You are Responsible for the Man you Attract..

If you dress liketrashy  don’t be surprised if you attract himthugs..
…if you want a husband don’t dress like this..

There’s no way you will dress like this without attracting a Dog(sleep with you and dump you).
You will definitely get attention but for the wrong reasons.
In rare cases, some men see beyond this and still marry the lady;
however, more dogs than real men will be attracted.

Guys go to clubs to find girls to sleep with..
No guy who meets you dressed like that will take you seriously.

A man will sleep with a lose woman but he will never marry her.
If you dress like this..
men automatically think you are easy or lose..
and what man wants to marry a woman like that??

In fact, if you don’t believe me read this..
letters-to-women-from-men(click to enlarge)

If you want a man or husband like Prince A(Just an example, LOL!)
Modesty is attractive to a man who is serious about finding a wife.

My black is beautiful..

I grew up in Nigeria to see most women with relaxed hair.
Mind you, straight hair is not how God made us.
God created black people with kinky curly hair.
Most of us with relaxed hair have it cos our mothers, peers, friends had relaxed hair..

Racism has affected our race so much that we self-loath ourselves.
Even in the black community, our natural hair textures is frowned upon.
I believe God doesn’t make mistakes..
God made us with kinky curly hair textures for a reason..
We are not smarter than God. He would have given us a straighter hair textures if he wanted.

This makes me angry cos as black people, we have allowed the effects of slavery to linger.
During slavery..
white people told our ancestors that we are ugly with other gruesome stuff.
Yes, our ancestors bought into the lie and they got desperate to change themselves to something they are not..

We put harsh chemicals into our hair to make it straight.
Yes.. A lot of us relax our hair to make it more manageable.
Think about it, if our ancestors had kept their natural hair..
most of us would have been natural today.

I am very close to going completely natural..
I have a very coarse thick hair, if I go natural now.. I wouldn’t be able to comb my hair.
It’s that thick.

Trust me, the day I discover what I can use to soften my natural texture that will be the day I go natural.
Even now, my hair is not completely straight..
You’d think I would get support from my own people?
The society shouldn’t set the standard for us on our God-given nature.

We have to stop buying into this slavery, self-loathing mentality..
Our black is beautiful.
We are beautiful just the way God made us.
I support you all my natural sistas.
I will be joining you so..
We are beautiful with our kinky curly hair.

In the efforts to be something we are not..
a lot of black girls/ladies/women have damaged their hair.
We all have the ability to grow long beautiful hair but we can’t cos we are busy trying to change ourselves to please society.

Who cares about society?
Not me..
Our ancestors bought into the lies doesn’t mean we have to do the same.
It’s time, we stop pleasing others as a race for once and do the right thing best for our hair.

I think our hair is completely manageable..
we just have to find a healthier way without all these harsh chemicals..

The price of pleasing society is too expensive..
We are spending too much money on relaxers, wigs, weaves, etc
and all we have to do is come together figure out a way to have manageable hair with less short and long-term consequences.

We are not straight.. We are kinky curly.


My friend a few yrs back was going through a tough time,
I remember telling him.
It gets better.
When I was talking to another friend about some stuff going on in my life,
it was so refreshing to hear him say “it gets better.”

We are people of faith which means we have God on our side..
So with God on our Side, it always gets better!!
Let me say that Again..

I don’t know what you are going through..
Even if it looks bad or it’s getting worse.
Don’t forget..

God doesn’t respond to our problems..
He responds to Faith.
If you want to move God into action..
I suggest you have Faith that IT will GET BETTER!


Videos like this one encourage me that there are still men out there who love the Lord.
I have said it before and I will say it again..
The most attractive thing in a man is God.
Guys who have hearts for God are the most attractive guys out there..HANDS DOWN!!!

I go to a small church and nothing against my Christian bros..
It is hard to see guys who passionately sing to God.
When I see it..
I love it .

We live in a world
where girls/ladies run after guys with cute faces, thugs, rich men..
The standard is low..
a lot of guys all they need is money: saggy pants, nice car with a cute face and they will automatically get the girl..

When I tell people,
I have never had a boyfriend..
their jaws drop..
Yes, I am not your typical girl…
I am a girl who has a heart for Christ with that said..
my standard has to be higher than the world’s.
Ladies of the world, their standard is based on “the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life”- 1 John 2:16

The people of the world glorify looks, money, and material things
The Bible says all those things are Vanity!

Enough said..
a man who fears the Lord should be praised.

You want A Good Man? Read on!

Ladies today’s message is for you…

someone sent a message to me last night
and i always see this problem with women on my Facebook.
In the the message sent to me she ask for a favor to pray for her to find a husband.
I prayed for her

…Later when i look at her pictures on Facebook all i saw was “backside, butt, booty and her face , don’t get me wrong she is a beautiful woman, however it can just be the only gift God must have given her, she was not showing others things she may be proud of….anyways it seems she was more proud of her butt or booty…

I say to you if you are looking for a Godly man you have to show your self like a Godly woman,
..Ps be in a look out for my book (“Excellency of a Godly woman”)

the bible said we should treat our body ” holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”
Romans 12:1 when you are showing your backside you are telling the boys you are still a young girl, so why will a man take a look at you to be his wife?
the bible said in the book of Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”

showing the world your naked body is not finding favor from God,

I don’t know about you but if i see my future wife dress like it Friday night all the time? something will have change for sure,
i don’t think i will look at you or bring you home to meet my family or bring you home to be favor by the Lord.

The way you dress shows if you are ready to be woman at home or a Friday night girl in the streets,
However when you change you are telling the world you are a new woman, ”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come”2 Corinthians 5:17.

I pray you find your new self in our Lord Christ be bless and cover the body for your future husband.

Written by: Sheka Mansaray

My comment: Let the church say… Amen!!!

Online Dating..Dislike!!!

Personally, I don’t support online dating because it neglects the foundation of every healthy relationship.
In my opinion..
the most important foundation for a healthy relationship leading to marriage is God and Friendship.

Why God and Friendship?
God is the most important foundation of anything.
Remember, Genesis 1:1-In the beginning..God!!
God has to come first in the relationship.

Friendship is vital for communication.
Communication is very important in marriage.

Christian Mingle is designed mostly for Christian Singles..
I have never been on Christian Mingle..
I guess the aim would be to put two God-fearing people together.

Here’s my thing with online dating…
It neglects friendship.
People get on these sites to literally find their soul mates.. not friendship but friendship is vital in a marriage relationship.

At the end of the day,
you want to marry your best friend..
Is your best friend online??

Think about it..
Why do we take matters into our own hands instead of trusting in God?