Christain Singles..

A Pastor in my church said “ppl spend more time preparing for wedding more than the marriage.”  Considering the high rates of divorces today, I agree with his statement 100%. The alarming fact of the matter is that divorce is also high in the church. I think the enemy in directly attacks families by attacking marriages. Marriage should be forever.

Christian-singles-datingHollywood shocked us with 72 days of marriage. Our society doesn’t value marriage, an institution designed by God himself for a mature man and a mature woman. Rushing into a lifelong commitment is not wise and might easily end in a divorce. If people prepared more for marriage, do you think we would have less divorces? I don’t know, but I do think singles* need to take precaution in their dating relationships to approach marriage differently.

Divorce doesn’t only affect the parents, it affects the kids more. After divorce, kids have to adapt living with one parent instead of two. The child might not fully comprehend why daddy or mummy is no longer living with them. Divorces hurt children. The bible only allows divorce when infidelity is present. Divorce is a serious business to God because he doesn’t take marriage vows lightly.

Singles, marriage is not dating, you can’t just married him or her today and decide you want to divorce tomorrow. Unfortunately, people are approaching marriage like a dating game. Christian singles, if our marriage vows is important to God, we need to approach marriage in a serious sense. Society will go back on God’s word because a carnal mind can’t fully comprehend. As Christian singles, it is imperative we prepare ourselves for marriage. Marriage is a life-long commitment and shouldn’t be entered hastily.

That’s the problem with this society: quick to marry and quick to divorce.

How Great is our God Day 9

God's love“U hurt me I still love you, you don’t want me I am still interested in you, u hit me I smile at you.
I will still do more because that is what true love is all about.”-James Ogbor

I like this quote cos it captures what we do to God everyday but he still loves us.
God loves us so much.

I can’t fully comprehend God’s love,
so I can’t fully explain the magnitude of his Love.

Bible says, “Even when we were yet sinners, Christ still died for us”-Romans 5:8
No Greater Love.

God is the creator of Love.
God is Love-1 John 4:8

We hurt him everyday, yet he still loves us.
How Great is Our God!!!

What does Jesus mean to you?

Thank you sharonvogancollins for this question.

Jesus means Life to me.
I grew up in a Christian home.
I knew all the bible stories.
Yet, I didn’t have a relationship with Him.
I did what I wanted to do.
I noticed something that brought me closer to the cross..
What was it?
I got in more trouble than my friends.
I would get in trouble with my friends..
However, I got more punished than them.
It didn’t make sense until my sophomore yr of High School in the States..
I decided to stop living a double life to pursue a deep relationship with Christ.
I am not where I want in my relationship with God but thanks be to Him that I am not where I was.

This is a good question.
To my followers “what does Jesus mean to you?”

Girl Reality Check..


african wedding bridal party

We fantasize about our weddings.
Yet, we somehow forget that our marriage is more important.
It makes no sense to spend thousands of dollars or naira on a wedding only for it to end in a divorce.

There’s nothing wrong in spending a lot of money on your wedding..
But, you need to INVEST more into your marriage to make sure it works.

Weddings are beautiful..
Every girl dreams of their Cinderella moment on their wedding day.
Cinderella on your wedding day,                                                            
and an Evil queen after your wedding makes no sense. African Wedding 2

Don’t get me wrong spend as much as you want on your wedding;
However, you need to invest more in your marriage prior and after the wedding to make sure your marriage works.

Your Wedding is a one day event.
if you’re African like me.. A two day event.
For other cultures a multiple day event.

Point is all our wedding festivities will come to an end.
Your Marriage should be forever.
Which one deserves more investment??

Malachi 2:16-“I hate divorce” says the Lord.

“It’s better to have an average wedding with an exceptional marriage, than a dream wedding but the marriage be a nightmare.”-Singles and Married Africa

How fine is your Man?


We see a Black man and our heads start spinning.. LOL!!
There’s nothing wrong in thinking a guy is attractive.
However, check yourself that you don’t lust.

We are only suppose to lust after our husbands.
If you don’t have a husband,
you probably shouldn’t be lusting after anybody.

Girl, go beyond looks,
Does he love the Lord?
Not just go to Church,
does he have an intimate relationship with the Lord?

Guys are getting smart these days..
Some guys don’t just go to church,
they go to meet ladies.
We have to be wise,
going to church or singing in the choir is not enough.

You be the judge..
With the leadership of the holy spirit,
you will know if this guy is legit or not..

Please look beyond looks..
Check out his character.
What is his character telling you about him?
Pray about it.

Cos a black_man_praying  that puts God first should be PRAISED!!


Dear Christian Girl,

If you are in a relationship with a guy or pursuing anything leading to a relationship
and the guy’s priority is not to please God in your relationship.

Take Time..

I know you are expecting me to say to evaluate the relationship.
No, I’ll say evaluate your relationship with the Lord.
I say evaluate your relationship with the Lord cos He is a jealous God,
He will never give us someone that takes our attention away Him.

Also, if your priority is not to please God in this relationship..
Again, re-evaluate your relationship with the Lord.
Remember God should be glorified in everything we do.
If God is not glorified. Why are u in it??
Think about it!

This msg is also for me,
don’t compromise on your relationship with the Lord.
God first-Matt 6:33

Christain Girl Move-On Checklist..

The questionnaire1. Does he have a relationship with God Yes/No

*Yes-move forward to the next question.
*No-Let him go and don’t advance to the next questions.

2.  Does God come first in his life Y/N

Yes-advance to the next question.
No-let him go and don’t go to the next question.

3. Is my time with him distracting my relationship from the Lord Y/N

Yes- let him go and don’t advance to the next question
No- advance to the next question

4.     Do you trust this guy Y/N
Y- advance to the next question
N- let him go and don’t advance to the next question.

5.   Do have doubts about this guy Y/N
Y- Let him go and don’t advance to the next question.
N-Advance to the next question

6.    Do you use google to analyze his behavior Y/N.
Y-Let him go and don’t advance to the next question
N-Advance to the next question.

7. Are you having self-esteem issues at the same time that you are talking to this guy?

Y-let him go and work on yourself
N-continue to talk to him.

Signs He is not God’s will for you..

1. He doesn’t have an intimate relationship with God*
2. He doesn’t respect your boundaries.
3. Staying with him compromises your values.
4. Your relationship with him doesn’t enhance your relationship with God.
5. He tries to pressure you into having sex before marriage.
6. He compares you to other girls, you are never good enough for him.
7. He doesn’t like you just the way you are*

*Huge Sign:
God will never give you someone that doesn’t have a relationship with him first.
God will always give you someone that like you just the way you are.

Red flags he is not into you..

Guys are simple yet complex..
If he is not into you:

1. He wouldn’t initiate contact (calling, texting, emailing or taking time to see you). That’s the big one. This is a huge red flag that this guy is not into you. No matter how busy, if he likes you..he will make time for you.
2. He ignores your calls, texts, messages, etc..

This is not a long list but if this two things happen; forget it.. He is not into you.
Best thing to do:
1. Don’t msg, text or call (this only makes you look desperate)..
2. Move on, God has someone better.
3. Take this time to love yourself. Loving yourself is the first step to true love..