I John 4:18

“Perfect love cast out all fears.”

You know the moment when you’re dealing with something
and you just don’t know what it is..
Suddenly, God shines his light on the darkness.
And then you go “ahh, that’s better!”

To get what you really want,
you have to surrender all.
I mean ALL!!
Until, we get to the point of total submission,
then, we don’t know what true love is..

God is teaching me right now to just TRUST him.
Am the kind of person,
I like to plan ahead like my dad.
Then, I turn and look at my present condition,
and ask “Lord, how will this be?”
His answer always is.. “Edikan just TRUST me”

Faith is trusting God even when it doesn’t make sense.
Fear questions..
Faith sees it already done.
Faith allows us to stop worrying and let God be God.

if you can spend your life trusting God more than worrying..
It will be so worth it.

Someone once told me..
if you’re going to pray don’t worry.
if you’re going to worry don’t pray!


As a Christian, it is very possible to have things that we love more than God.
The bible calls those things “Idols.”
Exodus 20:3 says “You shall not have any gods before me”
God bought us with the most expensive price,
YES, he gets jealous if other things, people, hobbies, etc
take our attention from him.

Our attention should be on him,
“the author and finisher of our faith” Hebrews 12:2

God wants us all to himself.
So what or who are you idolizing?
Who is occupying that time you should be spending time with God?

Sometimes, we have to stop and evaluate our lives.

Dear Black Men,

First of all, I want to say am really a fan.
Love you all truly.
Let’s get real…

Please do us all a favor and know your identity.
You have a lot of potential,
God has blessed each and every one of you with great futures.

You’re so powerful,
I have never seen a group of people so blessed with intelligence, and creativity.
It’s so sad cos some of you don’t really know how powerful you really are.

Stop making excuses,
Nobody is your problem but you.
Don’t blame your dad, society or anything else for your present position in life.
You have a lot of potential for good works.
The problem is that some of you are trying to be each other while God has created each one of you to be unique.

I hate that some of you are not maximizing your full potential.
Your life is better in the real world than prison.
Employ wiser ways to utilize your anger.
Ending up is prison shouldn’t be your aim.
Showing your manhood shouldn’t end you in prison.

change the negative Stigma

Am tired of hearing that most of you are in Prison.
You can break this negative stigma.
Gangs will only lead you to a dead end.

You’re powerful, smart and capable of being a doctors, lawyers, engineers, and anything else you want to be.
Stop letting society define you.
Society want to infuriate you, so that you can do something stupid that will end you in prison.

Come on guys, all of you can’t be rappers or play sports.
Be more proactive not reactive

Remember, you have no excuses.
Bad decisions is not helping matters, obviously.
God created you to be Great.
You are great people that’s why you have so much attack.

Define yourself and stand by it.
Black women need you all to get it together.
If your father wasn’t in your life doesn’t mean you have to continue this trend.

Sleeping with all sorts of women doesn’t make you a man.
Sagging your pants doesn’t make you a man.
Dropping out of high school doesn’t make you a man.

Think! Pause! Prove Society Wrong!

Shooting somebody up doesn’t make you a man.
Smoking weed doesn’t make you a man.

Realize your potential.
Stop letting society define you.
You have the power to change this world around for good.
God has equipped you with good.

Let the negative aspects in your life inspire you to strive to be in a position where you can make a positive change to help someone else.
You have to break this negative stigma.

Get connected to God and let him show what it means to be a man.

Am not saying y’all are bad.
I am tired of hearing that most black men are in prison.
We can change this.
Something gotta give guys..

I see you guys as strong, powerful, creative, handsome, productive and the list goes on.

This world needs more intelligent, God-fearing and purpose driven black men..

A Huge fan!

LoVe and BeaUty

Love has nothing to do with looks..
Let’s think..
Most guys and girls even in the Christian community,
treat the search of love as a beauty contest.
For guys, the hottest girl they can get win their love.
For girls, the hottest guy that come along win their heart.

The argument is be both sided..

Nobody wants to marry someone who in their eyes is not attractive,
Yet, nobody wants to be liked just because of their looks cos it fades.

What can we do?

As a girl, do I give every guy that is interested in me a chance
in search of their character? or turn them down cos am not attracted to them?

As a Christian girl, chasing God with my whole heart should be my first priority until my man comes.

What if God’s will comes in the form of someone we are not attracted to?

How are we suppose to overlook this superficial dilemma?

As a man, Prov. 31 should be your guide in the search for your bride.

