How Great is our God Day 18


Where I am in the US it is night time..
In another part of the world, it is morning time.
The earth rotates around the sun.
We don’t feel the earth moving but it is moving right now…
How GREAT is Our GOD!!!

Psalms 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

Why are American Kids so mean?

This was the question I asked my 12yrs old self when I started attending middle school in the United States.
I was different..(very different. In fact, different is an understatement).
I was flesh out of boarding school in Nigeria that means my hair was short (very short, In fact I could pass for a guy).  The Boarding school I attended in Nigeria, every student is  required to cut off their hair because they didn’t want us to occupy our time with hair.

My hair was very short, I had this thick African accent (some of my peers thought I was Jamaican). Some thought my accent was kool but some didn’t really know how to accept me maybe cos I was completely different from them.

Ironically, the black kids were the worse.. Most of my bullies were black kids.                        ?????
Why are people who look like me mean to me?
I expected the white kids to be the bullies cos I was completely different from them.
My very own ppl bullied me.

The only difference between me and the black kids in my school was my thick accent, short hair and weird clothes. I was similar to them but why didn’t they accept me?
Coming to an unknown country, I was already culturally shocked.
But having people who looked like me bully and reject me was a hard thing for my 12 yrs old self to handle.

The white kids accepted me but don’t catch me between two white kids together that means I’d be ignored as if I wasn’t even there.
I wasn’t only bullied by one race, I was bullied by two races.
The white kids only accepted me when none of their other white friends were around
or when they fully accepted me, they told me, I couldn’t be invited to their sleep over parties because their parents were racist.

Mind you, I grew up in a country where everybody is literally BLACK.
Race was never a problem for me.
I never saw my race as a problem until I came to the States.
Certainly, I thought something was wrong with me..
why didn’t I just fit in?
In middle sch and high school.. I can’t really remember having a true black friend.

When I started wearing my hair in braids to school. The black girls were like “she thinks she is all that.” I have now figured out, they thought I was all that (jealous). Middle school was just a preparation for a full year of bullying in 9th grade. I don’t know what I did to these two black guys in my English class, they always had something to say. I couldn’t quite place why I was still a target after my hair grew, I didn’t wear weird clothes anymore. I guess, it didn’t matter that I  looked like them.. cos I was still different.

To the white kids: I was black.
To the black kids: I was obviously different

I do admit I was different; however, after my weird clothes changed, my hair grew and my accent was not as thick. Why was I still different to black kids?

I should blame these kids for being so inconsiderate of my situation as this poor little African girl who just wanted to be accepted. No. The kids are not at fault. I am now grown ( I think, I am lol!). I think Parents contribute a lot to how kids think about their peers.

bulliesParents if you constantly tell your kids to only talk to a certain race, class. etc.. you are opening your kids to an environment where they think something is wrong with people who don’t look like them or you don’t want them to associate. Why do you think bullying is still a problem in American schools? I am aware some bullies have issues at home but what about bullies whose parents tell them to only be friends with kids that look like them?

Kids are so innocent and pure. God didn’t create kids to see race. Allow a child and they will play with everybody. Sadly, parents start as early as elementary school to poison their kids minds to segregate. Racism/discrimination/bulling  is still alive cos you are allowing it. How can you honestly teach your kids to hate or not associate with that race or class? I understand educating your child not to associate with kids who are trouble makers.

When you fill your kid’s head with hate at home don’t act surprised when he or she acts on it in school. The best place to teach tolerance is at home.

Black parents, your child doesn’t only have to deal with bullies from another race but also from your own race. I call it, double threat of Racism from kids of their own race. Bullying doesn’t discriminate but I do think black kids are easy targets.

Bullying is rampant in this society cos parents and society are telling little kids to stay away from people different from them for no particular reason.

Yes, there’s no right answer to this problem.
You want to stop bullying?!
Start by educating your children and lead by example.
Little kids are dying cos of bullying,
you need to start talking.
I know most of you wouldn’t do anything until your own child becomes a victim.

Christain Singles..

A Pastor in my church said “ppl spend more time preparing for wedding more than the marriage.”  Considering the high rates of divorces today, I agree with his statement 100%. The alarming fact of the matter is that divorce is also high in the church. I think the enemy in directly attacks families by attacking marriages. Marriage should be forever.

