For my Nigerian Sisters,

SINGLE BUT NOT STUPID 379 written by George Essien

Most African women marry for financial security and miss out on that beautiful feeling and joy called love. They live boring lives with a man they sincerely don’t connect with,enduring the marriage through the years.

Very few marry for love.And those who marry for love work out their financial security together and get it eventually,haven’t you noticed?Then they have the two – love and finance. Romance and finance.

My thoughts:

Forget that money thing..
Love is priceless o!
Your love is too expensive for money.

Please my Nigerian sisters,
you deserve to be happy.
I want you to be happy.
I am tired of seeing women maltreated in their marriages
Love, friendship, and commitment makes a difference.
Remember, you have to love him too.
If you don’t love him..don’t marry him because you will take his love for granted.


I like my Man..

-Masculine (huge muscles and all), Dark-skinned and everything masculine (nothing feminine)..
My man is the kind of man you look at and all you see is a “MAN!!”
I like my Man EXTRA, EXTRA MANLY with no trace of femininity.
Ladies, its very easy to focus on the physical characteristics of what we want in man that we forget the most important thing.
Looks are important too don’t get it twisted but character is more important.
Trust me, I want a man who looks good but most importantly I want a man who..

1. Loves God
2. Loves people
3. Great father

….etc.. etc..

His muscles will go through natural old age atrophy. His good looks will disappear one day. There’s more to love than just looks. Let’s forget about looks for a second. What kind of man do you want?

Please write it down..

Start by writing “I want a man who”

1. Provides for his family
2. Hardworking
3. Honest
4. Intelligent
5. Educated
6. Ambitious
7. Loves children
8. Wants to have his own family
9. Loves me
10. Cares about his children
11. Loves God
12. Not lazy
13. Has a job or working towards a career.
14. Treats me well

Write characteristics that really matter to you.

It makes no sense to have a good looking guy who has all the swag in the world but can’t provide or has no plans. If God gives you a man who has the important qualities and looks good too? Girl, you are blessed! I am tired of seeing ladies deduce their value for “looks.”

There’s no perfect man but somethings in life is more important than looks.

Is our dating culture setting us up for divorce?

Think about this question before you read my answer.

picture-of-me-3.pngWhen things don’t go our way in our relationships, we break up. A lot of people enter into relationships to see what they can get not what they can give. How is your dating relationship, preparing you for marriage? Are you learning to forgive each other? Are you learning the importance of communication? Marriage stands against everything this dating culture stands for. Marriage is about love and commitment. How many of us are truly committed to “forever”? Most people on their wedding days quote “till death do us part” but how many of them run out when issues come up. We are so used to breaking up that the idea of divorce doesn’t seem that bad to us. Is our breaking up habit setting us up for divorce later?

Here is a theory from a schoolmate..

“Ok, I have a theory. I am going to call it, Anderson’s 21st Century of Relationship and Marriage Dysfunction. Young adults in the 21st century under the age of forty, have a problem with the word “sacrifice.” In order to have and maintain a strong marriage and relationship sacrifice is a required necessary element! However, because of the power and innovation of technology, young adults have become selfish, self-centered, egotistical, and have developed the Burger King mentality of thinking “they can have it their way.”

Therefore, if they cannot have what they want, when, where, and how they want it, the relationship or marriage is rendered not worth it and a break up is effective immediately! Not to mention those who remain single past forty never been married or in a longstanding relationship because they say they couldn’t find anybody they were interested in; they did not once even question if whether or not there expectations were even slightly “unrealistic,” which…they usually were! To conclude my theory: selfishness and lack of sacrifice are destroying relationships and marriages in young adults in the 21st century! This is just part one of my theory!”- Justin  Anderson

Dear Mr. Someone,

Chai.. Where do I start? You are by far the most Amazing guy I have ever spoken to. Your heart for God and people makes you the most attractive guy I have come across on this planet. Since high school, I wrote down my kind of man. I’ve never met anyone who came close to that guy, but you proved me wrong. My kind of guy does exist. You don’t know this. After praying with you, I asked myself.. “Does God jinx people?” I couldn’t ask God this question so I asked myself. Periodically, I asked God “Lord, what is going on? How can you expect me not to like this guy? Did you bring him to see how much I love you, Lord?” I found myself praying about you in church. Thoughts of you filled my mind with the same questions. While the preacher was talking, I was questioning God “Why? What is going on?” I wish I had all the answers to all these questions. I can’t question God anymore; I just have to trust him. His will for us is so much greater than us. Help me Lord to trust you!!!

Why Africans look down on Black Americans?

After doing my research, I found four points were present in all the sources I reviewed. It became too redundant that it bored me.

4 Points I found in all my Sources:

1. Africans really think that Black-Americans are violent and lazy- One the sources clearly said that Africans are picking up the white’s fear of blacks (I thought this was very interesting).
2. Africans hate the fact that African-Americans blame slavery and racism for most of their problems.
3. Africans don’t understand why African-Americans don’t take advantage of the many opportunities available to them here in the States.
4. Africans think that a lot of Black-Americans are ignorant about Africa because they still have this primitive, old perception of Africans.

Of course this is not TRUE for all Africans. The four points above could be one of the reasons why Africans look down on Black Americans. All four points were found in all the sources I reviewed. Interesting points, I also found..

