Make Up..

I remember telling myself once I fix this and that about myself, I will feel more beautiful.
The Holy Spirit was like “no, you wouldn’t. If you don’t feel beautiful now, you wouldn’t feel more beautiful once those things are fixed.”
ImageI can’t argue with the holy spirit..
There’s no external fix for low self-esteem.

A lot of women think they can cure low self-esteem by wearing a lot of make-up, getting breast implants, botox, wearing fake butts or getting injections to make their butts bigger.
Women who get breast implants because of breast cancer are an exception.

Low self-esteem is an internal problem that requires an internal intervention.
Low self-esteem can only be cured inside out not outside in.

There’s nothing wrong with wearing make-up; however, if you need to wear makeup to feel more beautiful, check yourself.

Meet my lil Prince..

ImageMeet my little Prince.
He is now 2 years old and his favorite word is “mummy.”
He loves Mickey Mouse and knows all his colors.
He is very tall for a two year old. I am praying…he will become an NBA star or a college professor like his grandfather.

Prince is my second nephew..
In between every monster hugs, I think to myself..”why?”
As he looks at me to fight the sleep in his little eyes, I continue asking myself “why?”
I watch him as he drives his little car into the kitchen with no care in the world.. I still find myself asking myself “why?”
I love how he tries to pop my screensaver’s bubbles..
He loves taking a bath with his “Mickey” and “Daisy” characters and I continue asking myself “why?”

Why do you have to grow up in society where you will be labelled as a “criminal” because you are black boy?
As your Aunt, I can’t protect you.
I can’t tell the world, he is my little prince, he wouldn’t hurt you.
How can I tell the world, who you really are before they judge you?
How can I protect you from unnecessary embarrassments and stereotypes?
Where did you go wrong for coming into this world as a black boy?

As a black man, you will face a lot of challenges. I pray you will overcome every obstacles and become successful like President Obama.
Racial profiling is not an excuse to live a sorry life.
I know you will make it successfully because you have God on your side and an Aunt who will be covering you with prayers.

I pray I live to see your success.
Above all I pray, you live to see your success.

A list of men God will NEVER give YOU..

I am still on a break from blogging lol.. Seriously, I am.. hahah..

Single Ladies,

I have been watching this “Where is he Already?” series on Youtube. Have you seen it?
You should definitely check it out. Here is the first episode.

God will never give you:

1. A married man-if you are dating one, please…move on, he is off the market. (Mark 10:9-what God has joined together, let no man put asunder).. I feel the need to say this again. GOD will NEVER GIVE YOU a MARRIED MAN. Again? GOD WILL NEVER GIVE YOU A MARRIED MAN. 

2. A non-believer-2 Cor 6:14-Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship does righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion does light have with darkness?

3. A man who verbally or physically abuses you

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.-1 Cor 13:4-7

4. An irresponsible man-
if he can’t take care of himself..he can’t  take care of you.

Is he living with his mom?
Is he in debt?
Does he pay his own bills?
Does he know how to manage money?
What are his plans for the future?
Is he taking care of his kids if he has any?
How many baby mamas does he have?

You will know a responsible man when you see one.. I trust you.
“For this reason a man will leave his mother and father and cling to his wife”-Matthew 19:5

James 1:17-Every good and perfect gift comes from the lord and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Moving On Prayer

Dear Lord,

How can more than 2 year of investment vanish in span of just two days. I’d be lying if I say, I didn’t like him. What do u call love in the presence of fear? Or can love strive in the absence of trust? We fought, giggled, laughed with each other and even stayed up to insane early hrs of the morning conversing. Now, we have nothing to show for it. Why did it have to end this way? The mountain was too big for us to climb.

Help me to trust you knowing that this road bump was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. You’re the source of everything good. Help me to trust you that the best is yet to come for me. Being complete is you is the goal from here out. You’re the source of my strength, joy, peace and happiness. moving-on  James 1:17 says “every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.” May I center my life on the  best gift you gave to me by sacrificing your son. Your son died, so I could be free from the law of  sin and death. Life is nothing without you. You’re the essence of life.

I serve you with all my heart. I give it all to you by serving nothing else. May I not idolize anything but only you. He wasn’t your best for me because if he was it would have worked out. This companionship wasn’t bless by you. in the beginning. The bible said the foolish man built his house on the sand and he suffered the consequences. Anything that starts with the wrong foundation will crash in the midst of storms, and dangerous winds. Your word is the strongest foundation to build anything to last. With you as the foundation, a relationship is sure to stand in the midst of perilous threats. You’re the pillar that holds this life of mine. Without you, I am nothing.

As I close this chapter, I forgive every hurt and pain that I procured over the yrs. Every seed of hurt, distrust, manipulation and satanic fuse of forgiveness is hereby, uprooted. My heart is free of hate, disgust, self-pity and depression. My heart soars over the problems of the past and makes the best out of every good and bad memory. My heart will not deter from your word. I will use my grief as a stepping ground to something better for this next chapter.

The next chapter will be full of bliss and happy ending. I will accept my past with open arms and use it as a bridge to better things. I will not retaliate in anger or hurt to the person. My heart within is full of joy, peace and everything necessary to help me move on.

Life is full of challenges. It is time to challenge my challenges, and make them to work for my benefit. I trust my instincts and I will never turn away from trusting them to any untruthful person.  , I chase the one who really proved he cared about me with no question YOU! I am complete in You.



Growing up in Nigeria..
I was a pretty little girl meaning I got a lot of attention even from older men.
From a young age, I grew to have confidence in my looks.

For you, it may not be looks..
It could be money, car, friends or family …….etc.

God wants us to only have confidence in him.
What do you have confidence in?
God will never share his glory with anyone. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I have a Secret..

What is this secret? 
You see.. 
I have this big dream that will help a lot of people. 
This dream is so much bigger than me. 

When this idea was laid on my heart. 
I was asking God, you want me to do what? 
Just like Moses, I looked at my weaknesses instead of focusing on God’s supernatural power. 

His ways are not ours. 
He wouldn’t give me an idea without already opening the door to make it happen. 
To change my thinking, 
I have been focusing on these scriptures. 

I hope these scriptures also help you to take limits off God. 

God can DO ANYTHING!!!