TEDx Talk Review: How to find your passion and inner Awesomeness by Eugene Hennie

I have not been blogging a lot because I am at a stage in my life where I am questioning.. What’s next?
What is my next step?

This Tedx Talk encouraged me on so many levels, I had to share my notes.
My Notes:
Find your Passion and inner Awesomeness by:

1. Knowing yourself-likes, dislikes..etc.
2. Embracing yourself
3. Surrounding yourself with encouraging people-the company you keep will dictate where you are going in life
4. Knowing what you want
5. Working your butt off- Be willing to lose sleep.
6. Making impossible the new possible
7. Failing hard and failing often
8. Beating on your craft-keep working on your craft until you perfect it.
9. Learning to embrace confrontation
10. Doing what is right

*Your inner awesomeness is already in the inside of you*

-Eugene Hennie

Click here to watch this Tedx Talk 

Nigerian Men 101: For Non-Nigerian women dating Nigerian Men..

If you’re a non-Nigerian woman dating a Nigerian man, here are some things you need to know about your Nigerian Man.

1. Your Nigerian Man values Education-Most Nigerian men are in foreign countries for education, sports or business. Since you are foreign, you most likely met him in your home country or a country foreign country to him.

2. Your Nigerian Man loves Soccer (fyi: we call it football)- I am yet to find a Nigerian man who doesn’t love soccer. Find out his favorite professional soccer team and support the team. The popular soccer teams are Arsenal, Chelsea, Barcelona and the list goes on.

3. Your Nigerian Man loves his family: if you get to meet his family, he is very serious about you. Nigerian men don’t joke with their families. To meet his family, you definitely want to leave a good impression. If his family approves of you, he will most likely marry you.

4. Your Nigerian Man’s language will tell you about his culture. If he says he is Igbo, Yoruba, Efik etc..etc. You want to read up on his culture. If he was raised in Nigeria, there are some cultural practices that he might still want to uphold. This cultural thing is more important when you meet his family, you don’t want to do anything to insult his parents or family members. Reading or asking him about his culture might be helpful to you down the road.

5. Your Nigerian Man loves his Nigerian food- you will find some Nigerian men here and there who do not like their Nigerian foods but I am yet to find one. If you want him to put a ring on it quicker, learn to cook his ethnic food and see what he will do. Most Nigerian men in foreign countries are learning or already know how to cook their ethnic food but you will impress him more if you learn to cook it or show some an interest.

More to Come… If you have any questions, please comment below or email me at [email protected]

Christain Singles..

A Pastor in my church said “ppl spend more time preparing for wedding more than the marriage.”  Considering the high rates of divorces today, I agree with his statement 100%. The alarming fact of the matter is that divorce is also high in the church. I think the enemy in directly attacks families by attacking marriages. Marriage should be forever.

Christian-singles-datingHollywood shocked us with 72 days of marriage. Our society doesn’t value marriage, an institution designed by God himself for a mature man and a mature woman. Rushing into a lifelong commitment is not wise and might easily end in a divorce. If people prepared more for marriage, do you think we would have less divorces? I don’t know, but I do think singles* need to take precaution in their dating relationships to approach marriage differently.

Divorce doesn’t only affect the parents, it affects the kids more. After divorce, kids have to adapt living with one parent instead of two. The child might not fully comprehend why daddy or mummy is no longer living with them. Divorces hurt children. The bible only allows divorce when infidelity is present. Divorce is a serious business to God because he doesn’t take marriage vows lightly.

Singles, marriage is not dating, you can’t just married him or her today and decide you want to divorce tomorrow. Unfortunately, people are approaching marriage like a dating game. Christian singles, if our marriage vows is important to God, we need to approach marriage in a serious sense. Society will go back on God’s word because a carnal mind can’t fully comprehend. As Christian singles, it is imperative we prepare ourselves for marriage. Marriage is a life-long commitment and shouldn’t be entered hastily.

That’s the problem with this society: quick to marry and quick to divorce.

How Great is our God Day 5..

Can you imagine a world with no air??
or can you even imagine going to a place like a gas station to buy air?
God is awesome that he knew that it would be too expensive for someone like me and some of you..so he made air free.

What is so special about the Air we breath?
It’s oxygen..
“21% of oxygen” is found in our air (http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/airprop.html).
Our cells need oxygen.

I know a lot about exercise physiology..
You need oxygen for aerobic exercise..
Our aerobic energy production produces most of our energy that we need for exercise and it is more efficient than the other two energy processes that can function without oxygen.

Apart from exercise,
every cell of our body needs oxygen..
Our Red blood cells has a protein called hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

Oxygen is very important us.
We will talk more about oxygen when we talk about the lungs.
Gas exchange takes place in the lungs..(stay tuned)

God knew that Oxygen is so important to us..
so He added it to air..
Air is Free and easily accessible

How Great is our God.