Africa 101: International Nelson Mandela Day

Today is International Nelson Mandela Day
Here is a timeline showcasing the life of Nelson Mandela shared by Jack K.


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To support Nelson Mandela Day.. please like and share this post on your blog.

Thank you Sir for fighting for my brothers and sisters in South Africa.

Thank you for your emails…

I can’t begin to describe how much your emails mean to me.
Just when I feel like quitting this blogging thing, I get an email from one of you telling me how this blog is impacting your life.
I know my blogs have flaws and lots of it..
It makes me feel good that outside my flaws, it is touching someone.
I am so grateful for your emails.
Thank you!!!

If you haven’t emailed me yet.
I will like you to email me and tell me what you think about my blog.
[email protected]

Imagine, if Travon Martin was White?

racial_profilingIf Travon Martin was White, George Zimmerman could have been guilty on all counts.
Obviously, racial profiling is still a problem in this country.
Let’s be fair..
George Zimmerman got away with murder because Travon Martin was black.
Travon Martin’s case verdict  makes me concern for the future of this country.

One: Black Americans didn’t come here by themselves. White men went to Africa and brought them here. Blacks were slaves for hundreds of years. To be honest with you, blacks have paid their dues. Now, why can’t blacks, whites, and other races live in this country in peace?

Two: why do white people have so much animosity towards blacks?? Please tell me, what has a black person done to you lately?

I don’t have all the answers. You have to understand that someone’s little boy, son, friend, classmate and a citizen of this country got shot for what or could or would have happened. This country has done blacks WRONG for years. The strong measure their strength by fighting people of their size.

White and blacks fought together to defend this country. Why are blacks still hated? In short, why do you hate yourselves??

*I know this is a sensitive topic..racial profiling is an issue that can’t be sugarcoated. I will always stand up for Justice.*

Moving On Prayer

Dear Lord,

How can more than 2 year of investment vanish in span of just two days. I’d be lying if I say, I didn’t like him. What do u call love in the presence of fear? Or can love strive in the absence of trust? We fought, giggled, laughed with each other and even stayed up to insane early hrs of the morning conversing. Now, we have nothing to show for it. Why did it have to end this way? The mountain was too big for us to climb.

Help me to trust you knowing that this road bump was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. You’re the source of everything good. Help me to trust you that the best is yet to come for me. Being complete is you is the goal from here out. You’re the source of my strength, joy, peace and happiness. moving-on  James 1:17 says “every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.” May I center my life on the  best gift you gave to me by sacrificing your son. Your son died, so I could be free from the law of  sin and death. Life is nothing without you. You’re the essence of life.

I serve you with all my heart. I give it all to you by serving nothing else. May I not idolize anything but only you. He wasn’t your best for me because if he was it would have worked out. This companionship wasn’t bless by you. in the beginning. The bible said the foolish man built his house on the sand and he suffered the consequences. Anything that starts with the wrong foundation will crash in the midst of storms, and dangerous winds. Your word is the strongest foundation to build anything to last. With you as the foundation, a relationship is sure to stand in the midst of perilous threats. You’re the pillar that holds this life of mine. Without you, I am nothing.

As I close this chapter, I forgive every hurt and pain that I procured over the yrs. Every seed of hurt, distrust, manipulation and satanic fuse of forgiveness is hereby, uprooted. My heart is free of hate, disgust, self-pity and depression. My heart soars over the problems of the past and makes the best out of every good and bad memory. My heart will not deter from your word. I will use my grief as a stepping ground to something better for this next chapter.

The next chapter will be full of bliss and happy ending. I will accept my past with open arms and use it as a bridge to better things. I will not retaliate in anger or hurt to the person. My heart within is full of joy, peace and everything necessary to help me move on.

Life is full of challenges. It is time to challenge my challenges, and make them to work for my benefit. I trust my instincts and I will never turn away from trusting them to any untruthful person.  , I chase the one who really proved he cared about me with no question YOU! I am complete in You.



Growing up in Nigeria..
I was a pretty little girl meaning I got a lot of attention even from older men.
From a young age, I grew to have confidence in my looks.

For you, it may not be looks..
It could be money, car, friends or family …….etc.

God wants us to only have confidence in him.
What do you have confidence in?
God will never share his glory with anyone. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

How Great is our God Day 28

Do you know our ability to exhale Carbon dioxide and inhale Oxygen is nothing but a miracle.
Did you know there has to be pressure difference between our lungs and environment that allows us to breath?
When air pressure in our lungs is lower than our atmosphere, air comes into the lungs.
A higher pressure in the lungs as you guess helps us with exhaling.

Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made-Ps.139:14


How Great is our God!

Engr, Doctor, Barrister, Deputy General Koko and Dr. Prof, Mrs. Koko

Yea, I made the name up..

Nigerians are obsessed with titles.
Nigerians know people with titles have money, power and influence.

These titles mean nothing to God.

Mark 8:36-“what will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong in having or acquiring big titles.

Personally, I am not intrigued by people who use their titles, positions or influences to exploit the poor.
Until you use your titles to help others, I will never be intrigued.

God bless everyone who use their title and influence to make a difference in people’s lives.