
prayerOh Lord,

May my head always think about you..
May my eyes always see you..
May my nose always smell your sweet aroma.
May my ears always hear your voice.
May my mouth always speak about you.
May my heart always beat for you only.
May my lungs always breath for you.
May my hands always do your will.
May my legs always walk to your presence.

I pray everything in me will PRAISE you oh Lord!!

What is Worship?

Worship is loving the people who hate me.
Worship is getting and digging into your word regardless of how I feel.
Worship is to respect my Godly parents.
Worship is praying blessings upon the people who hurt me.
Worship is forgiving the people who hurt me the most.
Worship is laying down my pride for your will in my life.
Worship is not allowing my emotions to control me.
Worship is choosing your way over mine.

Worship goes beyond lifting our hands and closing our eyes to a slow song.
Worship is simply obeying God.

Worshiping God should be our lifestyle.
In everything we do, we need to worship God.

How do you think God defines Worship?
Does our definition of worship match God’s definition of Worship?

How Great is Our God Day 8

50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream..
Today President Obama is a 2nd Term President.
Never in my lifetime did I think something like this would happen.
MLK jr’s dream came true today.
Today makes History!!

This verse comes to mind..
“God uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise”- I Cor. 1:27

How Great is Our GOD!!!!

How Great is our God Day 5..

Can you imagine a world with no air??
or can you even imagine going to a place like a gas station to buy air?
God is awesome that he knew that it would be too expensive for someone like me and some of he made air free.

What is so special about the Air we breath?
It’s oxygen..
“21% of oxygen” is found in our air (
Our cells need oxygen.

I know a lot about exercise physiology..
You need oxygen for aerobic exercise..
Our aerobic energy production produces most of our energy that we need for exercise and it is more efficient than the other two energy processes that can function without oxygen.

Apart from exercise,
every cell of our body needs oxygen..
Our Red blood cells has a protein called hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

Oxygen is very important us.
We will talk more about oxygen when we talk about the lungs.
Gas exchange takes place in the lungs..(stay tuned)

God knew that Oxygen is so important to us..
so He added it to air..
Air is Free and easily accessible

How Great is our God.

Tough Decisions..

I had to decide..
I didn’t want to make this decision.
But I knew that at some point, I had to woman up and make it.
It was tough,
My emotions were screaming <what are u doing?>
I ignored my emotions,
I did what needed done,

After, I decided..
I asked myself..
Did you make the right decision?
Of course..I couldn’t answer that question till Now..
It’s still hard but it is getting easier as the days go by.
I look back just a week later..

Finally, I can say..
I made the right decision.
God first.
I can’t compromise!!

How GREAT is our GOD Day 3..

I found this amazing story written one of my friends on fb. I can’t share the person’s name.

“A man who is about 24 years old is walking down the street homeless for over almost 4 years now. Asking people for food and money. This man was not a man of ignorance or negativity. He just lost his home due to a major fire from the inside of his house. This man lost his two twin daughters and his wife of 8 years in the fire. He survived but now has nothing.”

One day, this man went to the a gas station up the street to find more people to give him something to eat. He ran into this young lady. This young lady was about 22 years old. She was in college and had alot going for her. So the homeless man went up to her and asked her “What is the matter why is she so sad? She answered: “I lost my job, my grades are not good, my parents dont listen to me and I just broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years.” The man replied and said “Sorry to hear that. I just have one thing to say to you. From what I hear your going through a lot of things right now but trust me when I say its not gonna end this way. You still have a chance for something greater in life so your should hold your pretty face up high and continue on with life. Coming from experience, IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!I am a homeless man out here begging for food and money.

Trust me, there is a whole lot you should be thankful for in the process. I am not the best person to share bible scripture with, but the last scripture I read keeps me going and I hope that it blesses you. It says: For I know the plans that I have for you declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
The young lady was so blessed by the message he gave her. She gave him great thanks by taking him to get something to eat and actually bought him a gift card to shop for clothes.

Ending of this message, the homeless man went to church one day and gave his life to christ! He ended up living with the pastor who gave him a job at his funeral home. So on TODAY, this homeless man is now running his own business, has a two story house in the suburbs, and is currently engaged to be married to his new wife to be.

Whats so amazing about this short story is not only do I know this man, but it shows me that no matter if your a crackhead, prostitute, etc. God gets pleasure in using this so-called names to be a blessing and a true example of TRUST AND FAITH! People like this man are a mystery to God. It just proves that he can take anyone and turn their life around.


Written by: a friend on Facebook

What can I say?! How Great is our GOD!!!!

How is Great is Our God Day 2

During my undergrad, I got an opportunity to see an health care professional work with a stroke patient. She educated me about what she was doing, I couldn’t stop to think that we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

As you know stroke affects one side of your body. Basically, one side of your body becomes affected, you can’t do what you could before with that side of the body.

Stroke happens when there is less blood flow to your brain due to a narrowed artery or an artery that burst open. The right side of your brain control the left side of your body and the left side of your brain controls the right side. So the side of the brain that is affected will determine which side will lose function. For more info (

The healthcare professional was working with this patient on their affected side of the body to get it to function again. While she was working with this patient, she showed how the other side (unaffected) tried to compensate for the functioning lost in the affected side. As the patient was trying to do stuff with the affected side the unaffected side was also trying to do the same thing to help the affected side.

God knew that we would go through challenges that’s why he set up compensatory mechanisms to help us adapt.

How GREAT is our GOD!!