
On this special day, am glad to say. I am officially done with Undergrad..
All I can say is To God be Glory!!!

I faced a lot of challenges in my college career..
I felt all sorts of emotions.
But God…
God gave me strength in the midst of turmoil.
Imagine working so hard for something
and with a blink of an eye,
it all disappears.
People have laughed, scorned, and many words have been spoken against me.
But God..
Why should I still be happy after all I have gone through?
Am still happy cos God is no respecter of persons.
His will and Glory is coming out from this broken road.

On this Note..
I say Again… Thank you Jesus.
I give the glory back to You.


2010-2011 were harder years on me emotionally.
Thank God, 2012 was much better.
Am counting my blessings.
By tomorrow, I will be taking my last exam as an undergrad.
I give all the Glory to God
These yrs in college were good and bad..
Am glad, this journey is coming to an end and another phase of my life is beginning.
To God be the Glory!!

Wise Up Women:

The man is the person that pursues in the relationship. A woman must NEVER give the man sex if he is chasing her.
If the man is really interested in her he will keep pursuing her until he marries her.
Once you women give the man sex, he has conquered you and why should he settle down with you and commit when you gave him the most valuble, physical intimate connection, sex?
Once you give him that he has conquered you and now why settle when he knows how you are and wants to see something better that is out there?
Women wise up, he will not stay. If he really wants you he will pursue to marry.
If not he will give up which shows you it is about the sex. This eliminates all of the men who are trying to knock you off.
Women seek Jesus, live right and the man of God, the right man will pursue you. You desire what you are.

By: Shafarr Holierthanthou Savoy

What a guy said..

I was talking to some Christian guys about how females dress.
One of the guys said “I like girls that dress modestly. Modesty is attractive. “

There you go ladies, I didn’t say it. Modesty is very attractive. We have to constantly ask the Lord to help cos it is hard, I know!! I like to dress cute but if my cute dressing is going to cos a guy to stumble then, I need to change it.

Christian ladies: Modesty is our fashion Trend!! Join this trend!

Signs He is not God’s will for you..

1. He doesn’t have an intimate relationship with God*
2. He doesn’t respect your boundaries.
3. Staying with him compromises your values.
4. Your relationship with him doesn’t enhance your relationship with God.
5. He tries to pressure you into having sex before marriage.
6. He compares you to other girls, you are never good enough for him.
7. He doesn’t like you just the way you are*

*Huge Sign:
God will never give you someone that doesn’t have a relationship with him first.
God will always give you someone that like you just the way you are.

Red flags he is not into you..

Guys are simple yet complex..
If he is not into you:

1. He wouldn’t initiate contact (calling, texting, emailing or taking time to see you). That’s the big one. This is a huge red flag that this guy is not into you. No matter how busy, if he likes you..he will make time for you.
2. He ignores your calls, texts, messages, etc..

This is not a long list but if this two things happen; forget it.. He is not into you.
Best thing to do:
1. Don’t msg, text or call (this only makes you look desperate)..
2. Move on, God has someone better.
3. Take this time to love yourself. Loving yourself is the first step to true love..

My Top Reasons for Abstaining…

Image1. I want my children to know and have a relationship with their father.
2. I don’t want to put my children in a situation where they already feel rejected and abandoned by their father.
3. I want a good male role model for my sons, if God bless me with sons.
4. I am worth more than a one night stand.
5. My love deserves a lifelong commitment
6. God respects sex in the institution of marriage.
7. I don’t want any ungodly soul ties.
8. I want a life free of STD’s and ETD’s (Emotional Transmitted Diseases)
9. My body is God’s temple.
10. I don’t want to be a single parent.
11. To rise above the status quo.
12. Cos I want my honeymoon night to be hot.
13. I want my daughters to be taught by their daddy how they ought to be treated by men.
14. Most importantly, I want to obey God!!

*Your love deserves a lifelong commitment before benefits. Why don’t you consider abstaining today?

Lessons College has taught me..

Am graduating in 8days..
God has been faithful to me.
1. Trust no-one but God and myself.
2. True friends will stick around no matter what..
3. True friends will always have your back.
4. Some Professors don’t like you.. You have to work hard.
5. Prayer is your best friend.
6. Exercise: your body needs this to relieve stress.
7. Procrastination will hurt you bad.
8. Don’t assume anything. Prepare!! Prepare! This is the best way to prevent a lifeĀ  full of regrets.
9. Some ppl wouldn’t like you. Don’t take it personally..It’s a reflection of their own insecurity.
10. Getting the A’s is how you fight for the future you want.
11. Have a balance b/w school life and social life. One greater than the other can be traumatic.
12. Party at your own risk: anything can happen at that party hall.
13. Study hard
14. College is best time you get to learn about time management.
15. Get involved with school activities that helps with networking.
16. If you still compare yourself to others, you still insecure about yourself.
17. Don’t limit yourself to a certain group of people. Learn to get to know other people different from you.
18. Find a study method that works..stick to it.
19. Avoid drama..a stress free life is the way to go in College.
20. Don’t make excuses. Learn from your mistakes and move on!
21. Put in your all if you still fail..at least you know you gave it your all.
22. Good friends will tell the truth no matter what.
23. Your significant other might not meet you in college. It’s ok!! You will meet someone someday.
24. Positive thinking is the best way to think in college no matter the situation.
25. Watch the company you keep cos your friends are pieces of you.
26. Persist to get your degree no matter the situation.
27. If you have photographic memory, you need to continue studying even after the test to get the info in your long-term memory.