“Love is friendship on fire” E. Ekong
Tag Archives: Marriage
32 Things I’ve Learned
Will the man of your dreams be attracted to you?
A lot of women and men have this long list of what they want in their future spouse, but they don’t have the same qualities as the person they want.
If you are looking for these qualities:
1.Love God
2. Muscular
3. Educated
4. Confident
5. Goal-oriented
6. Family-oriented
7. Love kids
8. Dress well
9. Loyal
10. Strong
11. Great relationship with his family
Just to name a few..
Make sure you also:
1. Love God
2. Fit
3. Educated
4. Confident
5. Goal-oriented
6. Family-oriented
7. Love kids
8. Dress well
10. Strong
11. Great relationship with your family.
The person you want also wants someone with the same qualities. If you want a guy who loves the lord, trust me most likely he wants a woman who loves the lord too. Be the person you want.
15 Red Flags to Consider before a relationship..
Wise words I had to share it.
Thanks for watching and be blessed!
A list of men God will NEVER give YOU..
I am still on a break from blogging lol.. Seriously, I am.. hahah..
Single Ladies,
I have been watching this “Where is he Already?” series on Youtube. Have you seen it?
You should definitely check it out. Here is the first episode.
God will never give you:
1. A married man-if you are dating one, please…move on, he is off the market. (Mark 10:9-what God has joined together, let no man put asunder).. I feel the need to say this again. GOD will NEVER GIVE YOU a MARRIED MAN. Again? GOD WILL NEVER GIVE YOU A MARRIED MAN.
2. A non-believer-2 Cor 6:14-Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship does righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion does light have with darkness?
3. A man who verbally or physically abuses you
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.-1 Cor 13:4-7
4. An irresponsible man-
if he can’t take care of himself..he can’t take care of you.
Is he living with his mom?
Is he in debt?
Does he pay his own bills?
Does he know how to manage money?
What are his plans for the future?
Is he taking care of his kids if he has any?
How many baby mamas does he have?
You will know a responsible man when you see one.. I trust you.
“For this reason a man will leave his mother and father and cling to his wife”-Matthew 19:5
James 1:17-Every good and perfect gift comes from the lord and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
You are Responsible for the Man you Attract..
If you dress like don’t be surprised if you attract him
…if you want a husband don’t dress like this..
There’s no way you will dress like this without attracting a Dog(sleep with you and dump you).
You will definitely get attention but for the wrong reasons.
In rare cases, some men see beyond this and still marry the lady;
however, more dogs than real men will be attracted.
Guys go to clubs to find girls to sleep with..
No guy who meets you dressed like that will take you seriously.
A man will sleep with a lose woman but he will never marry her.
If you dress like this..
men automatically think you are easy or lose..
and what man wants to marry a woman like that??
In fact, if you don’t believe me read this..
(click to enlarge)
If you want a man or husband like (Just an example, LOL!)
Modesty is attractive to a man who is serious about finding a wife.
My Beloved,
Yes, we are worth the Wait!!
I can’t wait to love you.
I want you to know that I’m waiting for you.
I can’t wait to meet you.
To see your eyes, to see your smile & to know about your life.
Wherever you are right now, what ever you’re doing, I’m praying for you.
The thought of you excites me.
I can’t wait to hold your hand, and just pray with you.
I promise you I will always play my guitar and I will sing you songs.
Whats even better, I can’t wait to worship along side with you with our voices.
I can’t wait to Love you, adore you, cherish you and take care of you.
I’m excited to know everything about you. Everything that makes YOU. Every single detail that makes you perfect for me. I know I will appreciate those things because it’s you. I want to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad. What makes your day. Your favorite food, drink, music, movie,. Anything, and everything about you. So I can serve you, love you, and take care of you the best way I can.
I can’t wait to pray, fast, drink coffee, eat carelessly, watch movie, sleep in till we are both late for work, cooking together, make you breakfast in bed, you making me breakfast in bed, drive our first car, live in our first home, raise our own family, seeking God together as a family, I can’t wait to experience trials & suffering with you, grow close together with God.
I can’t wait to hold you close to me at night. Till we fall asleep.
I can’t wait to give you my ALL, everything of me to you.
I can’t wait to lay myself down for you, just as Christ laid down His life for me.
I can’t wait to meet you and spend the rest of my earthly days with you.
I can’t wait to love you.
I can’t wait to show you this letter in the future when we finally meet.
I’m patiently waiting for you..
Author: Hidden for Now.Ladies..
Be encouraged…
Your husband is out there prayerfully waiting to meet you.
For Better or Better..
It should be “For better or Worse..”
A lot of people say this phrase without understanding the word “worse”.
Cos if they meant it..
they wouldn’t run for a divorce when problems come..
C’mon ppl,
Why do you run when it gets worse in marriage?
You stood before God on your wedding day to say “worse”
worse means when it gets bad, really bad, really really bad..
Worse means Bad to the 100,000th power.
You didn’t say for better or for bad..
You said “Worse”..
Worse is an intense bad.
How many of you actually stand when it gets worse?
When it gets worse, a lot of people start checking out (Divorce)..
Worse is part of life…
Your life wasn’t smooth sailing when you were single.
Why do you think it is going to be smooth sailing now you are married?
A little prick and the love disappears..
It ought not to be so..
Life is full of ups and downs..
Everybody goes through it.
Your marriage will not be up all the time..
You will experience a down too.
If you didn’t want to divorce when your marriage was up..
Why should you divorce when your marriage is experiencing a down?
In the presence of abuse and infidelity
..Divorce is understandable;
however, irreconcilable differences.. really??
If you are going to marry for better and better..
Please, do your partner, and future children a favor and don’t marry at all.
There’s nothing as a perfect marriage..
Everybody with awesome marriages worked hard for it.
Marriage is not for wimps, it’s for people who are committed to fighting for their love.
Learn from the bad..
Let these bad times draw you closer and not tear you apart.
Nothing in Life with value comes easily..
The enemy hates marriages..
He will bring every wind of storm to tear you apart..
These storms come to measure the love you have for each other..
For Better or Better (Fantasy, Fairy tales)
If you are not really marrying for Better or WORSE..PLEASE DON”T MARRY at ALL!!
We would have less Divorces today, if people indeed married for Better or Worse..
It Matters Whom You Marry
C’mon, Ladies…
I hate to see ladies who have good men but they treat them terrible
Yes, I went there..
If you have a man that LOVES and TREATS you well..
The least..
The least you can do is to TREAT him WELL!!
No man deserves to be abused in the name of LOVE…
I hate seeing married women abuse their husbands.
If you are a bellicose wife change before it is too late.
God didn’t create marriage to be combat..
You..truculent wife..take Heed..
I warned you.
If he loves you..
Show him LOVE too.
This is how MEN spell love (R-E-S-P-E-C-T)..
Most of the time, we hear about men abusing women but some women are abusive too..
Proverbs 14:1-“a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”
You feel like he loves you so much he will stick around no matter how you treat him..
Pls.. You, troglodyte come back to reality..
He will leave you for another lady with a character to match her pulchritude.
Go to counselling..
Do whatever you have to do to save your marriage..
If you are tearing down your husband,
you are tearing down your marriage and your household..
This makes you..