What a guy said..

I was talking to some Christian guys about how females dress.
One of the guys said “I like girls that dress modestly. Modesty is attractive. “

There you go ladies, I didn’t say it. Modesty is very attractive. We have to constantly ask the Lord to help cos it is hard, I know!! I like to dress cute but if my cute dressing is going to cos a guy to stumble then, I need to change it.

Christian ladies: Modesty is our fashion Trend!! Join this trend!

Signs He is not God’s will for you..

1. He doesn’t have an intimate relationship with God*
2. He doesn’t respect your boundaries.
3. Staying with him compromises your values.
4. Your relationship with him doesn’t enhance your relationship with God.
5. He tries to pressure you into having sex before marriage.
6. He compares you to other girls, you are never good enough for him.
7. He doesn’t like you just the way you are*

*Huge Sign:
God will never give you someone that doesn’t have a relationship with him first.
God will always give you someone that like you just the way you are.

Red flags he is not into you..

Guys are simple yet complex..
If he is not into you:

1. He wouldn’t initiate contact (calling, texting, emailing or taking time to see you). That’s the big one. This is a huge red flag that this guy is not into you. No matter how busy, if he likes you..he will make time for you.
2. He ignores your calls, texts, messages, etc..

This is not a long list but if this two things happen; forget it.. He is not into you.
Best thing to do:
1. Don’t msg, text or call (this only makes you look desperate)..
2. Move on, God has someone better.
3. Take this time to love yourself. Loving yourself is the first step to true love..

My Top Reasons for Abstaining…

Image1. I want my children to know and have a relationship with their father.
2. I don’t want to put my children in a situation where they already feel rejected and abandoned by their father.
3. I want a good male role model for my sons, if God bless me with sons.
4. I am worth more than a one night stand.
5. My love deserves a lifelong commitment
6. God respects sex in the institution of marriage.
7. I don’t want any ungodly soul ties.
8. I want a life free of STD’s and ETD’s (Emotional Transmitted Diseases)
9. My body is God’s temple.
10. I don’t want to be a single parent.
11. To rise above the status quo.
12. Cos I want my honeymoon night to be hot.
13. I want my daughters to be taught by their daddy how they ought to be treated by men.
14. Most importantly, I want to obey God!!

*Your love deserves a lifelong commitment before benefits. Why don’t you consider abstaining today?

Do you see what I see?

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” (Psalm 139:14)

Have you ever looked at someone for the first time and immediately, you thought in your mind that he or she is ugly or beautiful just based on their face, shape, skin color, etc.

The truth is we are all beautiful, no matter how we look on the outside.
Our outward is a temporary house, the real person is on the inside.

Until you know the real person on the inside, you don’t really know the person.
Don’t write people off because they are not attractive in your eyes.

Martin Luther King Jr said in his “I have a dream” speech… where he said that you shouldn’t judge people by their outward but by the “content of their character.”

The person on the inside is the real person not the person we think we see on the outward.
We have bought into this lie that the outward matters more.

The outward appearance can only give you a clue about the person’s character.
Get to know a person’s character.

Nobody can change the way God naturally made them.
Who are you to say God’s creation is not beautiful?

We are all beautiful.
Get to know the person on the inside first before you assume.
We rather assume because we really don’t want to take that extra time to know the real person we can’t see.

I John 4:18

“Perfect love cast out all fears.”

You know the moment when you’re dealing with something
and you just don’t know what it is..
Suddenly, God shines his light on the darkness.
And then you go “ahh, that’s better!”

To get what you really want,
you have to surrender all.
I mean ALL!!
Until, we get to the point of total submission,
then, we don’t know what true love is..

God is teaching me right now to just TRUST him.
Am the kind of person,
I like to plan ahead like my dad.
Then, I turn and look at my present condition,
and ask “Lord, how will this be?”
His answer always is.. “Edikan just TRUST me”

Faith is trusting God even when it doesn’t make sense.
Fear questions..
Faith sees it already done.
Faith allows us to stop worrying and let God be God.

if you can spend your life trusting God more than worrying..
It will be so worth it.

Someone once told me..
if you’re going to pray don’t worry.
if you’re going to worry don’t pray!

My partner

My partner is ahead of me, in front and not beside me.

I look up to my partner, and I see great things.

My partner leads me by the hand, and encourages me to look to
the hills from whence cometh my help.

My partner never reminds of past mistakes, but rather insists
that I learn from them, grow, and press ahead.

My partner never shuns or degrades me, but motivates and
inspires me to higher heights.

My partner stretches me farther than I want to go, and often
takes me out of my comfort zone.

My partner speaks to me, and inspires me to continue forward and
become all who God has predestined me to be.

When the world is silent, my partner speaks loud and clear, or even
whispers in my ear, “You can make it.”

My partner holds me at night, during those quiet times of unrest,
my partner rests my soul.

My partner embraces me, surrounds me and never lets me go.
My partner steers and directs me; it won’t let me go astray.

My partner is always right beside me, forever here to stay.
For my partner is my future, and my future is secure.

As bright as the morning star, causing me, each day, to endure.

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God
in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

By: Kim Brooks