Nigerian Tag (Blog Version)

1-What’s your nigerian name?
2-Were you Born in Nigeria?
3-Favourite Nigerian movie?
*Osuofia in London
4-Favourite nigerian song?

5-Favourite Nigerian food?
*Fried plantain and beans.
7-When was the last time you were in Nigeria?
* more than 5 yrs ago.
8-What tribe are you?
* Ibibio

9-Say something in your tribal language?
Abadie (how are u?)
What do you like most about nigeria?
*Our funny people
What do you hate most about Nigeria?
*The leaders
Do you have any Nigerian Nicknames?
*Asian (believe it not this means something in my language)..
What makes you different from other Nigerians?
*hmm…I don’t know.
Do you speak your language?

Do you speak pidgin English?
*I try lol!
What around your house represents your culture?
*My family portrait in our African attire
What is a ridiculous question you were asked about your culture?
*Is (803) the area code of Nigeria?

INSPIRING HOPE featuring 50strong50wise..

God blessed me with the privilege of having parents that valued education. I was never in a situation where I was kicked out of school because I didn’t pay my school fees; however, this wasn’t the case for some of my classmates. In Sierra Leone, some students starting from elementary school to high schools are sent home, if their parents can’t afford their school fees.

Meet Sheka Mansaray..

  founder of 50strong50wise, a college  senior trying to opens doors for a better future for young students in Sierra Leone.

His mission:

Take education away from an African child and that kid has no chance in this world. Apart from God, education is the only cure out of poverty. An uneducated child is doomed for a life streaked with poverty and no Hope. Every child deserves a fair chance in this world.

How you can help? Go to and Donate or Spread the word to others who can help. God bless you.

Nigerian Students in USA

God has blessed each and every one of us with endless opportunities by allowing us to school in the States. He gave us this platform, so we can go back to our country and give back. Let us build a generation of Nigerian students that don’t only care about helping themselves here but also, the people back at home. It is least you can do for your mother land.

Get your education and start now to think about how you will contribute to help your country.

We always talk about how someone could do this or that but we never consider that we could be the “someone.” After you graduate, it doesn’t matter how much money you make, if you don’t use your education or money to enhance your country then, you coming here is a waste.

We are the future of Nigeria.
It is our responsibility to do something!

Mother Africa

Dear Mother Africa,

I am one of your children.
My heart saddens for your children,
and you haven’t done anything.

You’re a mother,
Do you weep when you see lots of your children
deficient of basic life necessities
like clean water, food and shelter?
We have been exploited, scorned, mistreated
and many heartless things have been done to us.

Momma, have u seen?

We are hated for been black.
The world says our skin color is not pretty enough.
We are maltreated for facts,
we didn’t choose.

Why do they hate us so much?

Living in your continent has brought so much pain.
Why were we chosen to go through this much pain?
We are just kids.
No kid deserve a perilous childhood
coupled with an uncertain future.

Every child deserves their father and mother present
showering them with love.
Every child deserve clean water, shelter, light and
free education.
How can we make u proud when we have to fight
for our lives everyday.

Do you care about us?

Some of us are all alone because
we lost our parents and loved ones to war.
No kid should grow up alone in a very scary world.

Mama, do you care about us at all?
We are not asking for much,
we just want the basic.
Can u just promise us the basic?
Can u?

We want your countries,
free of wars
Living in peace
caring for its citizens
and future.

For once,
show us we matter.

The children of Africa