2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

To God be the Glory!!!!

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 11,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Things you do as a teenager that you will regret when you get older:

  1. Smoking-it might look “cool” to smoke among your peers, but it is setting you up for a lifetime of smoking addiction. Everything you do as a teenager is not always “kool.” One day you will grow up to regret it. Google the consequences of smoking and see what you are exposing yourself to. Smoking increases your chances of various health problems. If you don’t want to listen to me just make sure you have a good health insurance.

    2. Smoking illegal circumstances: again might seem “kool” now that you are young but you can’t find a legit job when you get older. You can be a genius and become a business owner, but when you are hooked on this stuff you will be doing business to support your drug addiction. Smoking illegal substances opens the door to extreme poverty and bad judgment. Your teenage friends don’t know how smoking these illegal substances will affect you for the rest of our life. Don’t believe me: Get ready to fail some drug tests. If you can’t pass your drug test, you wouldn’t be able to get a legit job. Hello, poverty!!

    3. Bullying the nerdy kids-guess what? Nerds are smart. What do we know about smart people? Smart, nerdy people make money. When the nerd you bullied in high school ends up being your boss (you will regret ever bully nerdy kids).   Bully shouldn’t take place in our schools; however, it is happening. We should all take a stand against bullying. You don’t know people’s future. The nerd you bullied could be the next president. If you like it or not, you will always regret bullying that nerd because the nerd will always win!

    4. Joining a gang: only gets you up for time in prison. Are you in a gang? Enjoy your life now as a free kid because you will soon sleep in a room right next to your toilet. Don’t allow your peers to fool you; being in a gang makes you weak. Nothing positive comes from being in a gang. Smell the roses now because you will soon be sitting in a juvenile prison regretting your actions. Nobody is greater than the law.

    5.Dropping out of High school– Yes, you can always go back and get your GED. People still regret the actions that lead them to drop out.

6. Having a baby: you are not financially, psychologically ready for the stress that comes with having a baby. You are a baby having a baby. The responsibility that comes with having a baby is one that you are absolutely not ready for. Your whole life changes when you have a baby. Your baby becomes the center of your world. A lot of teenagers regret having a baby this young.

7. Getting married-As a teenager, you are still growing and learning about the world and love. You will soon find out that the person you are in high school is not the person will you become after college. You are still growing. Give yourself time to grow. Your body is going through changes. Your hormones are raging. Getting married now is only something you will regret later.

Words of Wisdom to Black American Women about American Men..

I am reading this book “Why I love Black women by Michael Dyson” and I will do a book review soon. Love this book.

Here are some wise quotes from this book..

“I think a lot of Sisters are just looking in the wrong places and settling for all the wrong things..money and cars. If they only knew the best man to find is one that truly loves God, because if he does, he can’t help himself but love you.”

“Learn to love yourself which will protect you being vulnerable to men who seek to disrespect, reject, or misuse women”

I am tired of hearing about black men mistreating their women so I will be posting information on this blog to empower women. We need to love ourselves enough to walk out of abusive relationships.

More to come..

Dear Mr. Someone,

I had it all typed out, I was going to disgrace you on my blog then I stopped myself because this is not my battle to fight. I hope you are not who I heard you are. If you are who they said you are I hope you soon learn from your mistakes and straighten up. I couldn’t believe my ears of the things I heard about you. It seems they were telling me something about someone else. If that’s really you, I pray God will fight for the people you have hurt. That is all for that one. If that’s not who you are then I am sorry for all the accusations. I can’t judge you. I leave you over to God for the people you have hurt. I am not hurt but I have learned a valuable lesson (and I can’t wait to share on my blog as soon as I can verify it). I am going to be the bigger person because the bible says you overcome evil with good. God bless you again.

I forgive you!!!

For those who are new to my “Dear Mr. Someone” series. This series are letter I write to real people in my life.

I refuse to be a Victim of my Past..

I had something that happened to me when I was younger. Now I am older, I see the enemy is trying to use my past to influence my future.  This is what I tell God in prayer, I refuse to be a victim of my past. I had no control over what happened to me. I was too young to understand the consequences of what happened. I refuse to be a victim of my past. I dare you today to pray the same prayer today.

