Happy Independence Nigeria

It is easy to get lost in a society that has a system that works. I don’t have to deal with NEPA; I drive on roads that have traffic lights that work. America has a system that works for its society and citizens. With the comforts this country provides, I still want to return to Nigeria and its broken system.  Nigeria, you have my heart and first allegiance.

Nigeria is yet to find a system that works for its country. Like other countries, we must go through our fight to find our system. Greed has taken over politicians, our children are becoming orphans, wives and husbands are turning into widows. The pains of Boko Haram have turned our country upside down. All we want is a savior to deliver us from our ailments, but none can be found.  Regardless of all the problems that plague us as a country, I am hopeful that things will get better.


Happy Independence Day!!!

My conversation with a 33 year old Akwa Ibom Millionaire..

Fine 3When I talk to people in Nigeria, they tell me “Your own is good because you are in America.”
Guess what? You can make it in Nigeria.
I spoke to a self-made millionaire yesterday. He is not a politician and he is lives in Akwa Ibom.
When his mates were chasing government jobs, he was working hard to start his business.
He told me yesterday, he now has 80 employees.
This guy wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
His father died in his early thirties. He had no rich uncles to give him money to start his business.
He was passionate about what he does and he worked hard to own his business.

He is nobody’s employee. He is a BOSS!
He said in his early stages of his business, he would pay his own way to speaking events without getting a dime.
There are people who wait for things to happen to them and there are people who make things happen.
Which one are you?
If you are making excuses for your present financial economic state, you are not serious about your future.
Go out there and make things happen for yourself.
If it is legal, go for it.
You are the master of your own destiny.
Anything is possible with God, perseverance, passion, and determination.
You can do it.
No excuses.

Naira SignYou know what troubles this guy now? He has a dilemma of choosing between Dubai and South Africa for his honeymoon.  That’s a good problem to have.

Stop making excuses.

You can SUCCEED in Nigeria!

Share this post with your friends and please Like 9jagirl4real on facebook.

American built, AFRICAN STRONG..

Nsima is a Nigerian-American Body Builder here in the United States .
He comes from a long line of fufu eaters. He has the fufu-advantage..
If you want to look like this, you need that heavy duty fufu.


Get real, it will take more than fufu to look like this..


Tell your man to get out that heavy duty fufu and go workout!!!!

You want to look like him?
Check him out on:
Instagram: thenattyprofessor
Facebook: Nsima the Centaur Inyang

Please share this post with your friends and support this young athlete’s dreams.

WHITE GIRLS in Nigeria

Before and AfterTo all the white girls in Nigeria and the future white girls wannabe’s, BEWARE!!
If you are going to bleach, get ready for these:

Dark gray spots: (All over the skin you are trying to bleach)

  • Skin cancer: (I hope you saved up money for chemotherapy. Buy a good wig because your hair will fall out as a side-effect to chemotherapy. If you don’t have money for chemotherapy then, good luck!!)
  • Acne
  • Swelling of the skin: (you want to walk around looking like a monster, go for it)
  • Thinning of the skin
  • Cataracts:  (clouds the lens in your eyes. Google it.)
  • Setting down of fat on face, chest, upper back and stomach: (get ready to gain more weight.)
  • Increase in appetite and weight gain
  • Osteoporosis: (it affects your bones.)
  • Neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams- (No amount of attention is worth you losing your kidneys. Ladies, stop this nonsense.. Wake up from this madness, seriously! Stop with this stupidity.)
  • Psychiatric disorders: (depression- no matter how fair you look, you will never feel beautiful.)
  • Severe birth defects: (it could affect your future unborn children)
  • Asthma
  • Liver damage
  • Seeing all these negative consequences, do you think its still worth it bleaching your skin? Who told you were not good just the way you are? Newsflash: Nobody can tell you something, you didn’t already tell yourself. Bleaching is not the answer for an internal problem. Get a mental image of who are and fix that first. Fixing the outside comes with a price that will affect you for the rest of your life.Stop letting society define you, define yourself for ONCE.

    Truthfully, anything or guy that wants to subject you to these unnecessary health problems is not worth your time. LOVE YOURSELF. TELL YOURSELF, YOUR ARE BEAUTIFUL. SAY IT UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IT.

A tribute to Charleston Shooting Victims..

Written by: Justin Anderson

No words can articulate how deeply saddened, outraged, appalled, and disgusted I am with the shooting massacre that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC which is my home state. My prayers, thoughts, and support go out to all the victims and their families and loved ones! You know, being a Black man in this country, I often wonder how much has changed for my people since President Lincoln signed this so called, “Emancipation Proclamation” in 1863 that supposedly was the beginning of the liberation of the Black slaves.

When I take a look at what is happening to my fellow African-Americans: We are still being lynched and murder through the means of police brutality and white racist gun owners who often times are found not guilty, that is even if they get charged first. We make up approximately 12 percent of the American population but make up over 50% of the prison population. We are the poorest people financially as a whole in this country owning approximately around 1% percent of the nation’s wealth as a group. Then, we still have to face racial discrimination, prejudice, and profiling in all areas of people activity. Now we are being killed in our own churches by racists? We need to wake up Black community!!! Racism white supremacy has declared war on us, particularly the black man! We are being SLAUGHTERED by the masses now! How many more INNOCENT black lives are we going to lose to racism white supremacy? I am convinced it is safe nowhere in this country for black males now! Police brutality has gotten so bad, as a Black man, I know if I am ever just in the presences of a White police officer, I am in the middle of a life or death situation hands down. The question is what do we do about this genocide towards our community?



