Nigerian Men: Showcase your Style on 9jagirl4real

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Hey Nigerian Guys showcase your creative Nigerian style and fashion art on 9jagirl4real by sending in your picture to my blog’s email.

I will really love to showcase more pictures in African attires. Please send your pictures.
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Words of Wisdom to Black American Women about American Men..

I am reading this book “Why I love Black women by Michael Dyson” and I will do a book review soon. Love this book.

Here are some wise quotes from this book..

“I think a lot of Sisters are just looking in the wrong places and settling for all the wrong and cars. If they only knew the best man to find is one that truly loves God, because if he does, he can’t help himself but love you.”

“Learn to love yourself which will protect you being vulnerable to men who seek to disrespect, reject, or misuse women”

I am tired of hearing about black men mistreating their women so I will be posting information on this blog to empower women. We need to love ourselves enough to walk out of abusive relationships.

More to come..

It’s not a woman’s job to find her husband..

It’s a taboo to be Single and Nigerian. A guy told me the other day “Hey, you need to go out and start meeting people” to increase my chances of meeting Mr. Right to marry.
People, please help me answer this question..
IS IT A WOMAN’s Responsibility to find her husband?
Why does everybody at a certain stage in woman’s life metamorphose to relationship experts?
Please, marriage is not by force.
Again, it is not a woman’s job to find her husband.
I pursue God and he will bless me at his own time.
I REFUSE to go out searching..

Nigerian women we need to watch who we talk to..
It is not a woman’s job to go searching for her husband.
If he can’t find me when I travel, work, church or wherever I am then he is not for me.

Rush into marriage and rush out..

Our choice right?

Nigerian Men 101 Part 2: White Naija Girl

A Blog Review: White Naija Girl

I really liked this blog when I first saw it. For those of you who liked my “Nigerian Men 101: For Non-Nigerian Women” you will definitely like this blog. She explains our Nigerian culture so well from her point of view.  She is also very intelligent; she speaks lots of languages. She is married to Nigerian man so she has a lot of awesome tips for women into Nigerian men. She shares what is like being married to a Nigerian man as non-Nigerian Woman. You will find her blog very juicy and informative.

Click here to check out her blog

How Great is our God Day 22

You still doubt God exist??

Well, take a look at this video.

The medical expert says “its divinity beyond any human comprehension”.. I agree, “Its GOD”

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” -Genesis 1:27


How Great is our God Day 19

The information for this post was from –>

Pollination means to move pollen from one part of the flower to another. This helps plants produce seeds. Some flowers need pollinators such as bees, flies that literally help carry pollen from one plant to another.

Pollinators actually do what they do to help themselves reproduce. As pollinators are busy minding their business doing their thing they don’t know the plants are also benefiting. It’s a win-win situation.

Psalms 24:1-The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

How Great is our GOD!!

How is Great is Our God Day 2

During my undergrad, I got an opportunity to see an health care professional work with a stroke patient. She educated me about what she was doing, I couldn’t stop to think that we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

As you know stroke affects one side of your body. Basically, one side of your body becomes affected, you can’t do what you could before with that side of the body.

Stroke happens when there is less blood flow to your brain due to a narrowed artery or an artery that burst open. The right side of your brain control the left side of your body and the left side of your brain controls the right side. So the side of the brain that is affected will determine which side will lose function. For more info (

The healthcare professional was working with this patient on their affected side of the body to get it to function again. While she was working with this patient, she showed how the other side (unaffected) tried to compensate for the functioning lost in the affected side. As the patient was trying to do stuff with the affected side the unaffected side was also trying to do the same thing to help the affected side.

God knew that we would go through challenges that’s why he set up compensatory mechanisms to help us adapt.

How GREAT is our GOD!!

Techno Babies..

ImageI call them “Techno Babies” in short for Technology Babies.
I have interacted with kids ages 1-4yrs..
It seems all of them know to work gadgets.
Gadgets as in a tablet, i-pad, i-pod.. Just to name a few.
And I am not talking about those made for kids.
It amazes me how they know to work it.
Give them a gadget..
You just have to turn on the power button and they know what to do.

It makes me wonder does God equip our new babies in the womb to know how to work new advances in technology?? It sounds like a crazy thought but we serve a Mighty God that is also full of surprises.

It amazes me, how a 4yr old knows how to get on a tablet..
without asking knows how to get on youtube to find her shows.
Of course, her parents may have shown her how to a few times
but the ability for her to navigate  way without much assistance is amazing.

I gave a 2yr old my laptop to play Angry birds..
I thought, i’d have to instruct him on how use the mouse to play.
Well, he got on the laptop and just knew what to do.

I don’t have a child,
maybe these kids have watched their parents long enough that they know what to do.
Who knows..