I Dare You to live Stress-free this Year

Did you know that your body releases a hormone called “cortisol” to help you deal with stress? Cortisol has negative effects on our body long term. My challenge for you is to live stress-free this year. Please add this goal to your New Year’s resolution. We all have one life to live and we can shorten our time on earth if we don’t reduce stress in our lives.

Here are some things I recommend you should do to de-stress:
1. Worry less-Worry doesn’t solve anything. In fact, it makes the problem worse.
2. Exercise-I know by exercising you are stressing your body but trust me, you will feel so much better if you exercise.
3. Sleep-If you don’t get enough sleep, it will affect your body at some point. Don’t play with sleep. SLEEP!
4. Laugh-Laughter is good medicine. Laugh and laugh again..
5. Do something you enjoy- if you enjoy playing soccer, hanging out with friends. Do it and make sure you include it in your schedule.
6. Count your blessings-You think you have it worse? There is somebody who has it worse than you.
7. Put things in perspective-see things from another angle for a change.
8. Learn to cast your cares unto God because he cares for you.

I hope you will add more to this list as you learn to live stress-free this year.

“With God nothing shall be impossible”-Luke 1:37


You can’t Buy Love.. Can you?

Love is priceless,
Love is not a feeling, or an emotion.
We have watered down this thing called “love.”
Nowadays, a guy can buy a girl’s in love with his good looks and a large bank account.

Ladies, we are not waiting for love anymore, we are settling for financial security and mere looks.
Guys don’t feel they have to do much anymore.
That sacrificial love is gone.
We are all looking for what we can gain not what we can give.
Lust takes, takes and takes..
Love gives.
Girls we can buy love from guys by being beautiful.
Our natural beauty is enough but to catch the best, we have to add some artificial “stuff” (you know).
The more fake we become the more attention we get.
We only hurt ourselves when we underestimate love.

If you choose anything such as money, looks above love. You lose.

Dear President Mandela,

I rarely cry when iconic people die but for you sir, I felt a tear. I am humbled by how you fought for your people the same way Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his people. Your people are living better lives because you sacrificed your life for them. I salute you sir because a lot of people would have chicken out but you fought till the end. I join South Africans to celebrate your life and we will never forget your sacrifice. I watched Sarafina when I was younger, and I saw a tiny glimpse of how your people were maltreated in your own country. I saw how talented your people are and how this apartheid made them stronger. I am not South African but I think if I wasn’t born Nigerian, I would have been South African. I love your people, culture, talents, voices and anything else I am yet to discover about your country. Our world needs more selfless leaders like you!! We will always and forever remember you. You lived a wonderful life, Sir. I will never forget you. South Africans will never forget you. The world will never forget you. Your legacy lives on. Goodbye, Sir!!!



If you could write a letter to Mandela. What would you say? Please, write your letter to Mandela, tag this post at the end of your letter and encourage your readers to do the same.

Stop Pressuring Singles to Marry..

Leave us Single Women Alone..
Yes, I know the clock is ticking.
Since I was born this clock has been ticking and ticking..
Nobody should be pressured to make a lifelong commitment hastily.

People under pressure make dumb mistakes like marrying someone they didn’t want to marry.
Love is important in a marriage.
Unlike some of you in your marriages, I want to be happy in my marriage.
I just don’t want to tolerate my marriage because of the children.

As a Nigerian Woman at my age, it is absolutely a crime to be single.
As soon as a Nigerian woman graduates from college, she gets all sorts of pressure to get married.
I want to be married someday.
I want to have a husband and three beautiful children or four by God’s grace.
Marriage is not a joke.
Marriage is a long-term commitment.

Marriage is for LIFE.
As soon as I say “I do.” That is it!!
I don’t believe in divorce.
For a woman who doesn’t believe in DIVORCE, I need my space away from every pressure to make my decision.
A woman knows what she wants.
If I am still single at my age, OMG!!! The world is not ending.

A lot of women Marry for several reasons.
Not this Woman: I will only marry for LOVE and NOTHING ELSE.
No Single Woman can Force any man to love her and you CAN’T force her to love someone she doesn’t want because of a clock.
I rather wait patiently and be happy in my marriage than rush and be miserable.
Being Single is not A Crime..
You are not God.