky man, you know (LOL means laugh out loud just in case it gets odd by the time you read this letter). I pray for you and your daddy often. I can wait for all of us to finally meet someday. Till that day, God first!

future mom! (Your amazing mom patiently waiting for your daddy)