How Great is our God: Day 26

The president is a very important person..
Everybody doesn’t have the luxury of visiting the president anytime they feel like..
It is impossible for any common person to just visit the president.
The secret service is responsible for protecting our president because he is very important person.

Same thing with our brain..
Our brain has this thing called the blood brain barrier which is like the secret service of our brain.
You didn’t know your brain has a secret service of its own?? Well.. it does.
The blood brain barrier selectively allows things to get into our brain.
Our brain is very important..

God knew our brain is a vital organ that’s why he made sure we had the blood brain barrier that selectively chooses what gets into our brain.
Some types of medication can’t get to your brain because it can’t cross the blood brain barrier.
The blood brain barrier is the bouncer of our brain..
A bouncer of a party only lets certain people to get into the party.

“We are fearfully and wonderfully made”-Psalms 139:14

To God be the Glory!!!!

(x+y=z) God’s Mathematics..

A message from a minister in my church a few Sundays ago.

Our math:
My abilities + experience + training + personality/appearance + my past + expectations of others=status quo

God’s Math:
My willingness + weakness + God’s will and supernatural power = CHANGE OF STORY

God’s mathematics is so easy.. Why do we complicate everything?

For Better or Better..

Love22It should be “For better or Worse..”
A lot of people say this phrase without understanding the word “worse”.
Cos if they meant it..
they wouldn’t run for a divorce when problems come..

C’mon ppl,

Why do you run when it gets worse in marriage?
You stood before God on your wedding day to say “worse”
worse means when it gets bad, really bad, really really bad..
Worse means Bad to the 100,000th power.

You didn’t say for better or for bad..
You said “Worse”..
Worse is an intense bad.

How many of you actually stand when it gets worse?
When it gets worse, a lot of people start checking out (Divorce)..
Worse is part of life…
Your life wasn’t smooth sailing when you were single.
Why do you think it is going to be smooth sailing now you are married?

A little prick and the love disappears..
It ought not to be so..
Life is full of ups and downs..
Everybody goes through it.

Your marriage will not be up all the time..
You will experience a down too.
If you didn’t want to divorce when your marriage was up..
Why should you divorce when your marriage is experiencing a down?

In the presence of abuse and infidelity
..Divorce is understandable;
however, irreconcilable differences..  really??

If you are going to marry for better and better..
Please, do your partner, and future children a favor and don’t marry at all.

There’s nothing as a perfect marriage..
Everybody with awesome marriages worked hard for it.
Marriage is not for wimps, it’s for people who are committed to fighting for their love.

Learn from the bad..
Let these bad times draw you closer and not tear you apart.
Nothing in Life with value comes easily..
The enemy hates marriages..
He will bring every wind of storm to tear you apart..
These storms come to measure the love you have for each other..

For Better or Better (Fantasy, Fairy tales)
If you are not really marrying for Better or WORSE..PLEASE DON”T MARRY at ALL!!

We would have less Divorces today, if people indeed married for Better or Worse.. 

Face it!!

If marriage and sex could make us happy..
married people would be the happiest people on earth..

If money could make us happy..
rich people would be the happiest people on earth..

If power could make us happy..
Presidents would be the happiest people on earth..

If success could make us happy..
Successful people would be the happiest people on earth.

If friends could make us happy..
people with friends would be the happiest people on earth..

If family could make us happy..
People who have families would be the happiest people on earth..

If kids could make us happy..
parents would be the happiest people on earth.

If drugs could make us happy,
drug addicts would be the happiest people on earth.

Nothing in this life can make us happy except God.
There’s a void in us that only God can fill.

All these things will fail but God will never ever fail..

Africa 101: South Africans

Question: what do Black South Africans and Black Americans have in common?

Answer: They are both victims of white supremacy.

White Supremacy is a mental inferiority complex mostly among white people who think their race is better than black people. This shallow mentality has lead to a lot brutality against black people.

Information from: White Supremacy: A Comparative Study of American and South African History By George M. Fredrickson. 

The effects of slavery still lingers in South Africa and the US.

Here is a song from a movie called “Sarafina,” it shows the world the struggle by black South Africans.

If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s on youtube.

*Black people, our ancestors had it rough.. Very Rough!
We have no EXCUSE!!!*