Becoming the right person..

Shared from Letal Relationships 

470541_10151443395595393_544489815_oHeard a story of a brother and sister who attended the same church, got attracted to each other, started courting and eventually got married in the same church. Few weeks after their wedding, they had a misunderstanding and in the course of argument, the husband told the wife that if you say anymore word I will slap you and that she shouldn’t think he’s that kind of spiritual brother she met in church and that he only wanted to have a good wife in church and the wife also replied that if he dare slap her she will break bottle on his head and that she’s not the kind of spiritual sister he met in church and that she also wanted to get the right man in church. So that’s how two wrong partners in form of pretence got married.
The above story is just the truth about relationship, we were taught in physics that like charges repel while opposite charges attract but one of the things I’ve learnt in relationship is that like people attract and opposite people repel. You will attract the kind of person you are. A right person will attract the right partner while a wrong person will attract the wrong partner. So instead of hoping to find the right man/lady

for you, you can take time to ‘become the right person’ because the right partners are also looking for right persons that will complement them.

So let’s look at how to become the right person.

SELF-DISCOVERY: The fundamental thing required in becoming the right person is self-discovery. The problem we have among many young people is that they don’t know who they are and that is why they tends to dress anyhow, talk anyhow and do all manner of things just because they lack that sense of identity. The question is; who are you?Discovering yourself is not what you can do on your own, you don’t know yourself and once you don’t know the purpose of a thing abuse is inevitable. So self-discovery means knowing who you are and why you are created (your purpose). Until you know yourself, you can’t be the best that God wants you to be. It is in your discovery that you will get to know why you are created. It is your discovery that gives you an identity; it distinguishes you from everyone else and helps you to live life maximally. Discover your purpose today.

Like I said earlier that discovering yourself is not what you can do on your own, you don’t know yourself and it takes someone that knows you to reveal who you are to you. The only person who knows you is God (Jeremiah 1:5) and you need to have a relationship with God before He can reveal yourself to you, you need to be born again by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. Jesus Christ is the one who connect us to God; He is the way to the Father (John 14:6).

For you to discover yourself, you must cultivate a daily relationship with God. You can only discover your purpose out of an intimacy with God. The more of God you know or the more you know God, the more you know yourself. Before you think of choosing the right partner you must first become the right person. God wants you to know Him before you know the right partner.

Adam had a personal relationship with God before God brought him a wife, let God form you and put you in the right place. You are to carry your relationship with God into your relationship with the opposite sex. Your relationship with God should be guideline for your relationship with the opposite sex. Spend time to study the word of God and let it become a part of you; discover the truth about you from the word of God. When you inquire of God, He answers you (Jeremiah 33:3)

Marriage is a continuation of God’s plan for your life; it is not something you can just rush into because the bulk of your life will be spent in marriage. So take time to discover yourself in God, discover your purpose and ensure you cultivate a daily relationship with God.

DESIRE AND DECIDE IT: It is not enough to wish to be the right person; you must desire it and decide you will be the right person no matter what. God honours our desires especially when we tell it to him in prayers (mark 11:24), so you must desire to be the right person and also pray that God make you the right person. Also, you are where you are today because of the decisions you have taking over time. The firm decision you take will help you to pay the sacrifices needed to become the right person. Daniel decided not to defile himself (Daniel 1:8), so you too can decide today to become the right person.

ADD VALUE TO YOUR SELF: One of the things that give us an edge in life is knowledge. Knowledge is life and power. You are who you are today because of what you know and what you don’t know.  You are also responsible for what you know or don’t know.

So in order for you to become the right person, you must keep adding value to yourself (2 Peter 1:5-8), study books and materials that will make you become a better person. You also need wisdom, ask God for wisdom (James 1:5). Wisdom will make all the difference in your life. So get wisdom (Proverb 4:5-7).

