Where is my Gollibe?

Are you a single Nigerian guy? If yes, you most likely asked yourself this question after watching Flavour’s new music video. If you didn’t ask yourself this question, at least the question crossed your mind. Chai, be honest, na! I loved the message behind the video. It was brilliant and I personally think it’s one of Flavour’s best works; however, this video does not help single Nigerian ladies aboard.

I have lived in the States for 13 years now. 2 out of 3 Nigerian men I meet want to go back home to pick their wives. It is perfectly fine if you already had someone back at home. That’s a different story. Due to the influence of Nigerian movies, social media, and our old school Nigerian mentality these men feel like they have to go back home to find their wives.

                         New flash for Nigerian guys aboard: You can find Gollibe anywhere. 


What is so special about Gollibe? She is innocent: simple, good-natured, kind and family oriented. Guys want Gollibe because of her inner beauty and wife qualities. Every guy deserves a Golibe. Most men can agree that they want a good natured girl.

If you are looking for a good natured girl, why would life geographically restrict the good girls from coming to the city? Good girls can be found anywhere. The idea that good girls can only be found in the village is a ludicrous thought. Ladies in the city should not be penalized for being in the city. More exposure doesn’t mean more venality. Bad girls are everywhere, the village is not exempted.

City ladies can be good as village ladies. Village girls can be equally bad. Even though Nigerian men are more inclined to look for Gollibe in the village, I implore you to use the same tactics you would use to find Gollibe in the village in the city and see if you wouldn’t be surprised. Give the ladies around you a sincere chance before you go searching in the village.

How do find your Golibe in the village? You ask your friends and family for recommendations. They give you who they recommend. You meet her. Hopefully, you observe and court her long enough to really know her. You don’t have any preconceived notions about her. You give her a fair chance. Why can’t you do the same for the ladies there in Yankee with you?

Don’t be intimidated by the independent Nigerian ladies aboard, you can find your Gollibe anywhere!!!

Why Africans look down on Black Americans?

After doing my research, I found four points were present in all the sources I reviewed. It became too redundant that it bored me.

4 Points I found in all my Sources:

1. Africans really think that Black-Americans are violent and lazy- One the sources clearly said that Africans are picking up the white’s fear of blacks (I thought this was very interesting).
2. Africans hate the fact that African-Americans blame slavery and racism for most of their problems.
3. Africans don’t understand why African-Americans don’t take advantage of the many opportunities available to them here in the States.
4. Africans think that a lot of Black-Americans are ignorant about Africa because they still have this primitive, old perception of Africans.

Of course this is not TRUE for all Africans. The four points above could be one of the reasons why Africans look down on Black Americans. All four points were found in all the sources I reviewed. Interesting points, I also found..

1. Africans know their identities are not easily offended when people try to put them down (found in the first source).
2. Africans and Black-American respond to adversity differently. Black-Americans blame the system while Africans are willing to do any jobs instead of blaming the system (found in the first source).
3. Africans receive better treatments from whites which angers Black-Americans (found in the second source).
4. Africans see education as a tool that open the doors within the American society(found in the second source).

The only thing that could undermine this research is that I did not review more sources. Honestly after two educational sources and a research based article with the same results… The light bulb came on.

Sources: Click below

Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

What do you guys think?

The SOLUTION to our Nigerian Problems..

Guess what? I have the solution to all our Nigerian problems.
You want to know?
We are the solution to our problems.
You heard me right.
You are the solution to your country’s problems.
Do you think the United States of America or China would be where they are today if they waited for foreigners to help them build their country?
Nigerians stop blaming politicians and start blaming yourselves.
We are the solution to our problems but we haven’t figured out the solution because we are not thinking outside the box.

I want to show you something to help you understand the importance of thinking outside the box.
Below, I have posted two video of young people who thought outside the box and brought solutions to their African Community.

1. This little boy found a way of saving lions and people in his community by thinking outside the box.
How did he do it? Watch the video to find out.

2. This African young man did something that surpises M.I.T professors by thinking outside the box. How did he do it? Watch the video to find out.

My people, our real problem is that we are not thinking. These young boys don’t have PHD degrees but they are making a difference. WHAT IS OUR EXCUSE? It’s time to start THINKING, NIGERIANS.


Is this love?

Have you ever wondered why you love your family no matter how crazy they act?
For most of us, there’s nothing our family members can do to completely change how we feel about them.
God’s love as we know is a gift.
God’s love is unconditional, perfect and pure.

As you know in life there are some ppl no matter what you do will never like you.
However, they are ppl on the other hand that will love you unconditionally.
Well, how does a love like this come about??

I consider this kind of Love truly a gift from God.
This kind of love is seen in close friends, best friends..etc.

On the flip side, they are some people that deliberately hate us for one reason or the other.
I have discovered that changing yourself to get these ppl to like you is pointless.
Most of the time, these ppl have subconsciously made that choice to hate.
We can’t change anybody, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t.

At the end of the day, Love/Hate is a choice.
Some ppl will chose to love u unconditionally: That’s a gift from God.
Some ppl will chose to hate u unconditionally: Be aware there’s nothing you can do to change this cos you can’t change ppl.

All you can do is to love yourself unconditionally.
Accept the fact that God loves u unconditionally.
Until we grasp this concept, we will still be chasing after the wind.

Again, you can’t get anyone to love u.
If you try and you succeed, you will find out that the love is not real.
If ppl that used to love u eventually hate you?
They didn’t love you in the first place.
Cos true love is unconditional..
Just as the word says without conditions.

The ability to love and be loved unconditionally is a mystery.
So when someone chooses to love you unconditionally,
Don’t forget to thank God for his gift!!

Love is a gift,
Love/Hate is a choice.

“Every good and perfect gift comes from above”-James 1:17