Letter to one of my Friends,

Dear friend,

I cannot thank you enough for your sacrifice for me this week.
This week was tough physically and emotionally.
Of course, I had to talk to my sister.
Most importantly, I had to talk to God.
I called you up and asked you if you will sacrifice a day without food to pray for me.
You did.
I have never had a anyone do this with me.
For the first time in my life, I have a true friend.
When my sister was around, she helped me out a lot.
When love took her away, I felt all alone and empty.
Our friendship is not perfect; however, I am thankful for it.

For the first time in my life, I have a true friend.
It’s a blessing to call you my friend.
I pray God makes me a better friend to you.

A Ted Talk Review: The Gift of Blindness By Cobhams Asuquo

I recently watched a Ted talk by Cobhams Asuquo. He spoke about the gift of blindness.
Here are some of the things I learnt from his Ted talk.

1. Do not excuse failure for any reason on any account.
2. Failure will come the same way it comes; we have to see to it that it goes.
3. Excusing failure by blaming it on a systematic flaw, we miss the opportunity to scale through the seemingly insurmountable obstacles to elevate ourselves and elevate others.
4. Learn to trust even for no reason. Trust has no expiration date.
5. Sight sometimes is a distraction. On your way to your destination what you see can be a big distraction.
6. Learn to be blind not literally in order to be focused.

Click here to watch this Ted talk.
I love Ted talks. Please look out for more Ted talks reviews on my blog.
Thank you!

You’re that Girl..

Most ladies who watch this proposal wish they were that girl.
You know what? We are that girl.
Ladies, we deserve guys who really love us.
No one can understand love.
Love is not a feeling.
When I see people in their old age holding hands..That’s love!
We deserve the best.
God wants to give us the best but first, we have to know our worth to get the best.
True love starts with God because God is love.

Society tells us to buy love with our looks but LOVE IS PRICELESS.
A Gift that only comes from God.

Ladies, our worth is in Christ not in a man, looks, degrees or anything else.

Please don’t settle for anything less than the best because you deserve to be that Girl!