You have No Excuse.. Go to School!!

ImageI came into this amazing land of opportunity not knowing the amount of obstacles I’d  overcome.
As an international student with no assistance except from God and my family, school was rough.
Every semester, I’d stare at the amount of money I had to pay each semester and I’d just cry.
I didn’t know where the money would come from.
I come from a well to do family but I had other siblings in school as well.
Life was rough.
Somehow, God would provide a way that I was able to pay the first installment for my payment plan for the semester.
After I overcame that hurdle then I stare at the amount I had to spend to buy books.
My parents only worried about the school fees, somehow I was always responsible for my own books.

I’d search my school library first to see if they had the books I needed before I bought them in my college’s bookstore.
I remember finding some books but they were always several editions behind the books required for my classes.
You get the point; I didn’t buy books except I really needed them.

Sometimes, I would befriend people in class just so I could share their book. .
Sometimes, I would wait till I got to the class to listen to the professor before getting the txt book. If a professor was one of those who emphasized on reading the book, then most likely I would buy the book.
I remember going through my microbiology class without a textbook. Most of my science classes, I made sure I had a book because it’s science.

What am I trying to say?

When I graduated high school, I qualified for lots of scholarships and grants but just because I was international, I couldn’t take advantage of any of those grants and scholarships.
Financially, it would have been easier on me if I was an American student.

Most of my American friends don’t know how much I struggled in college to get my degree.
It’s puzzling to see  some American students choose partying over studying.
I couldn’t understand how someone could come to college with lots of scholarship and lose it in the first semester.
I am here struggling to find money to go to school and someone else is there wasting the money given to them for free.

If I was to get student loans, the interest rate alone would have killed me.

Americans schools are built to provide for their own, as it should. It does things to me when American students don’t understand what they have.

I couldn’t file for fafsa, plus I paid out of state. You guys have no excuse.

When I hear an American student complain of not having any money for school, I give them deaf ears because they have lots of assistance left, right and center..

You have to trust her..

Who is she?
She is your intuition.
Some people call her that “gut feeling.”

When a guy or girl does or tells you and all of a sudden, you know something is not right.
That’s her telling you something is wrong.
We all have her in the inside of us.
She will not lead you astray.
Trust her!!!

She will never tell you something that could bring harm to you or someone else.
Trust your judgment.
We all have the ability to make good decisions.


How Great is our God Day 29

Did you know your ability to blink is a gift?
Our human eyes blinks 10,000 times a day (source)
BlinkImagine your eyes without the ability to blink?

Why is blinking so important?

According to Dr. Stern, adults blink more frequently to cleanse and moisten our cornea (source). He also says we blink less frequently when we are learning something or getting our attention attentively to something. Moistening our eyes is important to protect our eyes from bacteria (source).

You subconsciously blink not knowing it is working out for your own good.

“We are fearfully and wonderfully made.”-Psalms 139:14


Meet my lil Prince..

ImageMeet my little Prince.
He is now 2 years old and his favorite word is “mummy.”
He loves Mickey Mouse and knows all his colors.
He is very tall for a two year old. I am praying…he will become an NBA star or a college professor like his grandfather.

Prince is my second nephew..
In between every monster hugs, I think to myself..”why?”
As he looks at me to fight the sleep in his little eyes, I continue asking myself “why?”
I watch him as he drives his little car into the kitchen with no care in the world.. I still find myself asking myself “why?”
I love how he tries to pop my screensaver’s bubbles..
He loves taking a bath with his “Mickey” and “Daisy” characters and I continue asking myself “why?”

Why do you have to grow up in society where you will be labelled as a “criminal” because you are black boy?
As your Aunt, I can’t protect you.
I can’t tell the world, he is my little prince, he wouldn’t hurt you.
How can I tell the world, who you really are before they judge you?
How can I protect you from unnecessary embarrassments and stereotypes?
Where did you go wrong for coming into this world as a black boy?

As a black man, you will face a lot of challenges. I pray you will overcome every obstacles and become successful like President Obama.
Racial profiling is not an excuse to live a sorry life.
I know you will make it successfully because you have God on your side and an Aunt who will be covering you with prayers.

I pray I live to see your success.
Above all I pray, you live to see your success.

There’s Fire on the Mountain… Calling all Nigerian Bloggers.

ImageNigerian Bloggers, we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM.
The Nigerian Senate wants to amend the law that says a woman has to be 18 years old before she can get married.
Their barbaric logic is that a woman is “full of age” to marry regardless of her age.
After reading this.. I was like I am done, I am not Nigerian anymore.
I mean, what kind of foolishness is this?
Who came up with this foolishness?
Why is this foolishness up for discussion?

I mean, I couldn’t believe my eyes..
Nigerian government have gone nuts, if they think a female child as young as 10 years old is matured enough for marriage.


If you are a Nigerian about this and get the word out to as many people as you can.
We can’t allow the Nigerian Senate to pass this barbaric law.
You don’t have to be a Nigerian blogger to help us.
Please, you can help by signing this petition here.

Please Help us to fight for the futures of young females in my Country.


A list of men God will NEVER give YOU..

I am still on a break from blogging lol.. Seriously, I am.. hahah..

Single Ladies,

I have been watching this “Where is he Already?” series on Youtube. Have you seen it?
You should definitely check it out. Here is the first episode.

God will never give you:

1. A married man-if you are dating one, please…move on, he is off the market. (Mark 10:9-what God has joined together, let no man put asunder).. I feel the need to say this again. GOD will NEVER GIVE YOU a MARRIED MAN. Again? GOD WILL NEVER GIVE YOU A MARRIED MAN. 

2. A non-believer-2 Cor 6:14-Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship does righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion does light have with darkness?

3. A man who verbally or physically abuses you

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.-1 Cor 13:4-7

4. An irresponsible man-
if he can’t take care of himself..he can’t  take care of you.

Is he living with his mom?
Is he in debt?
Does he pay his own bills?
Does he know how to manage money?
What are his plans for the future?
Is he taking care of his kids if he has any?
How many baby mamas does he have?

You will know a responsible man when you see one.. I trust you.
“For this reason a man will leave his mother and father and cling to his wife”-Matthew 19:5

James 1:17-Every good and perfect gift comes from the lord and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.