Do you Really Love Him?

God loves us so much..
He proved his love on the Cross.
We say we love God all the time..
Do you really?

What have you done to show God you love him.
I am not talking about trying to please God with works
cos you can’t..
All I am saying is love is an action word.
Have you shown God you love him lately?
Does your actions show your love for God or love for yourself?

If you’re in a relationship and your partner tells you he/she loves you without ever proving it. Would you believe them?
Probably not..
It’s the same thing with our relationship with God.
We have to let our actions match our words.
Of course, God sees your heart but actions still speak louder.

Cultivating this mindset will help us make our relationship with God a top priority.

What does Jesus mean to you?

Thank you sharonvogancollins for this question.

Jesus means Life to me.
I grew up in a Christian home.
I knew all the bible stories.
Yet, I didn’t have a relationship with Him.
I did what I wanted to do.
I noticed something that brought me closer to the cross..
What was it?
I got in more trouble than my friends.
I would get in trouble with my friends..
However, I got more punished than them.
It didn’t make sense until my sophomore yr of High School in the States..
I decided to stop living a double life to pursue a deep relationship with Christ.
I am not where I want in my relationship with God but thanks be to Him that I am not where I was.

This is a good question.
To my followers “what does Jesus mean to you?”

How Great is our God Day 5..

Can you imagine a world with no air??
or can you even imagine going to a place like a gas station to buy air?
God is awesome that he knew that it would be too expensive for someone like me and some of he made air free.

What is so special about the Air we breath?
It’s oxygen..
“21% of oxygen” is found in our air (
Our cells need oxygen.

I know a lot about exercise physiology..
You need oxygen for aerobic exercise..
Our aerobic energy production produces most of our energy that we need for exercise and it is more efficient than the other two energy processes that can function without oxygen.

Apart from exercise,
every cell of our body needs oxygen..
Our Red blood cells has a protein called hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

Oxygen is very important us.
We will talk more about oxygen when we talk about the lungs.
Gas exchange takes place in the lungs..(stay tuned)

God knew that Oxygen is so important to us..
so He added it to air..
Air is Free and easily accessible

How Great is our God.