There’s Fire on the Mountain… Calling all Nigerian Bloggers.

ImageNigerian Bloggers, we have a SERIOUS PROBLEM.
The Nigerian Senate wants to amend the law that says a woman has to be 18 years old before she can get married.
Their barbaric logic is that a woman is “full of age” to marry regardless of her age.
After reading this.. I was like I am done, I am not Nigerian anymore.
I mean, what kind of foolishness is this?
Who came up with this foolishness?
Why is this foolishness up for discussion?

I mean, I couldn’t believe my eyes..
Nigerian government have gone nuts, if they think a female child as young as 10 years old is matured enough for marriage.


If you are a Nigerian about this and get the word out to as many people as you can.
We can’t allow the Nigerian Senate to pass this barbaric law.
You don’t have to be a Nigerian blogger to help us.
Please, you can help by signing this petition here.

Please Help us to fight for the futures of young females in my Country.


A list of men God will NEVER give YOU..

I am still on a break from blogging lol.. Seriously, I am.. hahah..

Single Ladies,

I have been watching this “Where is he Already?” series on Youtube. Have you seen it?
You should definitely check it out. Here is the first episode.

God will never give you:

1. A married man-if you are dating one, please…move on, he is off the market. (Mark 10:9-what God has joined together, let no man put asunder).. I feel the need to say this again. GOD will NEVER GIVE YOU a MARRIED MAN. Again? GOD WILL NEVER GIVE YOU A MARRIED MAN. 

2. A non-believer-2 Cor 6:14-Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship does righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion does light have with darkness?

3. A man who verbally or physically abuses you

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.-1 Cor 13:4-7

4. An irresponsible man-
if he can’t take care of himself..he can’t  take care of you.

Is he living with his mom?
Is he in debt?
Does he pay his own bills?
Does he know how to manage money?
What are his plans for the future?
Is he taking care of his kids if he has any?
How many baby mamas does he have?

You will know a responsible man when you see one.. I trust you.
“For this reason a man will leave his mother and father and cling to his wife”-Matthew 19:5

James 1:17-Every good and perfect gift comes from the lord and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Moving On Prayer

Dear Lord,

How can more than 2 year of investment vanish in span of just two days. I’d be lying if I say, I didn’t like him. What do u call love in the presence of fear? Or can love strive in the absence of trust? We fought, giggled, laughed with each other and even stayed up to insane early hrs of the morning conversing. Now, we have nothing to show for it. Why did it have to end this way? The mountain was too big for us to climb.

Help me to trust you knowing that this road bump was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. You’re the source of everything good. Help me to trust you that the best is yet to come for me. Being complete is you is the goal from here out. You’re the source of my strength, joy, peace and happiness. moving-on  James 1:17 says “every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.” May I center my life on the  best gift you gave to me by sacrificing your son. Your son died, so I could be free from the law of  sin and death. Life is nothing without you. You’re the essence of life.

I serve you with all my heart. I give it all to you by serving nothing else. May I not idolize anything but only you. He wasn’t your best for me because if he was it would have worked out. This companionship wasn’t bless by you. in the beginning. The bible said the foolish man built his house on the sand and he suffered the consequences. Anything that starts with the wrong foundation will crash in the midst of storms, and dangerous winds. Your word is the strongest foundation to build anything to last. With you as the foundation, a relationship is sure to stand in the midst of perilous threats. You’re the pillar that holds this life of mine. Without you, I am nothing.

As I close this chapter, I forgive every hurt and pain that I procured over the yrs. Every seed of hurt, distrust, manipulation and satanic fuse of forgiveness is hereby, uprooted. My heart is free of hate, disgust, self-pity and depression. My heart soars over the problems of the past and makes the best out of every good and bad memory. My heart will not deter from your word. I will use my grief as a stepping ground to something better for this next chapter.

The next chapter will be full of bliss and happy ending. I will accept my past with open arms and use it as a bridge to better things. I will not retaliate in anger or hurt to the person. My heart within is full of joy, peace and everything necessary to help me move on.

Life is full of challenges. It is time to challenge my challenges, and make them to work for my benefit. I trust my instincts and I will never turn away from trusting them to any untruthful person.  , I chase the one who really proved he cared about me with no question YOU! I am complete in You.


How Great is our God Day 28

Do you know our ability to exhale Carbon dioxide and inhale Oxygen is nothing but a miracle.
Did you know there has to be pressure difference between our lungs and environment that allows us to breath?
When air pressure in our lungs is lower than our atmosphere, air comes into the lungs.
A higher pressure in the lungs as you guess helps us with exhaling.

Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made-Ps.139:14


How Great is our God!

Meet my 4 Friends..

1. God-fearing
2. Intelligent
3. Funny
4. Adventurous

If you have any of these qualities most likely you are my friend. Yes, You!!! Yea, maybe not yet. The truth is most of my friends have one or more of these qualities. Rarely, will I have a friend who doesn’t have these qualities.

#1 Friend is God-fearing because God is very important to me. Together with this friend we can pursue God. Christians friends are a must for every believer. I can discuss with this friend about my relationship with God and my struggles. This friend will encourage me and I will also encourage him or her.

