You’re that Girl..

Most ladies who watch this proposal wish they were that girl.
You know what? We are that girl.
Ladies, we deserve guys who really love us.
No one can understand love.
Love is not a feeling.
When I see people in their old age holding hands..That’s love!
We deserve the best.
God wants to give us the best but first, we have to know our worth to get the best.
True love starts with God because God is love.

Society tells us to buy love with our looks but LOVE IS PRICELESS.
A Gift that only comes from God.

Ladies, our worth is in Christ not in a man, looks, degrees or anything else.

Please don’t settle for anything less than the best because you deserve to be that Girl! 

Guys are not SCARCE: Don’t FIGHT FOR A Cheater

Please ladies, we are too sophisticated to fight for a man.
I am fully aware that we outnumber men in this world that doesn’t mean we should fight their battles.

If he cheats on you..
Your battle is with HIM and not the lady he cheated on you with.
I don’t know why most women attack the lady and not the Man.
I am not saying you should fight the man either because you too sophisticated for that too..
The man should be faithful and obviously, he wasn’t.
Again, your battle is with the man.

If you still decide to fight..
Why are you fighting for a cheater?
Let me capitalize on the word CHEATER!!!
Most women don’t want a cheater.
Why are you fighting for one?
I know it hurts to feel used, manipulated and cheated on but face the fact “HE is a Cheater.”
Do you want a cheater?
The answer should be no..

Please ladies, I am begging you for our dignity.
Let’s stop fighting each other for a man.
If he is not willing to fight for you; he is not worth your time.
I don’t want a man who cheats on me.
I certainly don’t want to fight for a man who cheats on me.

To be honest, guys don’t respect girls who fight for them.
They think you are desperate to fight for them.
Remember this: Guys are not scarce.
Guys want girls who respect themselves.
Respect yourself, cry in your closet and let the cheater go.
It’s not worth it, fighting for a man who cheats on you.

We have to know our worth.
Our price is far above rubies.