It is going to take more than just PRAYER my fellow African-Americans! That is why the Black church has become so ineffective now; too many of us are SO HEAVENLY MINDED that we are NO EARTHLY GOOD! The book of James in the Bible states faith without works is dead! We as black people need to come together spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and most importantly financially and build our own BLACK economy! We need to have our own businesses, organizations, and institutions solely Black owned and operated! But in order to do that we will have to put aside all these petty differences we have with one another and work together as a team and see each other as allies: not enemies!

Then we will have the POWER and INFLUENCE to PUNISH those who even THINK about trying to harm us in any way! We can then ameliorate our lives of our people educationally, health wise, living condition wise, and politically! We need POWER in our community to protect ourselves and MAKE things happen in our favor! ?#?BLACKLIVESMATTER?!!

What Africans want? Google answers..

Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Recently, google analyzed the most popular searches in every country in the world. Take a brief moment to try to guess what countries in Africa are searching for? The results are very interesting…..

Africa 3mapAfrica’s Google Search Map: Photo Credit from dailymail.uk
Africa searches..Africans care about realistic things like food, cows, houses, and building houses; however countries like Nigeria, Mauritania and Zambia are exceptions. Nigeria and Zambia care more about weddings and Mauritania care more about slaves(it doesn’t surprise me).

Click here to read the full article of other continents

How to know if your Nigerian Man is Married to someone in Nigeria by Olaniyi Abodedele

Re-blogged from the Nigerian Voice Magazine

Today I want to stand up and speak on behalf of many innocent ladies across the globe who have been deceived by a few Nigerian men for one reason or the other while they are married to a Nigerian lady; in return I want to hear your views and experience as well.

Nigeria is a country made up of the lawful and the unlawful, pretty much like other countries we all know. One difference is, Nigerians see the developed world as countries which present them with great opportunities they can take advantage of. The honest truth is that, they are a hard working bunch, no matter which field they find themselves.

For too long, Nigeria and Nigerians have been readily associated with the online scams, financial crime, identity theft, deceit and impersonation – termed 419’. However, beyond the unfortunate stereotyping, there are several positive characteristics and cogent intriguing traits of the country, and its people.

Mostly when you hear about Nigerian men, it’s either about one controversy or the other, the sad reality is that bad news spread like wild fire over good news.  A country so blessed, yet, refuses to grow due to corruption and ignorance of its leaders, a country so blessed; yet, honesty is a scares commodity amongst majority of its citizen.  A country so blessed; yet, the mindset of the average person are questionable. Despite all these Nigerian men are still one of the most loving men, if you are lucky to meet the good ones.

The topic about Nigerian men is never ending from Africa to Europe to Asia to the middle East, down to America and Australia; they are cherished by lucky women who..Click here to read the full article and for more interesting articles on Nigerian men

Black Americans through the eyes of a foreigner:

10 Things that make me angry about Black Americans…

1. Black Americans who blame white people for their problem- I can’t stand people who blame others for their problems.  Take responsibility for your life. White people are not responsible for your problems. You are your biggest problem. You will continue to be a victim of slavery if you believe that whites are responsible for your plights.

2. Black Americans who burn stores, businesses in the name of protesting- Using violence to protest violence is a contradiction. Martin Luther King Jr would be disappointed, if he was here. Martin Luther King jr. didn’t use violence to fight for your freedom. Peaceful protest is the way to go.

3. If you are afraid of white people, you need to check yourself: mental slaver y is the worst type of slavery. Whites can’t do anything to you. The best way to win this racism war is to be successful. If success is not your aim your fore-fathers fought for nothing. Fear will subject you to live a mediocre life.

4. Black American men who refuse to take care of their children. The one that hurts the most are the Black American men who know what it feels like to grow up without a father and they choose to put their children through the same. You are a disgrace to the whole black race.

  1. Black American women who have children for irresponsible black men. You clearly know that he is not taking care of his other five children and you are having a child for him. Why? God forgive all you Black American women who don’t care how your choices will affect the future of your children.
  2. 6. Men who choose women over their children. If she doesn’t love your children, she is not worth it. Your children matter.
  3. 7. Black on black crimes: of course, I don’t condone killing people period. You fulfill the wishes of the slave masters by killing each other. Continue kiling each other in the name of mental slavery. Let’s call it what it is.8. Successful black American men and women who are not mentors for other black males and females. We need more black men to mentor young adult men especially those without fathers in their lives.

    9. Successful black men and women who allow their success to enter their heads to the point that they forget their race. You are disgrace to your generation.

10. Black Americans who choose to be Statistic. Raise above the statistics because you must.

I see Greatness in you Black Americans. Do you?

God bless the Broken Road..

God bless the Broken Road..

Recently, I find myself asking God “why?”
We serve an amazing God that even when negative things happen in our lives; he uses it for a greater good.

So when negative things happen in my life, I tell God “thank you for the broken road,” it’s through the broken road that I really understand God’s sovereignty.
The broken road tells me about myself and pulls me closer to God.
The broken road allows me to trust God’s plan and purpose for my life.
The broken road gives me a testimony to encourage others.

As Christians we are not immune to struggles, pain, tears and problems.
However, he promised he will never leave us nor forsake us.
I don’t complain about the broken road because it is part of the journey.
The broken road allows me to use my pain to help others.

Thank God for the broken Road!!!!

What does the broken road mean to you?