It’s not a woman’s job to find her husband..

It’s a taboo to be Single and Nigerian. A guy told me the other day “Hey, you need to go out and start meeting people” to increase my chances of meeting Mr. Right to marry.
People, please help me answer this question..
IS IT A WOMAN’s Responsibility to find her husband?
Why does everybody at a certain stage in woman’s life metamorphose to relationship experts?
Please, marriage is not by force.
Again, it is not a woman’s job to find her husband.
I pursue God and he will bless me at his own time.
I REFUSE to go out searching..

Nigerian women we need to watch who we talk to..
It is not a woman’s job to go searching for her husband.
If he can’t find me when I travel, work, church or wherever I am then he is not for me.

Rush into marriage and rush out..

Our choice right?

Dear Mr. Someone,


I can’t wait to meet you but I have to be sold out to our creator first. Life has been tough the last few days. First of all, I am sorry I stopped writing to you. I will start back because it gives me solace.

I am sitting on my bed waiting for your mother-in-law to wake up so I can go to the gym. I have had many counterfeits come into my life pretending to be “you.” I knew they were not you because I will know when I meet you. I can’t wait to meet you baby. 

I pray God makes me a better woman for you and our children. It’s still early in the morning; the birds are singing early morning songs to God. I have not met you yet but my heart is full of joy that you are praying for me baby. Pray for me o.. Your baby needs it. I want more for us and our family. I think the reason we haven’t met yet is because I am still growing in Christ and I have to continue grow. I am blessed to have you in my life.

Nigerian Men 101 Part 2: White Naija Girl

A Blog Review: White Naija Girl

I really liked this blog when I first saw it. For those of you who liked my “Nigerian Men 101: For Non-Nigerian Women” you will definitely like this blog. She explains our Nigerian culture so well from her point of view.  She is also very intelligent; she speaks lots of languages. She is married to Nigerian man so she has a lot of awesome tips for women into Nigerian men. She shares what is like being married to a Nigerian man as non-Nigerian Woman. You will find her blog very juicy and informative.

Click here to check out her blog

God is a Brand not just any Brand:The best spoken word I have ever heard..

You have to hear this.. Click the video below and watch!!!

What did you think? Amazing right?

We all need Music Therapy..

Music therapy is the use of music interventions to accomplish individual goals with a credential professional(American Music Therapy Association). Professionals use music interventions because it really works. When life gets rough, I use music therapy. No, I don’t go to a professional. I gather my own motivational songs and I do my own music therapy. We can all benefit from music therapy. We have different reasons why we listen to music. Sometimes in life we need that moment where we shut everybody out and listen to good relaxing music.

How to pick the songs for your Music therapy?

What are you struggling with? It could be pain. You might must to listen to songs about healing. Songs like “I am the Lord that healeth thee” by Don Moen

Are you struggling with disappointment? Songs like “God will make a way” by Don Moen could come in handy.

If you are not a Christian; pick songs that encourage you in order to get through. It is not the time to listen to depressing music or songs that make you feel worse. You definitely need a group of positive songs where you can always listen to feel uplifted.

Here is my go to songs for music therapy: It has the mixture of relaxing and uplifting songs.

1. Jonathan McReynolds – God Is Able

2. Yiruma-River runs through you.
3. Imagine Me-Kirk Franklin
4. Get Up-Mary Mary

5. I worship you by Mary Mary
6. Lifted by Frank Edwards

7. Soweto Gospel Choir ft Joe Praize-Mighty God
8. Heal the World-Michael Jackson
9. I then shall Live by Gaither Vocal Band
10. Never Give Up-Yolanda Adams

Make a playlist for your motivational songs and play them over and over again. When you are going through things, it is important you listen to encouraging and relaxing songs. We all use music in different ways; it’s time we use music for our benefit.


The spirit has an inverse relationship with our flesh:

Recently, I have been stressed out about a lot of things. Instead of running to the source of all peace, I become this workaholic person who tries to make everything better. The new person I became has not really helped my relationship with God. The crazy thing is when my relationship with God goes downhill; it makes me more stressed out. To be honest, I think I am stressed out because I have been kicking my relationship with God to the curb. Let me say that our relationship with God is the most important relationship in life that if it is not right there; it wouldn’t be right elsewhere. I have been through a lot of storms in my life and I know that the only thing that kept me sane was my relationship with God.

When we spend time with God in his word, prayer with or without fasting, it helps us to grow our spiritually. Growing spiritually is very important because it energizes our spirit to overcome the flesh. Remember, our flesh is always fighting against the spirit. The flesh wants to win because it’s in our human nature for our flesh to win; however, the more we spend time with God we build up our spiritual man to defeat our flesh.

The opposite happened to me, I was busy worrying about the cares of life that I neglected energizing my spiritual man. In this period my flesh had an upper hand against my spirit. It is important that we spend time with him to defeat our flesh. We can’t defeat our flesh alone; we need God to defeat our flesh.

We definitely need to walk in the spirit so we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

Help us Lord to continue to chase after you. Amen!!

Do you Really Love Him?

God loves us so much..
He proved his love on the Cross.
We say we love God all the time..
Do you really?

What have you done to show God you love him.
I am not talking about trying to please God with works
cos you can’t..
All I am saying is love is an action word.
Have you shown God you love him lately?
Does your actions show your love for God or love for yourself?

If you’re in a relationship and your partner tells you he/she loves you without ever proving it. Would you believe them?
Probably not..
It’s the same thing with our relationship with God.
We have to let our actions match our words.
Of course, God sees your heart but actions still speak louder.

Cultivating this mindset will help us make our relationship with God a top priority.

How Great is our God Day 5..

Can you imagine a world with no air??
or can you even imagine going to a place like a gas station to buy air?
God is awesome that he knew that it would be too expensive for someone like me and some of he made air free.

What is so special about the Air we breath?
It’s oxygen..
“21% of oxygen” is found in our air (
Our cells need oxygen.

I know a lot about exercise physiology..
You need oxygen for aerobic exercise..
Our aerobic energy production produces most of our energy that we need for exercise and it is more efficient than the other two energy processes that can function without oxygen.

Apart from exercise,
every cell of our body needs oxygen..
Our Red blood cells has a protein called hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

Oxygen is very important us.
We will talk more about oxygen when we talk about the lungs.
Gas exchange takes place in the lungs..(stay tuned)

God knew that Oxygen is so important to us..
so He added it to air..
Air is Free and easily accessible

How Great is our God.

How Great is our God Series..

For the rest of the days in 2013.
I will be focusing on God’s Greatness on this Blog.
My mind is so quick to think about the wickedness of the enemy that I forget about God’s greatness.

Colossians 2:10b-God is the head of all principality and powers.

Pls follow me as I educate myself on God’s Greatness.
In fact, the fact u r alive shows God’s Greatness!!!