Discover your talent, skill-up in the area of your talent, then decide and begin to deliver solutions to human problems using your talent. Improve on yourself, dress decent and moderately; you will be addressed by the way you dress(your appearance matters a lot). Read books on leadership, relationship, business, attend seminars and apply what you’ve learnt to your life.

POSITIVE ASSOCIATION: The people you associate with matters a lot in determining who you will become. Like the popular saying that says show me your friends and I will tell you who you are, you must be mindful of the people you associate with. Associate with godly people and make friends with people you know you want to be like. If you must become the right person, you must make conscious effort to select who you associate with. He that walks with the wise shall be wise (prov 13:20).


You need to mind what you allow into your mind. It also goes a long way in determining who you will turn out to be. Carefully scrutinize the materials you feed on. You are a product of what you allow into your life. So you must constantly guard your heart (prov 4:23). The songs you listen to, the movies you watch and the magazine you read all contribute to who you become in life. You need to constantly renew your mind with the word of God and disabuse your mind from various lies and deceit of the devil. Let the word of God transform you into the right person you want to become (Rom 12:2).

Thanks for reading

Shared from Letal Relationships. Please check out their blog.

Your Proverbs 31 someone..

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Photo Credits: Google

Ladies, the same for you.

My Relationship with Mr. J.

I start my relationship series this week. There’s so much. I have been blessed to talk to amazing guys during the course of my life. I will share my experiences with these guys. I hope someone will learn from my mistakes and you will be encouraged in your journey to find love.

My Relationship Series Starts with Mr. J.
Since when I was young, I knew him. I got serious with him seven years ago. He’s a sweet person, everything I want in a guy. He’s thoughtful, down-to-earth, awesome, all that good stuff.
I can’t imagine my life w/o him. I talk and sing to him every day, as I read his love letters. He’s the only reason why I love life, I mean he makes it more interesting. I know when am down and call him up, he’s always there to comfort.
The cool thing about him is that my parents brought us together. Sometimes am selfish and think about myself instead of him. He never reminds me of my past failures in our relationship; forgives all the time and moves on.
I can’t wait to spend seven years in our marriage feast. All my brothers’ and sisters know him. Men, am too lucky to be in a relationship with a man that owns the whole world.
I didn’t struggle to make him love me; he already did even before I got into this relationship. Although I don’t see him I can always feel his presence around me.
Shout out to Mr. J!!!!

WHITE GIRLS in Nigeria

Before and AfterTo all the white girls in Nigeria and the future white girls wannabe’s, BEWARE!!
If you are going to bleach, get ready for these:

Dark gray spots: (All over the skin you are trying to bleach)

  • Skin cancer: (I hope you saved up money for chemotherapy. Buy a good wig because your hair will fall out as a side-effect to chemotherapy. If you don’t have money for chemotherapy then, good luck!!)
  • Acne
  • Swelling of the skin: (you want to walk around looking like a monster, go for it)
  • Thinning of the skin
  • Cataracts:  (clouds the lens in your eyes. Google it.)
  • Setting down of fat on face, chest, upper back and stomach: (get ready to gain more weight.)
  • Increase in appetite and weight gain
  • Osteoporosis: (it affects your bones.)
  • Neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams- (No amount of attention is worth you losing your kidneys. Ladies, stop this nonsense.. Wake up from this madness, seriously! Stop with this stupidity.)
  • Psychiatric disorders: (depression- no matter how fair you look, you will never feel beautiful.)
  • Severe birth defects: (it could affect your future unborn children)
  • Asthma
  • Liver damage
  • Seeing all these negative consequences, do you think its still worth it bleaching your skin? Who told you were not good just the way you are? Newsflash: Nobody can tell you something, you didn’t already tell yourself. Bleaching is not the answer for an internal problem. Get a mental image of who are and fix that first. Fixing the outside comes with a price that will affect you for the rest of your life.Stop letting society define you, define yourself for ONCE.

