Why we Feel Embarrassed?

We feel embarrassed because we are scared of what people think about us.
So you climbed the stairs and fell. What is the big deal if people see you falling?
Yes people will definitely laugh.
Would I laugh?
If you didn’t get hurt, I would laugh too.
Get up, laugh it off and keep on going.
There’s no need to be embarrassed.
You didn’t fall on purpose.

There are some people who try to embarrass themselves on purpose for attention.
It didn’t happen on purpose. Again, laugh it off and keep on going.
The truth is nobody wants to look stupid in front of people.
At some point in your life, you will look stupid.
You might say things the wrong way.
People get embarrassed over a lot of things.
Note: Everybody is prone to mistakes. We are not all perfect.

The bible says “the fear of man is a trap” (Proverbs 29:25).
If people weren’t there to see you falling, you wouldn’t feel embarrassed thus, it shouldn’t matter.
God’s opinion matters because he is God.
Your spouse’s opinion is important.
Your boss opinion is important because she or he pays you.
We can’t please people.
Stop being afraid of people!!

Laugh it off and Move on with your Life!

Do you see what I see?

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” (Psalm 139:14)

Have you ever looked at someone for the first time and immediately, you thought in your mind that he or she is ugly or beautiful just based on their face, shape, skin color, etc.

The truth is we are all beautiful, no matter how we look on the outside.
Our outward is a temporary house, the real person is on the inside.

Until you know the real person on the inside, you don’t really know the person.
Don’t write people off because they are not attractive in your eyes.

Martin Luther King Jr said in his “I have a dream” speech… where he said that you shouldn’t judge people by their outward but by the “content of their character.”

The person on the inside is the real person not the person we think we see on the outward.
We have bought into this lie that the outward matters more.

The outward appearance can only give you a clue about the person’s character.
Get to know a person’s character.

Nobody can change the way God naturally made them.
Who are you to say God’s creation is not beautiful?

We are all beautiful.
Get to know the person on the inside first before you assume.
We rather assume because we really don’t want to take that extra time to know the real person we can’t see.

INSPIRING HOPE featuring 50strong50wise..

God blessed me with the privilege of having parents that valued education. I was never in a situation where I was kicked out of school because I didn’t pay my school fees; however, this wasn’t the case for some of my classmates. In Sierra Leone, some students starting from elementary school to high schools are sent home, if their parents can’t afford their school fees.

Meet Sheka Mansaray..

  founder of 50strong50wise, a college  senior trying to opens doors for a better future for young students in Sierra Leone.

His mission:

Take education away from an African child and that kid has no chance in this world. Apart from God, education is the only cure out of poverty. An uneducated child is doomed for a life streaked with poverty and no Hope. Every child deserves a fair chance in this world.

How you can help? Go to www.50strong50wise.com and Donate or Spread the word to others who can help. God bless you.