#2 Friend is very intelligent. I love intelligent people because they’re intelligent. In Nigeria, I was very young when I started JS1(Junior School similar to middle school) and the first term I didn’t do so well because I didn’t study like I should. By JS2, we were divided into class A, B and C meaning the A students were in JS1 A, and so on.

I don’t know if things changed prior or after I met one of my best friends in Immaculate Conception.  I really wanted to be friends with her because she had a lot of food in her locker. Immaculate Conception is a girl’s boarding school for junior high and senior high. In our boarding school, we have lockers where we can store our personal food items. Her parents were obviously very rich and I was determined to be her friend. Yes, we became friends. I was very hungry student, so I chose my friends wisely.

My best friend came with double blessings. When we became close, we did everything together. The part, I think made a difference is we studied together. She was in the A class. Now, you know I wasn’t in the A class. I don’t know if studying with her made a difference or not; however, my grades were different. In from JS2-JS3, I made 1st, 2nd or 3rd. I can’t remember a time between JS2-JS3 that I wasn’t at the top of my class. When I was in junior high, students were ranked based on their grades. At JS3 was when I left for the states. The better your grades, the higher your ranking in the class.

Again, I can’t remember precisely if I made the grades before meeting my best friend. I think she made a difference in my studying habits After, I met my best friend, I started hanging out with people in the A class and it made a huge difference.

Yes, this friend is important because he or she challenges me academically.

#3 Friend is funny. I love people with a great sense of humor because I love to laugh.

#4 Friend is adventurous. This friend loves to travel. They work hard and play hard.

Who is your friend? Are they influencing you positively or negatively?

I Cried..

Today at work, this lady came in to order something but she didn’t have enough money.
I felt convicted, I went and got my wallet..
I told her to pick whatever she wanted but she wouldn’t,
she told me not to worry about it.
I said it, several times..I said, pick anything, I will pay for it.
She declined and left.
I almost cried in the middle of work because I don’t know if she will get to eat today.

We take a lot for granted.
If you ate today be thankful cos someone is somewhere starving.
Don’t forget to help others.

Yes, I cried when I got off work.

Engr, Doctor, Barrister, Deputy General Koko and Dr. Prof, Mrs. Koko

Yea, I made the name up..

Nigerians are obsessed with titles.
Nigerians know people with titles have money, power and influence.

These titles mean nothing to God.

Mark 8:36-“what will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong in having or acquiring big titles.

Personally, I am not intrigued by people who use their titles, positions or influences to exploit the poor.
Until you use your titles to help others, I will never be intrigued.

God bless everyone who use their title and influence to make a difference in people’s lives. 

When Music made Sense..

This is an old Nigerian song that says “Wait for me”
I wrote out the lyrics without the pidgin English

My young girl love is in your body.
This thing they call love is a serious affair.
Think well before you agree..
Please, if you will love her, you will plan it well.
Oh yes,
If you love me,
you will wait for me.

When you have girlfriend,
take your time that you don’t spoil her,
if you make children are you ready to care?
If you love life, you will plan it well.
Yes. If you love me,
you will wait for me.

Having babies is not a joke,
you will feed them,
give them cloth and give them love too.
If you are not ready to carry the load,
why would you put the load on someone else head?

Many children is an insurance for old age,
they never say we should marry,
they never say we should have kids.
There are lots of children but with no food to eat,
my friend..
This kind of life is so wahala (issue)..
That’s true,
if you love me,
you will wait for me.

Happy parents make happy children.
Happy children make happy country,
make sure you plan well and enjoy your life.
If you love me,
you will plan with me.
If you love me,
you will wait for me.

Wait for me,
baby plan with me (repeat).
Don’t forget to plan that’s what make life sweet. (Best Song EVER!)

Forget all the garbage from MTV and BET..
Young people need song to listen to songs like this,
where they are encourage to plan their lives.

Sex is not everything.
If you are not ready for the consequences that comes along premarital sex..maybe you need to  reconsider.
We live in this hyper-sexual world where everybody is encouraged to have sex but nobody talks about planning.

Not Good Enough..

He said..
You’re not pretty enough,
You’re not smart enough,
You’re not tall enough,
You’re not pink enough,
You’re not this or that enough..

Your reply should be “then you are not good enough for me”

She said..
You’re not handsome enough,
You’re not smart enough,
You’re not tall enough,
You’re not muscular enough,
You’re not blue enough,
You’re not this or that enough,

Your reply should be “then you are not good enough for me”

We complicated things..
if someone says.. “you are not this or that enough”..
It means, they are not for you.

True love is unconditional.
The best expression of love was on the cross.
We were no way close good enough for Christ to sacrifice his son yet, he did.

If I have to change myself to earn your love.
It is not that complicated,
it means you are not for me. 
People choose to settle with people who tell them they are not good enough cos they think they are not good enough for anybody else.
Until you believe that you are good enough for yourself, you will continue ending up in this kind of relationship.

Loving yourself is so important.
Never enter a relationship when you have low self-esteem.
Love is God.
If he or she doesn’t know God, they don’t know love.
If you don’t know God and how to love yourself, you don’t know love.

Lust is earned with a pretty face, big behind, large bank account or any other superficial thing that fades.
Love is a gift.
Love is priceless.

First, know God loves you..
Second, love yourself.

The man or woman for you will never say “you’re not good enough,” he or she will say “you’re perfect just the way you are..flaws and all”