How is Great is Our God Day 2

During my undergrad, I got an opportunity to see an health care professional work with a stroke patient. She educated me about what she was doing, I couldn’t stop to think that we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

As you know stroke affects one side of your body. Basically, one side of your body becomes affected, you can’t do what you could before with that side of the body.

Stroke happens when there is less blood flow to your brain due to a narrowed artery or an artery that burst open. The right side of your brain control the left side of your body and the left side of your brain controls the right side. So the side of the brain that is affected will determine which side will lose function. For more info (

The healthcare professional was working with this patient on their affected side of the body to get it to function again. While she was working with this patient, she showed how the other side (unaffected) tried to compensate for the functioning lost in the affected side. As the patient was trying to do stuff with the affected side the unaffected side was also trying to do the same thing to help the affected side.

God knew that we would go through challenges that’s why he set up compensatory mechanisms to help us adapt.

How GREAT is our GOD!!

How Great is our God Day 1

The Law of Gravity..

Can you imagine earth without this law?
We would all be floating without it.
I know the idea of floating sounds kool.
If we were constantly floating could have we been able to do all the things we can do today?
Of course, if Gravity didn’t exist,
God would have created another law that would have made our lives easier.

If we were constantly floating would we have cars?
Floating cars??

Obviously, it’s hard for me to imagine life without gravity.
Take a minute, imagine ur life without gravity?
What kind of life would it be?

Do you think we could survive like this?

God is so Great that he made this earth with a law that makes our life easier.
How Great is our GOD!!

How Great is our God Series..

For the rest of the days in 2013.
I will be focusing on God’s Greatness on this Blog.
My mind is so quick to think about the wickedness of the enemy that I forget about God’s greatness.

Colossians 2:10b-God is the head of all principality and powers.

Pls follow me as I educate myself on God’s Greatness.
In fact, the fact u r alive shows God’s Greatness!!!

How fine is your Man?


We see a Black man and our heads start spinning.. LOL!!
There’s nothing wrong in thinking a guy is attractive.
However, check yourself that you don’t lust.

We are only suppose to lust after our husbands.
If you don’t have a husband,
you probably shouldn’t be lusting after anybody.

Girl, go beyond looks,
Does he love the Lord?
Not just go to Church,
does he have an intimate relationship with the Lord?

Guys are getting smart these days..
Some guys don’t just go to church,
they go to meet ladies.
We have to be wise,
going to church or singing in the choir is not enough.

You be the judge..
With the leadership of the holy spirit,
you will know if this guy is legit or not..

Please look beyond looks..
Check out his character.
What is his character telling you about him?
Pray about it.

Cos a black_man_praying  that puts God first should be PRAISED!!


Dear Christian Girl,

If you are in a relationship with a guy or pursuing anything leading to a relationship
and the guy’s priority is not to please God in your relationship.

Take Time..

I know you are expecting me to say to evaluate the relationship.
No, I’ll say evaluate your relationship with the Lord.
I say evaluate your relationship with the Lord cos He is a jealous God,
He will never give us someone that takes our attention away Him.

Also, if your priority is not to please God in this relationship..
Again, re-evaluate your relationship with the Lord.
Remember God should be glorified in everything we do.
If God is not glorified. Why are u in it??
Think about it!

This msg is also for me,
don’t compromise on your relationship with the Lord.
God first-Matt 6:33

Deal or No Deal?

Have u ever made a deal with the Lord?
I don’t know if it is a good idea or not. deal-or-no-deal-4 Well, I just made one with the Lord not to question his power; however, so I can know his perfect will. I have hung on to worthless things for too long, it is time to let God be God.

Jer 29:11-For he knows the thoughts he has towards us, thought of good and not of evil to bring us to an expected end.

Say Cheese..

snapshot(13)When I was younger, I didn’t like taking pics because I didn’t like the way I looked in them.
Now, am looking bk..
I missed a lot of precious moments, I could have captured to show my kids later in life.

You know the deal about moments, if you don’t capture them when you can, it passes you by. Don’t let insecurities cheat you from capturing those precious life moments you can’t never have bk.

Life is in phases..
If you don’t capture it,
it passes you by.

So..snap away!!