Tag Archives: women
Modest Fashion..
Modesty is attractive..
You can look classy without looking trashy.
Pictures from Style Pantry on facebook
Check her out on facebook to see more pics.
Killing Lust Series: love
We focus on God’s love for us that we neglect to show God we love him. The same way we show the people we love our love, we need to show God we love him too. Real relationships are not one-sided. The best way to show God we love him is by doing what he tells to do. Having this mindset of doing things out of our love for God will not only help us with our walk with God but it will help us in life.
Our love for God should motivate us to kill lust in your lives. Lust is a relationship killer. A relationship with God is vital to killing lust in our lives. God shows his love to us every day. What are we doing to show God we love him? Love is an action word. We have to show God we love him by obeying his word. Sin hurts God. We can’t say we love God and hurt him with sin. Feeding lust will destroy our relationship with God. We can’t serve two masters.
We should be committed to killing lust in our lives not out of obligation but of out of love for God.
4 Independent NIGERIAN WOMEN
This one is for my Nigerian sisters.
Don’t allow anyone force you into marriage especially when you know this person doesn’t love you and you don’t love the person.
Our culture defines women by their marital status.
That’s why a lot of women in our society are miserable in their marriages.
I rather be single and happy than married and miserable.
Culture is important but our happiness is also important.
As we all know marriage is a long term commitment.
Since marriage is a long term journey, you have to take your time with your decision.
Forget about your age and the pressure from your family.
Don’t let people plan your life and future for you.
Fight for the life you want by learning to make your own decisions.
*Please don’t make a lifelong decision hastily*
1. Don’t succumb to pressure
2. Take your time and make your own decision
3. Be honest with yourself. Does this man really love you like he claims? Does he show you he loves you? Do you love him? If he was disabled would you still love him?
4. Pray about your decision.
5. Educate yourself about love. Read books. Talk to people you know will always tell you the truth..
6. See both sides.
7. Make your decision.
We are not properties. We can make our OWN decisions without assistance!
African Parents eh..
Recently my dad asked me if I have someone to marry?
I couldn’t believe my ears..
In my head, I couldn’t believe my dad asked me that question.
Before I left for school, I was given the advice focus on your books and no boys.
Having a boyfriend in my family as a girl is a taboo.
African Parents surprise me sometimes..
How am I supposed to have someone to marry when you clearly said I shouldn’t have any boys in my life while in school?
Was I wrong for taking your advice?
Did I commit any crime by obeying you as my parents?
I went to school focused on my books and I ignored a lot of guys out of respect for you and now, miraculously I need to be married because I am done with school.
Sometimes our African Parents are not fair..
They tell you to do something and when you do as you are told; they want to turn around to stab you in the back like you shouldn’t have taken their advice in the first place.
I am prepared to suffer any consequence of being obedient.
I refuse to become that lady who now wears miniskirts, dresses and heavy makeup in efforts to find her husband to appease her family.
Since when did my relationship with a man become more important than my relationship with God?
The whole time I was in school, you spoke to me about “God, God, God” after I graduated is about “husband, husband, husband.”
First of all it is not a girl’s place to find her husband.
If love doesn’t happen naturally then I guess, I will be single for a while.
Nobody is pressuring me to do anything.
I will not force myself on any guy to stop my family from bugging me about this husband thing.
I hate when African Parents pressure their daughters about marriage.
It is not a girl’s place to find her husband.
No African guy wants a desperate girl in the first place.
Stop pressuring your daughters because they are of age or done with school to get married.
Let love happen naturally.
If love doesn’t happen naturally for me, I will be single, content and full of life.
Guys chase girls to marry not the other way around.
Nobody should be pressuring any girl to find her husband.
Her husband should find her.
Till I meet my husband, I will be content in CHRIST.
Sorry dad, I am not going to force myself on any guy or marriage to appease you.
“To All The Ladies Searching For That Tall guy, with a Bangin’ body, Fine face, Pink lips; Remember, All that glitters is not smart!”
Killing Lust Series: The Strategic Plan
For those of you who don’t know I am starting a series on how to kill lust. I hope this encourages or inspires you to start your journey to kill lust in your life.
If you have any kind of addiction the spirit of lust is operating in your life. In other words, any habit that you can’t exercise self-control over is powered by the spirit of lust. You may not be addicted to sex; it could be drugs, alcohol, food etc. Some people clearly want to stop this habit but they can’t. Whatever I share is not limited to only people struggling with sex. If any self-destructive habit is controlling you please, keep up with this series and let’s overcome it together.
Let’s go:
The enemy has a plan with the spirit of lust.
watch the video to find out.
Killing Lust Series: The Door
For those of you who don’t know I am starting a series on how to kill lust. I hope this encourages or inspires you to start your journey to kill lust in your life.
If you have any kind of addiction the spirit of lust is operating in your life. In other words, any habit that you can’t exercise self-control over is powered by the spirit of lust. You may not be addicted to sex; it could be drugs, alcohol, food etc. Some people clearly want to stop this habit but they can’t. Whatever I share is not limited to only people struggling with sex. If any self-destructive habit is controlling you please, keep up with this series and let’s overcome it together.
Let’s begin..
Personally, I had some experiences from my childhood that opened the door to lust. I was too young to understand the consequences of what I was going through. Even though, I was too young to understand that something wasn’t right, I knew that something wasn’t right (hard to explain).
There has to be a doorway for lust to enter your life. Maybe you were molested when you were younger or you got exposed to something that caused lust to enter your life. Sometimes, we invite lust into our lives by ignorance or it comes in by experience.
The enemy doesn’t care how lust enters your life. He wants lust to stay in your life to destroy you.
John 10:10 says “the thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy”
My childhood experience opened the door to lust in my life.
Answer this question: what opened the door to lust in my life?
More to Come..
32 Things I’ve Learned
Our Choices.. Our kids!!
I was talking to a girl who is pregnant and working in a fast food.
I thank God America takes good care of their children.
If I was having this conversation in Nigeria, God knows I would be crying.
How can a young girl raise up a child with a fast food paycheck? It’s impossible!
Completely Impossible!
I asked her about the child’s father, if he will do anything to support her when the baby is here.
She said, she wasn’t sure that she told him to get it together before the baby comes.
Babies don’t mature men; responsible men are responsible before they bring a child into this world.
Don’t expect anything to change if you decide for whatever reason to have a child with a man who is immature.
Ladies the decision you make affect will affect your child for the rest of their lives.
If we knew the power we have over our children’s’ life, we would be more careful with our decisions.
Even though, I have no kids now, I still have to think how my decisions will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids out of wedlock will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone who doesn’t love me will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone who doesn’t want kids will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone I married will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone who is immature will affect my kids.
I want my kids to have a father and mother who love them living in the same house taking care of them.
I want my kids to have their father in their lives.
I want my kids to have everything they need to make them successful.
I want my girls to grow up to be intelligent, God-fearing, virtuous, strong and great contributors to our society.
I want my boys to grow to be like their father.
It may not happen how I want it to happen but I am not going to set myself for failure by having a child with someone whom I am not married to or not responsible.
To be honest, I don’t want baby-daddy drama. I don’t want to beg any guy to take care of their responsibility.
I want the best for my kids for this reason, I have to choose wisely.
Women your choices will affect your children. Choose wisely!!!