C’mon, Ladies…
I hate to see ladies who have good men but they treat them terrible

Yes, I went there..
If you have a man that LOVES and TREATS you well..
The least..
The least you can do is to TREAT him WELL!!

No man deserves to be abused in the name of LOVE…
I hate seeing married women abuse their husbands.

If you are a bellicose wife change before it is too late.
God didn’t create marriage to be combat..
You..truculent wife..take Heed..
I warned you.

If he loves you..
Show him LOVE too.

This is how MEN spell love (R-E-S-P-E-C-T)..

Most of the time, we hear about men abusing women but some women are abusive too..

Proverbs 14:1-“a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”

You feel like he loves you so much he will stick around no matter how you treat him..
Pls.. You, troglodyte come back to reality..
He will leave you for another lady with a character to match her pulchritude.

Go to counselling..
Do whatever you have to do to save your marriage..

If you are tearing down your husband,
you are tearing down your marriage and your household..
This makes you..


How Great is our God Day 25

“Our physiology developed in and for these conditions: the way our lungs are calibrated just for this air pressure, allowing us to breathe without even thinking about it; the way our bones react to navigating a 1g environment by continually replenishing and turning over the mineral-rich tissue at just the right rate; the way our skin cells produce melanin and our irises contract to protect us from the damaging light of the sun. Our bodies are finely tuned for this environment.”-Patrick Mustain

He made everything for us to survive in this planet called Earth.

How GREAT is our God!!!!

How you define happiness?

I read this blog post(here)..
I wish, I could press it.

It got me thinking..
How do I define happiness?

It is very easy to allow external things/influences to define our happiness.
What will we you do when all those external things are gone?
Allow, depression? God forbid!

The answer came.. God is my happiness.
Just to know that God is Real, Alive and He will never leave me nor forsake me..
On top of that.. He loves me!!
That’s enough to keep me happy.

Now, Your turn..
How do you define happiness?

Single Ladies, Get Higher!

“Who God has for you is for you and will only have eyes for you”-  Kim Brooks

If he says.. he likes you but he has wandering eyes (watch out)..
Indirectly, he is telling you are not what he wants.
Guys will continue to search for what they want until they find it.

Your Boaz-man should only have eyes for you.
Boaz was a rich man, he could have had any woman he wanted but his eyes were only on Ruth.
He wasn’t checking out Ruth and another servant girl. 

We will settle for any guy if we don’t know our identity in Christ.
Low self-esteem women are also prone to settling..

Know your identity in Christ and use that to build up your self-esteem.

I challenge you to get higher in your relationship with God and self-esteem before your next relationship.

God wants the best for us. 
We will never meet God’s best for us.. if we keep settling for the counterfeits. 


Don’t judge your life by Other people’s success or failure. The road of life is different for everyone. No one walk the road of life the same. A very good and kind man may die at 30 but a wicked and evil man may live till 80, between the two who is better?

The most intelligent student may graduate and get a good job but the dull student may drop out, struggle but someday build a very outstanding company. A virgin may struggle to give birth after marriage but a lady that have undergone multiple abortion may give birth nine months after marriage. Some may find love early during their teen but lose it by 35, others may find love at 40 and live happily ever after.

It may not happen the same way it happen to the other because everyone is different. But always try to give your best, so at the end, you will be glad you did!

Written by: Mfon Ekene

How Great is our God Day 24

I was talking to a medical doctor today, he said that doctors only know 10% of the human body and 90% is unknown. Again, I didn’t say it.. A US trained medical doctor said it.
We think Doctors know it all but in reality, they don’t..
They don’t have all the answers cos “we are fearfully and wonderfully made”-Ps. 139:14

How GREAT is OUR God!!