Modesty is attractive..
You can look classy without looking trashy.
Pictures from Style Pantry on facebook
Check her out on facebook to see more pics.
Modesty is attractive..
You can look classy without looking trashy.
Pictures from Style Pantry on facebook
Check her out on facebook to see more pics.
Ladies today’s message is for you…
someone sent a message to me last night
and i always see this problem with women on my Facebook.
In the the message sent to me she ask for a favor to pray for her to find a husband.
I prayed for her
…Later when i look at her pictures on Facebook all i saw was “backside, butt, booty and her face , don’t get me wrong she is a beautiful woman, however it can just be the only gift God must have given her, she was not showing others things she may be proud of….anyways it seems she was more proud of her butt or booty…
I say to you if you are looking for a Godly man you have to show your self like a Godly woman,
..Ps be in a look out for my book (“Excellency of a Godly woman”)
the bible said we should treat our body ” holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”
Romans 12:1 when you are showing your backside you are telling the boys you are still a young girl, so why will a man take a look at you to be his wife?
the bible said in the book of Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”
showing the world your naked body is not finding favor from God,
I don’t know about you but if i see my future wife dress like it Friday night all the time? something will have change for sure,
i don’t think i will look at you or bring you home to meet my family or bring you home to be favor by the Lord.
The way you dress shows if you are ready to be woman at home or a Friday night girl in the streets,
However when you change you are telling the world you are a new woman, ”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come”2 Corinthians 5:17.
I pray you find your new self in our Lord Christ be bless and cover the body for your future husband.
Written by: Sheka Mansaray
My comment: Let the church say… Amen!!!
I was talking to some Christian guys about how females dress.
One of the guys said “I like girls that dress modestly. Modesty is attractive. “
There you go ladies, I didn’t say it. Modesty is very attractive. We have to constantly ask the Lord to help cos it is hard, I know!! I like to dress cute but if my cute dressing is going to cos a guy to stumble then, I need to change it.
Christian ladies: Modesty is our fashion Trend!! Join this trend!