Killing Lust Series: How to FIGHT Lust..

You can’t flirt with the spirit of Lust because it will DESTROY YOU. I overcame lust in my life by praying and fasting. I fasted and prayed for God to deliver me from this wicked demon. The enemy wants you to be casual with your prayers as you fight against lust. This is not the time to be casual with your relationship with God.

2 Cor 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”

If you want to defeat this wicked demon, you have to do warfare. I did warfare by praying and fasting. This wicked spirit is out to completely ruin your life. Fight for your life and future by raging war against this spirit in prayers.

Lust is an aggressive demon, it will linger if you are casual with praying and fasting. For people who don’t know what fasting is? Fasting to some people mean a lot of things. Personally, I fast by abstaining from food to spend time with God. The most important thing about fasting is that you are abstaining from something and spending time with God(correct me if I am wrong). Whatever fasting is to you, do it.. Fight!

Don’t joke with the spirit of lust. God has the power to deliver us from anything but we have to cry out to him to help us.

More to come!!

9jagirl4real Competition..

Hello Nigerian Sisters,

boy_flag_painted_faceI have a blog name 9jagirl4real on wordpress and I would love for you to be part of it. Yes, you! To enter this competition, write a blog post on any topic that concerns Nigeria and email it to me [email protected]. In this post, try to use the words: passion, corruption and justice. You don’t need a blog to enter. You can write it in word and send me an attachment.

Plus, it shouldn’t be too long or short and nothing provocative. It should be creative, informative and interesting.

If you are picked as the winner; you will be featured on my blog and you will receive some $$.

Hint: I am passionate about children, I love justice and I hate corruption..

The winner will be Announced January 1, 2014

Share this with your friends.

Killing Lust Series: The Strategic Plan

For those of you who don’t know I am starting a series on how to kill lust. I hope this encourages or inspires you to start your journey to kill lust in your life.

If you have any kind of addiction the spirit of lust is operating in your life. In other words, any habit that you can’t exercise self-control over is powered by the spirit of lust. You may not be addicted to sex; it could be drugs, alcohol, food etc. Some people clearly want to stop this habit but they can’t. Whatever I share is not limited to only people struggling with sex. If any self-destructive habit is controlling you please, keep up with this series and let’s overcome it together.

Let’s go:
The enemy has a plan with the spirit of lust.
watch the video to find out.

RICH men are Overrated ..

Don’t let me wrong, I want to be with someone who can provide for his family but it is not a huge requirement that he has to be rich. Riches can buy comfort but not happiness. I don’t want a guy that is RICH in material things and poor in Character.

Read this single woman’s prayer, I found it in movie (the crazy thing is I think some women pray like this):

I need a man,
I need a real man not a small boy.
God, I need a man in my life.
A man in whose arms, I can lead on.
it’s not like I am giving you condition but this man shouldn’t be poor.
He should have about 2-3 cars..
No.. 4 cars.
1 car for him and 3 cars for me.
God, You see..
He should be a tall guy nothing below 6ft with a chocolate complexion and dimple.
God please, no pot bellies.. I beg you! Six pack, Straight up!
God please.
He should be an American or British, you know what I mean?
God, that’s what’s up!
And he should be willing to give me access to his fast bank account.
God, I know you are a good God and you have heard my prayers.
That isn’t too hard for you.
Of course not because with you nothing shall be impossible..

Ridiculous Prayer but you’d be surprised how many women pray like this..

If you want a rich man, no problem!
Don’t settle for a rich man who treats you like crap!
Dating or marrying someone for their money is still low down too!

Killing Lust Series: The Door

doorFor those of you who don’t know I am starting a series on how to kill lust. I hope this encourages or inspires you to start your journey to kill lust in your life.

If you have any kind of addiction the spirit of lust is operating in your life. In other words, any habit that you can’t exercise self-control over is powered by the spirit of lust. You may not be addicted to sex; it could be drugs, alcohol, food etc. Some people clearly want to stop this habit but they can’t. Whatever I share is not limited to only people struggling with sex. If any self-destructive habit is controlling you please, keep up with this series and let’s overcome it together.

Let’s begin..
Personally, I had some experiences from my childhood that opened the door to lust. I was too young to understand the consequences of what I was going through. Even though, I was too young to understand that something wasn’t right, I knew that something wasn’t right (hard to explain).

There has to be a doorway for lust to enter your life. Maybe you were molested when you were younger or you got exposed to something that caused lust to enter your life.  Sometimes, we invite lust into our lives by ignorance or it comes in by experience.

The enemy doesn’t care how lust enters your life. He wants lust to stay in your life to destroy you.

John 10:10 says “the thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy”

My childhood experience opened the door to lust in my life.

Answer this question: what opened the door to lust in my life?

More to Come..

Will the man of your dreams be attracted to you?

A lot of women and men have this long list of what they want in their future spouse, but they don’t have the same qualities as the person they want.

If you are looking for these qualities:
1.Love God
2. Muscular
3. Educated
4. Confident
5. Goal-oriented
6. Family-orientedlove family
7. Love kids
8. Dress well
9. Loyal
10. Strong
11. Great relationship with his family

Just to name a few..

Make sure you also:
1. Love God
2. Fit
3. Educated
4. Confident
5. Goal-oriented
6. Family-oriented
7. Love kids
8. Dress well
10. Strong
11. Great relationship with your family.

The person you want also wants someone with the same qualities. If you want a guy who loves the lord, trust me most likely he wants a woman who loves the lord too. Be the person you want.

Good Guys are not at the Club..

YES, I seriously believe good guys don’t club. Good guys look for commitments not flings. I rarely hear guys say, I want to find my wife at the club. Ladies, if you are going to the club to find your husband. NEW FLASH: He is not there. No reasonably guy will go to the club to find a meaningful long lasting relationship. Most guys, who go to clubs, go for one reason (you already know). Ladies, don’t expect any guy you meet at the club to respect you because they also know you came for the same reasons they came. Guys are not stupid, they will go to club and party it up but when it is time for them to settle down. They will go somewhere else and find their wife. Boys are at the clubs. Real men are in responsible places.