Change the negative into a positive..

Some moments in life can really bite.
Guess what? It’s not the end of world.
The negative things in my life motivate me to work harder towards my goals.
So when negative things happen to you don’t allow it beat you down. Cry, if you have to cry.
After crying, clean your tears and work harder.
Allow it to motivate you to do better.
Self-pity will get you no way but God, hard work and determination will get you somewhere.

After crying, please get up and try!!

TEDx Talk Review: How to find your passion and inner Awesomeness by Eugene Hennie

I have not been blogging a lot because I am at a stage in my life where I am questioning.. What’s next?
What is my next step?

This Tedx Talk encouraged me on so many levels, I had to share my notes.
My Notes:
Find your Passion and inner Awesomeness by:

1. Knowing yourself-likes, dislikes..etc.
2. Embracing yourself
3. Surrounding yourself with encouraging people-the company you keep will dictate where you are going in life
4. Knowing what you want
5. Working your butt off- Be willing to lose sleep.
6. Making impossible the new possible
7. Failing hard and failing often
8. Beating on your craft-keep working on your craft until you perfect it.
9. Learning to embrace confrontation
10. Doing what is right

*Your inner awesomeness is already in the inside of you*

-Eugene Hennie

Click here to watch this Tedx Talk 


“To the singles, delay emotional and physical involvement in any new relationships early because escalating physical contacts in the first phases of a relationship will affect your thinking and set you up for failure”-Uduak Udofa edited by 9jagirl4real

Singles should NEVER forget: Marriage is not a Joke to God..

Once upon a time, this fine gal went to this big gym to work out with one of her acquaintances. While this fine gal was trying to do squats this guy was eyeing her from across the gym.
All of a sudden, he migrated over to where this fine gal was. The fine gal already knew what she was doing so she didn’t need his input. He felt he needed to give the fine gal his input which he did, but the fine gal played it off.

For a while the fine gal has not been seeing the guy at the gym (no, she wasn’t going to gym to find him).  After a few weeks went by she went back to do her squats on this faithful day and all of a sudden she turned her head to the east-side of the gym and there he was. The fine gal didn’t care she wanted to do her squats and leave. As she was in the north-side of the gym minding her business, the guy migrated again from the east-side of the gym to the north-side of the gym. To make matters worse, he started doing walking lunges with these huge weights that required him to walk across the fine gal.

The fine gal is a Christian gal so she tried to ignore what was going on in front of her. The guy was obviously trying to get her attention which he did. The fine gal pitied the guy’s effort sha, so she decided to say a few things to him. The fine gal asked him “do you remember me?” He replied “Of course” and he went on to ask her if she needed help with her squats. She declined the offer and went on with her squats. While she was talking to him, she noticed something. Yes, something very interesting. What do you think it was?

A black ring on his left finger, NO!!! Why? The fine gal(9jagirl4real) thought. There’s something you should all know about this fine gal. She respects God and marriage so much that she will never do anything to disrespect that institution.

Unfortunately, a lot of singles don’t respect the power of a wedding ring.
A wedding ring means he or she is out of the single’s market.
It means don’t even look that direction.
As soon as you see that wedding ring, a mental “X” sign needs to come on in your head to alert you to change course quickly.

A lot of singles try to justify talking to married people..
There’s no way you can justify it in a way that will make any sense.
If the guy or lady is married leave he or she alone.

“What God has joined together let no man put asunder”-Mark 10:9

If you try to put asunder in somebody’s marriage, you have to answer to God.
God takes Marriage Seriously..

I have no respect for singles that date married people.
I have no respect for married people who date people who is not their spouse.
I have no respect for married people who fool singles by lying that they are single.

If you are single and dating someone married…
How would you feel if your husband or wife cheated on you?

Nigerian girls 101: Advice to guys dating Nigerian girls..

Nigerian guys are to soccer as Nigerian Girls are to______________?

I asked this question on my facebook status and I got all sort of answers. The answers people gave were
Money, Brazilian hair, Fashion, and Instagram. To answer this question, I would say “Money.”

I know I am a Nigerian girl and putting Nigerian girls under the bus will not be good for us, but I have to be honest with you guys.

