You have to trust her..

Who is she?
She is your intuition.
Some people call her that “gut feeling.”

When a guy or girl does or tells you and all of a sudden, you know something is not right.
That’s her telling you something is wrong.
We all have her in the inside of us.
She will not lead you astray.
Trust her!!!

She will never tell you something that could bring harm to you or someone else.
Trust your judgment.
We all have the ability to make good decisions.


Make Up..

I remember telling myself once I fix this and that about myself, I will feel more beautiful.
The Holy Spirit was like “no, you wouldn’t. If you don’t feel beautiful now, you wouldn’t feel more beautiful once those things are fixed.”
ImageI can’t argue with the holy spirit..
There’s no external fix for low self-esteem.

A lot of women think they can cure low self-esteem by wearing a lot of make-up, getting breast implants, botox, wearing fake butts or getting injections to make their butts bigger.
Women who get breast implants because of breast cancer are an exception.

Low self-esteem is an internal problem that requires an internal intervention.
Low self-esteem can only be cured inside out not outside in.

There’s nothing wrong with wearing make-up; however, if you need to wear makeup to feel more beautiful, check yourself.