I know..

I know..
You are not like other men that just look for a pretty face, big breasts and big butts..
You want a woman whose heart is lost in God.
You want a Proverbs 31 woman.

Unlike other men..
You know beauty fades and a woman that obeys the Lord should be praised.
You seek for a wife not a girlfriend.
Your heart is so lost in God that you are seeking for a woman that God approves first.

You are one of a kind..
Guys look at you like you are crazy..
Why can’t you holla at that pretty girl out there.
They don’t understand that you see beyond looks..
Just like your father,
you are not enticed by the outward appearance when she doesn’t have a heart for Christ to match.
The world can’t comprehend why u chose to marry
in a world full of loose women.
You are different..
You are a man of Distinction and Valor.

To all True Men of God out There.. I Salute you!!!

Is this love?

Have you ever wondered why you love your family no matter how crazy they act?
For most of us, there’s nothing our family members can do to completely change how we feel about them.
God’s love as we know is a gift.
God’s love is unconditional, perfect and pure.

As you know in life there are some ppl no matter what you do will never like you.
However, they are ppl on the other hand that will love you unconditionally.
Well, how does a love like this come about??

I consider this kind of Love truly a gift from God.
This kind of love is seen in close friends, best friends..etc.

On the flip side, they are some people that deliberately hate us for one reason or the other.
I have discovered that changing yourself to get these ppl to like you is pointless.
Most of the time, these ppl have subconsciously made that choice to hate.
We can’t change anybody, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t.

At the end of the day, Love/Hate is a choice.
Some ppl will chose to love u unconditionally: That’s a gift from God.
Some ppl will chose to hate u unconditionally: Be aware there’s nothing you can do to change this cos you can’t change ppl.

All you can do is to love yourself unconditionally.
Accept the fact that God loves u unconditionally.
Until we grasp this concept, we will still be chasing after the wind.

Again, you can’t get anyone to love u.
If you try and you succeed, you will find out that the love is not real.
If ppl that used to love u eventually hate you?
They didn’t love you in the first place.
Cos true love is unconditional..
Just as the word says without conditions.

The ability to love and be loved unconditionally is a mystery.
So when someone chooses to love you unconditionally,
Don’t forget to thank God for his gift!!

Love is a gift,
Love/Hate is a choice.

“Every good and perfect gift comes from above”-James 1:17

Ready for 2013..

2012 was a very good yr for me and my family.
I am ready for 2013..
My prayer for this coming yr is found in Col 2:10
“And you are Complete in Christ, who is the head of all principality and power”
I want God to complete me in him till I am fully content in him.
I will be posting about this journey.
So please, I will like you to share any encouraging words, experiences, etc.
Anything to aid me in this journey will be appreciated.

Thank you so much to all my followers, supporters..
in the year 2012.
I appreciate your love and support.
God bless u all.

Am so excited for 2013..
By God’s grace, I will post more inspiring blogs this yr.

Merry Christmas from 9jagirl

Things my Dad didnt teach me about Christmas.
Many years ago, i was a little boy clinging to my Dad Abel Ekene Snr, as we walked together to attend a Christmas service. My Dad told me a lot about Christmas but there are things Dad didnt teach me about Christmas.

Dad never told me that Christmas was a time to drink and get drunk.

Dad never told me that Christmas was a time to have sex with whoever is willing.

Dad never told me that Christmas was a time that is about a ‘party’ without Christ.

Dad never told me that in Christmas, it dosent matter what you do as long as you ‘enjoy’ yourself.


Dad told me that Christmas is a time to love.

Dad told me that Christmas is a time to be selfless.

Dad told me that Christmas is a time to reflect and review our life.

Dad told me that Christmas is a time to draw close to God.


Things are different now. I guess Christmas has a new meaning that Dad didnt tell me his dear son, Mfon Ekene!

By Mfon Ekene

Christain Girl Move-On Checklist..

The questionnaire1. Does he have a relationship with God Yes/No

*Yes-move forward to the next question.
*No-Let him go and don’t advance to the next questions.

2.  Does God come first in his life Y/N

Yes-advance to the next question.
No-let him go and don’t go to the next question.

3. Is my time with him distracting my relationship from the Lord Y/N

Yes- let him go and don’t advance to the next question
No- advance to the next question

4.     Do you trust this guy Y/N
Y- advance to the next question
N- let him go and don’t advance to the next question.

5.   Do have doubts about this guy Y/N
Y- Let him go and don’t advance to the next question.
N-Advance to the next question

6.    Do you use google to analyze his behavior Y/N.
Y-Let him go and don’t advance to the next question
N-Advance to the next question.

7. Are you having self-esteem issues at the same time that you are talking to this guy?

Y-let him go and work on yourself
N-continue to talk to him.