A Letter to my followers..

Dear Followers,

Thank you so much for your likes, comments, messages and shares.
2014 was a great year for 9jagirl4real.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me.
I appreciate each and every one of you.
I wish you all a very happy and blissful New Year.

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Single Ladies, Get Higher!

“Who God has for you is for you and will only have eyes for you”-  Kim Brooks

If he says.. he likes you but he has wandering eyes (watch out)..
Indirectly, he is telling you are not what he wants.
Guys will continue to search for what they want until they find it.

Your Boaz-man should only have eyes for you.
Boaz was a rich man, he could have had any woman he wanted but his eyes were only on Ruth.
He wasn’t checking out Ruth and another servant girl. 

We will settle for any guy if we don’t know our identity in Christ.
Low self-esteem women are also prone to settling..

Know your identity in Christ and use that to build up your self-esteem.

I challenge you to get higher in your relationship with God and self-esteem before your next relationship.

God wants the best for us. 
We will never meet God’s best for us.. if we keep settling for the counterfeits.