1. Africans know their identities are not easily offended when people try to put them down (found in the first source).
2. Africans and Black-American respond to adversity differently. Black-Americans blame the system while Africans are willing to do any jobs instead of blaming the system (found in the first source).
3. Africans receive better treatments from whites which angers Black-Americans (found in the second source).
4. Africans see education as a tool that open the doors within the American society(found in the second source).

The only thing that could undermine this research is that I did not review more sources. Honestly after two educational sources and a research based article with the same results… The light bulb came on.

Sources: Click below

Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

What do you guys think?

Things Nigerian guys need to consider before going home to pick a wife..

This one is for Nigerian guys who want to go back home to find a wife. First of all, I want to congratulate you on this big step. Finding a wife is not easy at all o!  This post is really for Nigerian guys who call their parents or people they trust back at home to find them one innocent virgin girl for them to come home to marry. C’mon… Guys!! Come on!! I know the idea of finding one innocent girl to marry is intriguing, but wait one minute…  How long do you know her? This post is coming from a special place because I hate seeing people hurt.

You called someone you trust to find you a lady who can cook you egusi and give you lots of babies doesn’t mean anything. They found you a lady who you can be a great wife and mother doesn’t mean she is the person they say she is. You are the person who will be spending the rest of your life with her (hopefully). Invest time and get to know who you are marrying. I know the people who gave you this recommendation have the best intentions for you doesn’t mean that this girl is on the same page as them.

Their recommendation is not enough… Get to know the lady you are marrying. It surprises how some guys will get a recommendation about a lady and marry her quickly. Marriage is not a joke. Going home to marry someone and bringing them overseas is a big commitment and sacrifice. You need to be sure of your decision. Don’t rush into the marriage. Get to know the person you are marrying for your own peace of mind.

When you marry people in general without investing the time to know the person for yourself, you are marrying at your own risk. The immigration battle is not worth it if you are not going to have a peace of mind in your marriage. I have heard of circumstances where a man has gone home to marry and the woman came over here to rip where she didn’t sow.  People you know all your life can still tear you down, but don’t take that risk by not knowing the person you are marrying.

Risk is great but marriage is not the place for it. Before you go home to marry please get to know the person you are marrying for yourself. The people giving you these recommendations are not marrying her, you are. Be careful and choose wisely!!

modiva:</p><br /><br />
<p>Nigerian guys</p><br /><br />
<p>* Nigerian Power Rangers

He asked her and she said??


A guy sent a girl this picture and asked her “Would go all out like this on your wedding day?”

Her response:
No that’s too much money to spend on a wedding. The decorations are breathtaking but I would rather invest more in my relationship with my husband (my marriage) or use that money to help people instead of wasting it on too much decorations. What about you? Would you go all out like that for your wedding?

His response:
Is whatever the Wife wants. Our wedding day is her day as long as it makes her happy and we can afford it. How can I try to bring happiness to others if I can’t bring happiness to the one closest to me? Charity begins at home abi.

My response:
Omo your wife is blessed o among women. I hope she realizes what she has and doesn’t take your beautiful amazing heart for granted.

Clean Nigerian Music Videos 2014 Part 1

As a Christian it’s very important I don’t listen to everything. I love music so much especially Nigerian music. Recently, I noticed I can’t speak my native language fluently like I did ten years ago. Not speaking my native language fluently did things to me emotionally. Nigerian music helps in so many ways I can’t explain. I love being here in the States (especially with the fiasco with Boko Haram).  Nigerian music takes me back home, which makes it very special to me.

The problem with our music now is that it is getting more westernized. So we now see more Nigerian music videos with half naked girls, girls dancing as prostitutes and all sorts of nonsense. I love God so music with naked girls shaking their butts wouldn’t work for me. This list of Nigerian music videos is for Nigerians, Africans or anyone who appreciates Nigerian music without “the extras.”

1. Mama Africa by Bracket

2. Aye by Davido

3. Black is beautiful-Flavour

4. oh Baby by Chindinma ft Flavour

The World Cup that keeps giving by Vincesanity

June 12, the long anticipated world cup began.  For a month, most of the world is on the same time zone, same schedule, and same hope that their home country will showcase their style of football. For a month, there will be loads of undone homework, postponed work projects, countless unexpected sickness leading to missed days a work, and definitely a month’s worth of anguish, heartbreak and magic.

ImageThe first round so far has delivered with 84 goals which stifles that of the 2010 world cup with only 45 goals and some of the gargantuan beat downs have been to the world heavy weights. Spain dealt a heavy blow in their first 2 games with scores of 5-1 and 2-0 respectively. England has been eliminated prematurely in part due to their grade school like performances.

With their bow outs come the Cinderella stories that capture our hearts. Costa Rica and Colombia have rising to the top of their groups, display their cavalier attitudes to the game, their formula; push the play with pace, utilizing their acclimation to the humidity and heat of Brazil and giving wave after wave of lung bursting counter attacks that their opponents were not prepared for. The may not make it to the final or win it all, but their have won our hearts.

Finally the African teams, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria. What will they bring to the table? Previously the world has seen two types of African teams, the one in complete turmoil and its antagonist the team that play with a pace not even the costa Rica’s of the world can cope with. The question lies will they play with the freedom they can play with or will they inevitably break our hearts once again. The story continues and we await the next plot twist.