Genesis 50:20 says “what the enemy meant for evil. God turned it around for God.” God is still in the turning around business. He can turn anything around for good. We have to make conscious decisions to never be victim of the past. Un-forgiveness, bitterness, or any negative effects the past has on you are not God’s will for your life. The past wins if you allow it to have a negative effect on your future.

Rom 8:37 says “In all these things we are overcomers through him who loves us.” We are already overcomers in Christ Jesus.

Don’t be a victim of your past. Overcome it with good. Let it make you better person. I refuse to be a victim of my past. What about You?

Dear Mr. Someone,


I can’t wait to meet you but I have to be sold out to our creator first. Life has been tough the last few days. First of all, I am sorry I stopped writing to you. I will start back because it gives me solace.

I am sitting on my bed waiting for your mother-in-law to wake up so I can go to the gym. I have had many counterfeits come into my life pretending to be “you.” I knew they were not you because I will know when I meet you. I can’t wait to meet you baby. 

I pray God makes me a better woman for you and our children. It’s still early in the morning; the birds are singing early morning songs to God. I have not met you yet but my heart is full of joy that you are praying for me baby. Pray for me o.. Your baby needs it. I want more for us and our family. I think the reason we haven’t met yet is because I am still growing in Christ and I have to continue grow. I am blessed to have you in my life.

African Parents eh..

Recently my dad asked me if I have someone to marry?
I couldn’t believe my ears..
In my head, I couldn’t believe my dad asked me that question.
Before I left for school, I was given the advice focus on your books and no boys.
Having a boyfriend in my family as a girl is a taboo.

African Parents surprise me sometimes..
How am I supposed to have someone to marry when you clearly said I shouldn’t have any boys in my life while in school?
Was I wrong for taking your advice?
Did I commit any crime by obeying you as my parents?
I went to school focused on my books and I ignored a lot of guys out of respect for you and now, miraculously I need to be married because I am done with school.
Sometimes our African Parents are not fair..
They tell you to do something and when you do as you are told; they want to turn around to stab you in the back like you shouldn’t have taken their advice in the first place.

I am prepared to suffer any consequence of being obedient.
I refuse to become that lady who now wears miniskirts, dresses and heavy makeup in efforts to find her husband to appease her family.
Since when did my relationship with a man become more important than my relationship with God?
The whole time I was in school, you spoke to me about “God, God, God” after I graduated is about “husband, husband, husband.”

First of all it is not a girl’s place to find her husband.
If love doesn’t happen naturally then I guess, I will be single for a while.
Nobody is pressuring me to do anything.
I will not force myself on any guy to stop my family from bugging me about this husband thing.
I hate when African Parents pressure their daughters about marriage.
It is not a girl’s place to find her husband.
No African guy wants a desperate girl in the first place.

Stop pressuring your daughters because they are of age or done with school to get married.
Let love happen naturally.
If love doesn’t happen naturally for me, I will be single, content and full of life.
Guys chase girls to marry not the other way around.
Nobody should be pressuring any girl to find her husband.
Her husband should find her.
Till I meet my husband, I will be content in CHRIST.
Sorry dad, I am not going to force myself on any guy or marriage to appease you.

I have a Secret..

What is this secret? 
You see.. 
I have this big dream that will help a lot of people. 
This dream is so much bigger than me. 

When this idea was laid on my heart. 
I was asking God, you want me to do what? 
Just like Moses, I looked at my weaknesses instead of focusing on God’s supernatural power. 

His ways are not ours. 
He wouldn’t give me an idea without already opening the door to make it happen. 
To change my thinking, 
I have been focusing on these scriptures. 

I hope these scriptures also help you to take limits off God. 

God can DO ANYTHING!!! 

How Great is our God Day 9

God's love“U hurt me I still love you, you don’t want me I am still interested in you, u hit me I smile at you.
I will still do more because that is what true love is all about.”-James Ogbor

I like this quote cos it captures what we do to God everyday but he still loves us.
God loves us so much.

I can’t fully comprehend God’s love,
so I can’t fully explain the magnitude of his Love.

Bible says, “Even when we were yet sinners, Christ still died for us”-Romans 5:8
No Greater Love.

God is the creator of Love.
God is Love-1 John 4:8

We hurt him everyday, yet he still loves us.
How Great is Our God!!!