How can you overlook beauty to character?

Honestly, I don’t want to turn God’s will down.
I think buying into the world’s form of beauty has clouded
our vision to how God really sees beauty.

1 Sam 16:7 -But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height,
for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

God looks at the inside to determine beauty.
We should care more about the inside of the person.
The outward matters too but in time,
it will fade.

Charm is deceitful and beauty fades,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised-Prov 31:30

I really like to hear what you have to share on this topic, pls support your response with a bible verse.


Billy Graham said, “Most of us do not understand nuclear fission, but we accept it. I don’t understand television, but I accept it. I don’t understand radio, but every week my voice goes out around the world, and I accept it. Why is it so easy to accept all these man-made miracles and so difficult to accept the miracles of the Bible?”

My birthday Tomorrow..

My birthday is tomorrow. For some reason, I will feel like I have failed God, my family and myself for my present position in life right now. Questions like “God you know how hard I worked hard and how I tried to make time for you.” I did everything in my power to conquer failure but at the end that was my result.

The last few years has taught me the power of my thoughts. I can use my mind to build or destroy my future. That’s exactly what happened, I used my mind prior to me starting this journey to destroy my own future. The bible says he has set before us blessings and curses (Deu 30:19). We have the power to chose. Yes, we have already made our decisions by our thoughts. I choose to nurture failure, fear, defeat that wasn’t his will for me. I nurtured it in the womb of my mind till I conceived it. I am not who people say I am, I am who I created myself to be by my thoughts

A wise book taught me not to blame others for my mistakes. The bible says “as a man thinks in his heart so is he”-Prov. 23:7 This scripture is absolutely true. My life conceived my thoughts and reflected how I really saw myself. It showed the depth of my unbelief to not cast my cares upon him. God’s word is black and white with no hidden secrets except mysteries that are yet to be revealed.

What am I trying to say? I am living the reality, I imagined. What are you imagining? Where is your imagination taking you? My motivation to study day-in and out was because I wanted to conquer failure. Failure consumed my thoughts with every waking moments. I’d channel my life around my class room and the library. I cut off most of my friends because of the fear of failure. It dominated my thoughts that nothing else mattered to me than studying not to show myself approved unto God but to undermined my thoughts. I thought if I studied more, I defeat this impending doom.

My motivation to please God in my studies became a minority in my thought life while fear became the majority. I studied in and out. It really wasn’t going anywhere because if you don’t pause to defeat fear, the enemy will use it in such a way to defeat you. I mediated on 2 Tim 1: 7 “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind”…but I didn’t study it long enough to completely wither the thoughts.

The enemy will tell you fear is ok. My brothers and sisters in Christ don’t buy into that lie. Fear is antagonist to Faith. The enemy responds to fear. God responds to Faith. Fear gives the enemy access into our lives. Faith moves God to do something. Fear is a spirit, and God has not given us such spirit. God has already equipped us with everything we need to be successful. Colossians 2:10 says we are “complete in him”.. are u? Am I?

I am learning to grasp the future I want by changing my thinking to line up with God’s word. In a few hours, I will celebrate another one yr added to me. Yes, I am not where I want to be at this age but am optimistic about tomorrow because I know who holds my future.


Lessons Life has Taught me..

1. The spiritual world controls the physical. You’ll accomplish more praying than complaining.
2. True friends are a gift from God. You can’t get anyone to like you. True friends will love you unconditionally. Seasonal friends will come, but true friends will last.
3. The man for you wouldn’t deliberately hurt you.
4. The person that tries to hurt you is already hurting themselves.
5. If you care what everybody thinks about you, it means you’re insecure in your own self. You don’t know your identity in Christ.
6. Never care what others think more than what God and you thinks. God knows you more than yourself. You know yourself more than others. Others can only guess.
7. Caring about what others think undermines what God thinks about you.
8. Your life is a product of your own thinking.
9. You make excuses cos you don’t want to take responsibility for your own actions.
10. There’s a spirit attached to every sin.
11. People that compare themselves to others are already insecure in themselves.
12. Everybody experiences some kind of difficulty in their life. Nobody has it easy.
13. The decisions you make today will affect your kids tomorrow.
14. It is easy to put things in prospective when you live for eternity.
15. For some reason, some people wouldn’t like you. It happens to everyone. That’s their problem. Don’t carry their problem and make it yours.
16. Some men seek beauty to find love. Best way is to seek God, everything you need is found in him.
17. Your emotions are products of your own thoughts.

More to come..