So excited to see what God is going to do!!
To God be the Glory!
Tag Archives: Purpose
Tedx Talk Review: Failing All Way to Success by Jason Njoku
Jason Njoku is the CEO of Irokotv and founder of Nollywoodlove on YouTube.
Here are my notes from his Tedx Speech..
“People fear failure but what they really fear is the shame associated with failure.
Embracing failure allows you to be completely free from the fear of taking risk.
There’s a point that if you keep on failing nothing matters anymore.
Emotional Capital is similar to money. You make a deposit every time you fail and get back up again. With emotional capital you are unshackled by what people expect from you.
The more we have an open discussion about failure, the more we accept failure as culture and the more people can spend time trying and taking risk.
What’s the worst that can happen? You fail but there’s tomorrow.
Everyone has a challenge to overcome. Failure is ok.”
A Ted Talk Review: The Gift of Blindness By Cobhams Asuquo
I recently watched a Ted talk by Cobhams Asuquo. He spoke about the gift of blindness.
Here are some of the things I learnt from his Ted talk.
1. Do not excuse failure for any reason on any account.
2. Failure will come the same way it comes; we have to see to it that it goes.
3. Excusing failure by blaming it on a systematic flaw, we miss the opportunity to scale through the seemingly insurmountable obstacles to elevate ourselves and elevate others.
4. Learn to trust even for no reason. Trust has no expiration date.
5. Sight sometimes is a distraction. On your way to your destination what you see can be a big distraction.
6. Learn to be blind not literally in order to be focused.
Click here to watch this Ted talk.
I love Ted talks. Please look out for more Ted talks reviews on my blog.
Thank you!
Why do you need another blog?
Someone asked me..
I need another blog because I have the life of my dreams in another country and it hurts me that a lot of my people are not living their dreams in their own country. I live in the states, I have constant light and water; however, my people have to use generators to see light and they have to carry water on their heads to bring to their houses before they have water in the house. Yes, I know what you are thinking, I am only a woman I can’t accomplish anything to help my people. I have no time to listen to critics when my people are suffering. The poor people in the States have better lives than people in my country.
Some say.. you are not smart enough.. I am not this or that. I DON’T CARE. MY PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING and I will scream to anyone who can hear me. My scream is for you educated Nigerians aboard to remember your people, and do something. Do Something! We have to do something. Our government has failed our people; we have to build each other up to build a better Nigeria. Today, I ate three times, we have college graduates on the streets selling pure water to put at least one meal on their table. We have to remember our people; we can’t enjoy the good of someone’s country and neglects ours. College graduates are gate mans, house boys and girls for rich people in Nigeria.
No matter where you go and how bad you want to forget your identity, it doesn’t change the fact that you are still a Nigerian. I speak with an American accent all day; it doesn’t change the fact that I am still a Nigerian. Neglect your people; neglect yourself because we are one. If you are doing well aboard please, remember your people and give back.
We think we have to help the whole country to help Nigeria. Not True! If you can help one Nigerian and that Nigerian helps another Nigerian… We will change Nigeria. There’s one thing I love most about Americans, they love community service. Americans work hard and they give back as well. If our country also had that sense of community service do you think our country would be where it is today? No! We need to adopt community service into our culture. Yes, some Nigerians don’t want progress. Help the Nigerians who want progress.
This is why I am starting another blog called INTERATIONAL EAGLES OF NIGERIA coming to wordpress in 2014.
Christain Girl Move-On Checklist..
1. Does he have a relationship with God Yes/No
*Yes-move forward to the next question.
*No-Let him go and don’t advance to the next questions.
2. Does God come first in his life Y/N
Yes-advance to the next question.
No-let him go and don’t go to the next question.
3. Is my time with him distracting my relationship from the Lord Y/N
Yes- let him go and don’t advance to the next question
No- advance to the next question
4. Do you trust this guy Y/N
Y- advance to the next question
N- let him go and don’t advance to the next question.
5. Do have doubts about this guy Y/N
Y- Let him go and don’t advance to the next question.
N-Advance to the next question
6. Do you use google to analyze his behavior Y/N.
Y-Let him go and don’t advance to the next question
N-Advance to the next question.
7. Are you having self-esteem issues at the same time that you are talking to this guy?
Y-let him go and work on yourself
N-continue to talk to him.
Inspiring Hope: Interview..
I interviewed the founder of 50strong50wise, Sheka Mansaray. Please check out the previous blog “inspiring Hope featuring 50strong50wise” to understand who am talking about in this blog post.
1. What is your dream for Sierra Leone?
My dream for Sierra Leone is…there is truly so much, I will say is to build House of prayers and schools all around the nation to build education and faith in man and woman to see their true calling on earth and know their calling to Humanity. I also hope to see the government change of thinking towards it people. I hope to renew Sierra Leone with God’s word-with the vales of faith that is coming in my life time and the next generation will see the fruitfulness of those who were the founders of the land and they will be the builders of tomorrow.
2. What keeps you grounded?
What keeps me grounded are a lot of things, I pray, I give speeches, I read the Bible and write poetry and books, I spending time with friends and family. Work on my Non-profit.
3. What is your definition of success?
My definition of success is defined by faith in Matthew 17v20. I believe with faith dreams become reality and Success seems to be connected to action. A farmer must have faith to harvest so is Successful people, they must keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. If you want to succeed in the world you must make your own opportunities as you go on. The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time coming. You cannot commit any greater folly than to sit by the roadside until someone comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence. Success takes faith and action.
4. What impact has your faith made in your life?
My faith as impact me in so many ways, coming from Sierra leone, attending school in the States, publishing books, and touring the country and meeting new people in the faith. My faith has truly given me anything I want and need because I put God first he is the driver I’m only the side passenger going with his plan and fallowing Romans 12:12 “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.” I believe in Luke 1:37 “for nothing will be impossible with God.”
5. If you had an opportunity to advice a young man cruising through life with no direction. What would you say?
If I had the opportunity to advice a young man cruising through life with no direction, I will say stay positive trying writing down all that things you need in your life and as you keep on staying positive, keep your mind busy with the list which you have made and call God to step with you in every direction. He will give you what you love, keep positive people around you.
Get a note book to write your thoughts, encourage yourself and give back to others the best you can, life is a journey some say to you to run or chase your dreams, I say to you receive it because it was already given to you it is up to have the faith to believe what you work for you will receive it all. And learn to accept the gifts that come with it in return you will be blessed for the rest of your days.