Not Good Enough..

He said..
You’re not pretty enough,
You’re not smart enough,
You’re not tall enough,
You’re not pink enough,
You’re not this or that enough..

Your reply should be “then you are not good enough for me”

She said..
You’re not handsome enough,
You’re not smart enough,
You’re not tall enough,
You’re not muscular enough,
You’re not blue enough,
You’re not this or that enough,

Your reply should be “then you are not good enough for me”

We complicated things..
if someone says.. “you are not this or that enough”..
It means, they are not for you.

True love is unconditional.
The best expression of love was on the cross.
We were no way close good enough for Christ to sacrifice his son yet, he did.

If I have to change myself to earn your love.
It is not that complicated,
it means you are not for me. 
People choose to settle with people who tell them they are not good enough cos they think they are not good enough for anybody else.
Until you believe that you are good enough for yourself, you will continue ending up in this kind of relationship.

Loving yourself is so important.
Never enter a relationship when you have low self-esteem.
Love is God.
If he or she doesn’t know God, they don’t know love.
If you don’t know God and how to love yourself, you don’t know love.

Lust is earned with a pretty face, big behind, large bank account or any other superficial thing that fades.
Love is a gift.
Love is priceless.

First, know God loves you..
Second, love yourself.

The man or woman for you will never say “you’re not good enough,” he or she will say “you’re perfect just the way you are..flaws and all”

He Got Me..

If you glance over my blog posts, you will notice I don’t share personal information or experiences.
I like to think, I am a private person but every now and then (like now..) I open up a bit.
Nothing cheesy.. Here we go.

I took a trip to another state with another person to relax.
We went to this Nigerian restaurant to eat.
While we were there waiting on our food.
This young man came in to order his food.
When I first saw him, he looked like he just got off from a hard day at work.
In other words, the way he was dressed was unattractive.

Before I knew it, he was glancing a lot over my direction..
In my head, I was like “Oga, leave that thing, you no be my type abeg.”
He started talking to the owner of the shop and I heard the intelligence that was coming out of his month.. Yea, my head turned.
Hands down, intelligence is so attractive.
His looks didn’t catch my attention but his brains did.

Morale of the story: Go to School, intelligence is attractive!!

Excuse my honesty,
I am personally not attracted to thugs.
I don’t understand why a woman would shun an educated, God-fearing man and pick a thug, who walks around sagging his pants..
I digress.

An educated, God-fearing man will always get my attention any time, any day!

Somebody Stop HAZING… PLEASE!!!

I watched this video and it literally brought tears to my eyes.
I love my Nigerian-descent NFL Players, I try to keep up with a few of them.
The guy hazed in the video has been playing for the NY Giants for 2 years at the time he was hazed.
I mean, he is not a new player anymore..
so why are these players throwing him into a tub of water?

In my opinion, hazing is bullying..
I think we all need to take a stand and fight against all forms of bullying in general.
Click here to read about my personal bullying experience.

Watch the video for yourself and see for yourself.

This guy is carried by two players and some guy is screaming “stand up for yourself”..
Obviously, this is bullying where the strong or outspoken prey on the soft spoken.
Watching this video, I thought he was playing along.
He comes out of this tub of water with this look on his face..
That look got me and I teared up.

How many athletes, students, and people in general have to be victims until we do something about this??

You are Responsible for the Man you Attract..

If you dress liketrashy  don’t be surprised if you attract himthugs..
…if you want a husband don’t dress like this..

There’s no way you will dress like this without attracting a Dog(sleep with you and dump you).
You will definitely get attention but for the wrong reasons.
In rare cases, some men see beyond this and still marry the lady;
however, more dogs than real men will be attracted.

Guys go to clubs to find girls to sleep with..
No guy who meets you dressed like that will take you seriously.

A man will sleep with a lose woman but he will never marry her.
If you dress like this..
men automatically think you are easy or lose..
and what man wants to marry a woman like that??

In fact, if you don’t believe me read this..
letters-to-women-from-men(click to enlarge)

If you want a man or husband like Prince A(Just an example, LOL!)
Modesty is attractive to a man who is serious about finding a wife.

My black is beautiful..

I grew up in Nigeria to see most women with relaxed hair.
Mind you, straight hair is not how God made us.
God created black people with kinky curly hair.
Most of us with relaxed hair have it cos our mothers, peers, friends had relaxed hair..

Racism has affected our race so much that we self-loath ourselves.
Even in the black community, our natural hair textures is frowned upon.
I believe God doesn’t make mistakes..
God made us with kinky curly hair textures for a reason..
We are not smarter than God. He would have given us a straighter hair textures if he wanted.

This makes me angry cos as black people, we have allowed the effects of slavery to linger.
During slavery..
white people told our ancestors that we are ugly with other gruesome stuff.
Yes, our ancestors bought into the lie and they got desperate to change themselves to something they are not..

We put harsh chemicals into our hair to make it straight.
Yes.. A lot of us relax our hair to make it more manageable.
Think about it, if our ancestors had kept their natural hair..
most of us would have been natural today.

I am very close to going completely natural..
I have a very coarse thick hair, if I go natural now.. I wouldn’t be able to comb my hair.
It’s that thick.

Trust me, the day I discover what I can use to soften my natural texture that will be the day I go natural.
Even now, my hair is not completely straight..
You’d think I would get support from my own people?
The society shouldn’t set the standard for us on our God-given nature.

We have to stop buying into this slavery, self-loathing mentality..
Our black is beautiful.
We are beautiful just the way God made us.
I support you all my natural sistas.
I will be joining you so..
We are beautiful with our kinky curly hair.

In the efforts to be something we are not..
a lot of black girls/ladies/women have damaged their hair.
We all have the ability to grow long beautiful hair but we can’t cos we are busy trying to change ourselves to please society.

Who cares about society?
Not me..
Our ancestors bought into the lies doesn’t mean we have to do the same.
It’s time, we stop pleasing others as a race for once and do the right thing best for our hair.

I think our hair is completely manageable..
we just have to find a healthier way without all these harsh chemicals..

The price of pleasing society is too expensive..
We are spending too much money on relaxers, wigs, weaves, etc
and all we have to do is come together figure out a way to have manageable hair with less short and long-term consequences.

We are not straight.. We are kinky curly.