Christian-singles-datingHollywood shocked us with 72 days of marriage. Our society doesn’t value marriage, an institution designed by God himself for a mature man and a mature woman. Rushing into a lifelong commitment is not wise and might easily end in a divorce. If people prepared more for marriage, do you think we would have less divorces? I don’t know, but I do think singles* need to take precaution in their dating relationships to approach marriage differently.

Divorce doesn’t only affect the parents, it affects the kids more. After divorce, kids have to adapt living with one parent instead of two. The child might not fully comprehend why daddy or mummy is no longer living with them. Divorces hurt children. The bible only allows divorce when infidelity is present. Divorce is a serious business to God because he doesn’t take marriage vows lightly.

Singles, marriage is not dating, you can’t just married him or her today and decide you want to divorce tomorrow. Unfortunately, people are approaching marriage like a dating game. Christian singles, if our marriage vows is important to God, we need to approach marriage in a serious sense. Society will go back on God’s word because a carnal mind can’t fully comprehend. As Christian singles, it is imperative we prepare ourselves for marriage. Marriage is a life-long commitment and shouldn’t be entered hastily.

That’s the problem with this society: quick to marry and quick to divorce.


I love to laugh..
Life is not that serious.
Sometimes, we just need that good humor.

My cousin shared this on his fb page, I decided to share it with you.
Laughter is good for the soul..

Here we go..
Most Nigerians will get it..
If you are not Nigerian, I hope u get it.

Here we go:

Boyfriend: I heard you failed in English!

Girlfriend: Nonsense! Who TELLED you?

Boyfriend: You see your life! Even simple English, you cannot spoke! Okay, tell me whether the following adjectives are correct or not.”Great Greater Greatest, Sell Seller Sellest, Help Helper Helpest”

Girlfriend: They’re all correct of course!!!

Boyfriend: God safed you today, I thought u wont get


If I get a lot of likes.. I will post more Nigerian humors.

How Great is our God Day 15

When your mom and dad met.
Your dad released approximately 300 million sperms..
Of course the journey to fertilize an egg is a life or death journey.
Against all the obstacles along the way, you won the race..

See, if you didn’t win. You wouldn’t have been here.
You had to fight to get here.
Other sperms didn’t make it but you did..
You won that race..
what is holding you back from winning this life journey.

Again, approximately 300 million sperms are released according to biologists
It takes an AMAZING God to not allow 300 million sperms to fertilize 300 millions eggs..
Imagine being pregnant with 300 million babies..(it sounds crazy).

Pls.. Don’t ever in your life think you are smarter than God.
No human being in their mortal mind can do this…

We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made-Ps 139:14

“The human body is amazing!! Too complex for the big bang theory. Too complex for Darwin’s theory.. Certainly there is a creator. What a masterpiece, what an architect, what a designer! #God”Esther Poswal

How Great is our GOD!!

How Great is our God Day 13

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.. (Psalms 139: 14)

World race
God created us different from each other yet still unique and similar.
It takes an Amazing God to create different races of people with various  languages, cultures, traditions and customs..
God is a God of variety.
Thankfully, he didn’t create us all the same.
Imagine the world with just one set of race, custom, language, and way of life.

It is impossible to imagine right?
We serve a Mighty God!!

How Great is OUR GOD!!!

How Great is Our God Day 11

I don’t know how many of you have heard this story.

Read on..
I found this on <>

“A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife and then buried her with their infant baby and 8-year old daughter. The girls? were buried alive!

He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family member died. When they went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand – ALIVE!

The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be executed.

The older girl was asked how she had survived. “A man wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came every day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister,” she said.

She was interviewed on Egyptian national TV, by a veiled Muslim woman news anchor. She said on public TV, “This was none other than Jesus, because nobody else does things like this!”

Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He really was crucified, and it’s clear also that He is alive! But, it’s also clear that the child could not make up a story like this, and there is no way these children could have survived without a true miracle. Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what? to do with this, and the popularity of the movie Passion doesn’t help!

With Egypt at the centre of the media and education in the Middle East, you can be sure this story will spread. Christ is still turning the world upside down!

Please let this story be shared. The Lord says, “I will bless the person who puts his trust in me.” Jeremiah 17:7.”

writer: unknown..
Only God is capable to do something like this..

How Great is our God!!