Yes, I said it.. MONEY!!

Please, excuse my honesty..
Some Nigerian girls are too materialistic.
I didn’t say all Nigerian girls, I said “SOME.”

Some of these girls are so Materialistic to the point it could make someone sick.
Nigerian girls are materialistic due to the way things are in Nigeria (I want to believe)…
I think if things were a little better economically, it wouldn’t be this bad.
Please know that I am not condemning any Nigerian girl.

Advice to Guys dating or who want a Nigerian Girl..

First of all: if you marry a girl who clearly only loves you for your money, it is your fault not hers. If you feel you have to buy a woman’s love with your money, something is seriously wrong with you. Love is priceless. If you can buy love, it is not love.

If you want to marry a Nigerian girl who truly loves you for you then you have to take money out of the equation. Initially, you may want to study her and the friends she hangs out with to know the kind of person she is. Take her to a cheaper restaurant and see her reaction. If she ask you for money for something, say “no” and see her reaction. Let her discover that you have money after you are sure  she is into you for you. You need to be discreet about it too.

If a lady marries you for money, she will leave you when the money is gone. BEWARE!!!

The video below was made for jokes but characterizes Nigerian women very well.

Again not all Nigerian girls are Materialistic but be careful that you don’t make yourself a victim.

Nigerian guys are to soccer as Nigerian Girls are to Money.

The SOLUTION to our Nigerian Problems..

Guess what? I have the solution to all our Nigerian problems.
You want to know?
We are the solution to our problems.
You heard me right.
You are the solution to your country’s problems.
Do you think the United States of America or China would be where they are today if they waited for foreigners to help them build their country?
Nigerians stop blaming politicians and start blaming yourselves.
We are the solution to our problems but we haven’t figured out the solution because we are not thinking outside the box.

I want to show you something to help you understand the importance of thinking outside the box.
Below, I have posted two video of young people who thought outside the box and brought solutions to their African Community.

1. This little boy found a way of saving lions and people in his community by thinking outside the box.
How did he do it? Watch the video to find out.

2. This African young man did something that surpises M.I.T professors by thinking outside the box. How did he do it? Watch the video to find out.

My people, our real problem is that we are not thinking. These young boys don’t have PHD degrees but they are making a difference. WHAT IS OUR EXCUSE? It’s time to start THINKING, NIGERIANS.


For African students: School in an American University Tuition FREE.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: February 27, 2014

In preparation to launch International Eagles of Nigeria in March 2014.
I will posting some important information on here for starters.

An online American school will be starting soon to educate students in African countries.
You only need a secondary education and at least 18 years of age.
At the end of the program, you get an Associate degree.
If you are an African student, please take advantage of this opportunity and educate yourself.
If you need help or have a question: [email protected] (I will do my best to help you get answers).

DEADLINE TO APPLY: February 27, 2014

Click on the websites below for more information:

Please share the word to others!!

I Dare You to live Stress-free this Year

Did you know that your body releases a hormone called “cortisol” to help you deal with stress? Cortisol has negative effects on our body long term. My challenge for you is to live stress-free this year. Please add this goal to your New Year’s resolution. We all have one life to live and we can shorten our time on earth if we don’t reduce stress in our lives.

Here are some things I recommend you should do to de-stress:
1. Worry less-Worry doesn’t solve anything. In fact, it makes the problem worse.
2. Exercise-I know by exercising you are stressing your body but trust me, you will feel so much better if you exercise.
3. Sleep-If you don’t get enough sleep, it will affect your body at some point. Don’t play with sleep. SLEEP!
4. Laugh-Laughter is good medicine. Laugh and laugh again..
5. Do something you enjoy- if you enjoy playing soccer, hanging out with friends. Do it and make sure you include it in your schedule.
6. Count your blessings-You think you have it worse? There is somebody who has it worse than you.
7. Put things in perspective-see things from another angle for a change.
8. Learn to cast your cares unto God because he cares for you.

I hope you will add more to this list as you learn to live stress-free this year.

“With God nothing shall be impossible”-Luke 1:37