The spirit has an inverse relationship with our flesh:

Recently, I have been stressed out about a lot of things. Instead of running to the source of all peace, I become this workaholic person who tries to make everything better. The new person I became has not really helped my relationship with God. The crazy thing is when my relationship with God goes downhill; it makes me more stressed out. To be honest, I think I am stressed out because I have been kicking my relationship with God to the curb. Let me say that our relationship with God is the most important relationship in life that if it is not right there; it wouldn’t be right elsewhere. I have been through a lot of storms in my life and I know that the only thing that kept me sane was my relationship with God.

When we spend time with God in his word, prayer with or without fasting, it helps us to grow our spiritually. Growing spiritually is very important because it energizes our spirit to overcome the flesh. Remember, our flesh is always fighting against the spirit. The flesh wants to win because it’s in our human nature for our flesh to win; however, the more we spend time with God we build up our spiritual man to defeat our flesh.

The opposite happened to me, I was busy worrying about the cares of life that I neglected energizing my spiritual man. In this period my flesh had an upper hand against my spirit. It is important that we spend time with him to defeat our flesh. We can’t defeat our flesh alone; we need God to defeat our flesh.

We definitely need to walk in the spirit so we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

Help us Lord to continue to chase after you. Amen!!

The best way to love your kids..


“The best way to love your kids is to love your spouse. Your relationship with your spouse will affect your children whether you accept this reality or not. Your children are the product of your love. Again, don’t neglect your relationship with your spouse because it will affect your children’s present and future.”-9jagirl4real


Do you notice patterns in your love life?

Do you keep attracting the same types of people?
It is weird how that happens.
One of my close guy friends noticed a relationship pattern in his love life.
For example, the people he is attracted to and the people that are attracted to him have the same career path (medical doctors or students). Even the people that he is attracted to and he knows nothing about them always end up being pre-med or medical students for some reason.
For me, I have notice a relationship pattern as well.
Most of the guys, I have talked or dated have being very significant males born child in their families. It is so weird. Even the once I am attracted to and I know nothing about them have been very significant male born of their families.
The crazy thing is that even the guys that are innocently attracted to you fit the same relationship pattern.
Do you guy notice patterns in your love life?


Life Quote 214

“Don’t let sex make u a mother; wait until love makes a wife.
A Classy Woman is one who has everything to flaunt but chooses not to show it. Real Men love Classy Women.”-Demy Mboho

Myths Nigerians need to stop believing about America:

1. Money grows on trees– I know a lot of Nigerians don’t think like this but for those who believe this myth, please stop believing it. America has a lot of opportunities, but Nigerians have to come here and work hard for their money. Stop calling a student in the America to send money to you. If they are not working; they don’t have the money. Please try to believe that even if they are working that as a student, they wouldn’t have that much time to commit to work and making money.

2. People who travel aboard are better than you– There are insecure people who come back from America to Nigeria to act high and mighty. Truth is they are nothing and I don’t care how much money they have. Treat them the same. They will try to pretend that they have forgotten their native language, it’s not true. Now, if they have been in America for 15years or more, it is possible to forget the language if they didn’t speak with other natives but they should still be able to remember.

3. There is no poor person or places here– Everywhere you go you will see poor people and places. America is not exempted.

4. Nigerian girls and Nigerian guys are the same from back at home: I mean, they have the same mentality but with a little twist. Nigerian guys here are away from their mothers and family, so they have to learn to cook. You will be surprised how Nigerian guys can cook. The whole thing about woman cooking is slowing going out the window (women still need to know to cook). Nigerian girls here are very independent and not as dependent as they would have been on men in Nigeria.

5. We don’t eat our native food: There are some Nigerians who come back and act like they can’t eat Nigerian food anymore. Don’t mind them. We still eat Nigerian food here. It is a little expensive because we are limited as to where we can get the food stuff but we still eat it. Some places in the states might be different.

More to Come..

Letter to one of my Friends,

Dear friend,

I cannot thank you enough for your sacrifice for me this week.
This week was tough physically and emotionally.
Of course, I had to talk to my sister.
Most importantly, I had to talk to God.
I called you up and asked you if you will sacrifice a day without food to pray for me.
You did.
I have never had a anyone do this with me.
For the first time in my life, I have a true friend.
When my sister was around, she helped me out a lot.
When love took her away, I felt all alone and empty.
Our friendship is not perfect; however, I am thankful for it.

For the first time in my life, I have a true friend.
It’s a blessing to call you my friend.
I pray God makes me a better friend to you.

Love is..

True loves says when everybody quits on you, I will ALWAYS be HERE fighting for you and us. A lot of people marry people emotionally only to find out they married for the wrong reasons. LOVE is too POWERFUL to QUIT!!