
Videos like this one encourage me that there are still men out there who love the Lord.
I have said it before and I will say it again..
The most attractive thing in a man is God.
Guys who have hearts for God are the most attractive guys out there..HANDS DOWN!!!

I go to a small church and nothing against my Christian bros..
It is hard to see guys who passionately sing to God.
When I see it..
I love it .

We live in a world
where girls/ladies run after guys with cute faces, thugs, rich men..
The standard is low..
a lot of guys all they need is money: saggy pants, nice car with a cute face and they will automatically get the girl..

When I tell people,
I have never had a boyfriend..
their jaws drop..
Yes, I am not your typical girl…
I am a girl who has a heart for Christ with that said..
my standard has to be higher than the world’s.
Ladies of the world, their standard is based on “the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life”- 1 John 2:16

The people of the world glorify looks, money, and material things
The Bible says all those things are Vanity!

Enough said..
a man who fears the Lord should be praised.

My Beloved,

Ladies, we deserve a man who is prayerfully waiting for us.
Yes, we are worth the Wait!!
This guy on facebook wrote this for his unknown future wife. 
My Beloved,
I can’t wait to love you.
I want you to know that I’m waiting for you.
I can’t wait to meet you.
To see your eyes, to see your smile & to know about your life.
Wherever you are right now, what ever you’re doing, I’m praying for you.
The thought of you excites me.
I can’t wait to serve & pursue Christ along side with you.
I can’t wait to hold your hand, and just pray with you.
I promise you I will always play my guitar and I will sing you songs.
Whats even better, I can’t wait to worship along side with you with our voices.
I can’t wait to Love you, adore you, cherish you and take care of you.
I’m excited to know everything about you. Everything that makes YOU. Every single detail that makes you perfect for me. I know I will appreciate those things because it’s you. I want to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad. What makes your day. Your favorite food, drink, music, movie,. Anything, and everything about you. So I can serve you, love you, and take care of you the best way I can.
I can’t wait to touch your face when you laugh, cry, make jokes, being silly.
I can’t wait to pray, fast, drink coffee, eat carelessly, watch movie, sleep in till we are both late for work, cooking together, make you breakfast in bed, you making me breakfast in bed, drive our first car, live in our first home, raise our own family, seeking God together as a family, I can’t wait to experience trials & suffering with you, grow close together with God.
I can’t wait to hold you close to me at night. Till we fall asleep.
I can’t wait to give you my ALL, everything of me to you.
I can’t wait to lay myself down for you, just as Christ laid down His life for me.
I long and desire for you my beloved.
I can’t wait to meet you and spend the rest of my earthly days with you.
I can’t wait to love you.
I can’t wait to show you this letter in the future when we finally meet.
But for now, I want you to know.
I’m patiently waiting for you..

uthor: Hidden for Now.Ladies..
Be encouraged…
Your husband is out there prayerfully waiting to meet you.

Online Dating..Dislike!!!

Personally, I don’t support online dating because it neglects the foundation of every healthy relationship.
In my opinion..
the most important foundation for a healthy relationship leading to marriage is God and Friendship.

Why God and Friendship?
God is the most important foundation of anything.
Remember, Genesis 1:1-In the beginning..God!!
God has to come first in the relationship.

Friendship is vital for communication.
Communication is very important in marriage.

Christian Mingle is designed mostly for Christian Singles..
I have never been on Christian Mingle..
I guess the aim would be to put two God-fearing people together.

Here’s my thing with online dating…
It neglects friendship.
People get on these sites to literally find their soul mates.. not friendship but friendship is vital in a marriage relationship.

At the end of the day,
you want to marry your best friend..
Is your best friend online??

Think about it..
Why do we take matters into our own hands instead of trusting in God?

How you define happiness?

I read this blog post(here)..
I wish, I could press it.

It got me thinking..
How do I define happiness?

It is very easy to allow external things/influences to define our happiness.
What will we you do when all those external things are gone?
Allow, depression? God forbid!

The answer came.. God is my happiness.
Just to know that God is Real, Alive and He will never leave me nor forsake me..
On top of that.. He loves me!!
That’s enough to keep me happy.

Now, Your turn..
How do you define happiness?

Issues of Life

Luke 8:43-48

The woman with the issue of blood touched the border of Jesus garment..

Instantly, she got her healing.

You may have financial, emotional, psychological, marital or other issues in your life.
Just like the woman with the issues of blood..
lay your issues at his feet and touch the border of this garment and receive your healing.

I want this.. I want that.. Daddy Please!

Imagine going to the mall and the cutest pair of shoes starts calling you. You stare at the item for several minutes before ignoring the urge. In life, we have to prioritize. A cute pair of shoes versus your light bill. You want the shoes but you need to pay your light bill.

spoiled kidI remember going shopping with my dad at a young age. In the store, I was like “dad, I want this, I want that”.. He got me nothing. Why didn’t he? My father understood the importance of teaching me discipline and self control at a young age. Even if my dad could afford it, he wouldn’t get it except it was necessary.

Same thing with God..
With God.. We are like God, I want to be married..have kids, big house..this and that, but then we neglect the fact that we need God more than anything and anyone in this world.

Matt 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”

I am not saying seek God to get what you want. I am saying that we have to prioritize in our relationship with God. We want plenty of stuff from God for ourselves and he is not complaining but we NEED GOD. We need to stop focusing on what we want in our relationship with God and start focusing on what we need: God!


Our Wants can Wait
We need GOD More!

LoVe and BeaUty

Love has nothing to do with looks..
Let’s think..
Most guys and girls even in the Christian community,
treat the search of love as a beauty contest.
For guys, the hottest girl they can get win their love.
For girls, the hottest guy that come along win their heart.

The argument is be both sided..

Nobody wants to marry someone who in their eyes is not attractive,
Yet, nobody wants to be liked just because of their looks cos it fades.

What can we do?

As a girl, do I give every guy that is interested in me a chance
in search of their character? or turn them down cos am not attracted to them?

As a Christian girl, chasing God with my whole heart should be my first priority until my man comes.

What if God’s will comes in the form of someone we are not attracted to?

How are we suppose to overlook this superficial dilemma?

As a man, Prov. 31 should be your guide in the search for your bride.

How can you overlook beauty to character?

Honestly, I don’t want to turn God’s will down.
I think buying into the world’s form of beauty has clouded
our vision to how God really sees beauty.

1 Sam 16:7 -But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height,
for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

God looks at the inside to determine beauty.
We should care more about the inside of the person.
The outward matters too but in time,
it will fade.

Charm is deceitful and beauty fades,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised-Prov 31:30

I really like to hear what you have to share on this topic, pls support your response with a bible verse.

To my mystery man..cont.


Someone very close to me is about to tie the knot
and yet, am trying so hard to not think about you.
I don’t want you to steal her spotlight.
It is her time.

Our time is coming soon,
I want it to tarry a little tho.
Cos I have some growing up
to do.
Am still a baby Christian
tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.
It is not a good thing to say.
However, it is the truth.

I praise God for allowing this time
for me to grow up spiritually,
you don’t want a girl to sap every anointing out
of you?
No, I don’t want to do that to you, Babe!

We are God’s gift to each other,
that’s why I want to be complete in Christ,
before we meet each other.
I don’t want to be a problem,
I don’t want to hurt you.

I’ll be your first supporter
after God.
I want to do you good all
the days of my life.
I can’t do that if am a baby in
my relationship with God.

Am growing in love with Christ,
Cos that’s the glue that will hold
us together.

Babe, I will wait for u!

Your heart throb!