    Truthfully, anything or guy that wants to subject you to these unnecessary health problems is not worth your time. LOVE YOURSELF. TELL YOURSELF, YOUR ARE BEAUTIFUL. SAY IT UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IT.

The 21st century Love story of Ruth and Boaz: How Ruth got a Rich man?

Introducing Ruth..

Ruth is Naomi’s daughter- in- law and now Mrs. Boaz. She is famous for her love story with her husband, Boaz. It’s a very unique story.

9jagirl4real: Thank you Ruth for choosing to do this web interview with me. I am honored to have you talk to me outside your busy schedule.

Ruth: Thank you so much for having me. I always feel honored to share my story with the world.

9jagirl4real: Let’s get right in then…

Ruth: Sure..

9jagirl4real: You know your story is very unique story because you married a rich man. A lot of women in my country, Nigeria want to marry politicians because they are rich. What is the secret in getting a rich man?

Ruth: Work! Face God’s business and God will bring the man. After my ex-husband died, I moved from New York to Florida with my mother-in-law. I was also going through grief missing my ex-husband, but I had to get myself together and went back to work. I prayed with my mother-in-law and I left with God’s favor.  So ladies, face God’s work. Whatever God gives you to do at the time.

9jagirl4real: You are saying you got your husband by working. What type of work? A lot of women nowadays are working very hard by wearing flashlights (mini skirts, shorts, fake breasts, boobs) So explain what you mean by work.

Ruth: Work as in I got a job. Do something. Have something going for yourself. Do you think Boaz would have noticed me if I wasn’t working?   I concentrated on the job I was doing and I did it wholeheartedly for God.  Boaz noticing me was nothing of my doing either. It was God’s favor on my life. When you are about God’s business, he will favor you.

9jagirl4real: Wow.. Ruth is preaching on my blog!! It was an honor having you here. Thank you so much. Greet your husband, and mother-in-law for me.

Ruth: Thanks!!

9jagirl4real: What can you learn from the love story of Ruth and Boaz? Ruth wasn’t lazy. She was about God’s business and God gave her husband. Instead of spending your time looking for a rich husband, spend your time and face God’s business or whatever God puts in your hands to do. Do something!! Let’s be real, no man of God wants a lazy woman. Use this time to add value to yourself inside and outside. Your blessing doesn’t necessarily have to be a rich man. If you desperately want a rich man, no problem, you also need to be a rich woman. Let’s be fair.

Till next time.. This is 9jagirl4real!!!

Graduating from Benedict College Burns…

editgradpic3One of my close friends graduated from Benedict College.
I was insulted by the venue of this graduation.
I don’t know whose idea it was to host a graduation in football field under 90 degree weather.
It was so hot; it felt like we were in an oven.
To make matters worse, the graduates were dressed in black robes sitting under the hot sun for hours.
Seriously, a lot of the guests were so hot that they had to miss watching the graduation.

Students don’t spend four years in college to get burnt on their graduation day.
The exposure to such extreme temperature under black robes is disrespectful to your students and their families.
For your next graduation, please think about the temperature and how it will affect your students on their big day.
Under the hot sun is the worst place to give long speeches and accolades.
Please be considerate of your students, their friends and families.

Congratulations to the class of 2015.

Military question: Are you a Virgin?

Military womanApparently in Indonesia, women have to pass a virginity test to join the military. According to this article, it is done because they want women who are physically and mentally stable. Some articles say these women have to be virgins for national security reasons. So countries who have non-virgins women in their military are posing a threat to their national security? Wow..

What about your men? Are your men virgins? Your women can be virgins all day, but what about your men? What are the men doing? Don’t they need the same mental stability? In fact, virgin military women are a threat to your national security. Let’s be real, most men desire virgins thus, a military full of virgins is a national security problem. Do you really think your military men can concentrate with a military full of virgin women? Come on now..

It takes a man to deflower a virgin.. Drops mic..

Click to read the full article.

Black Americans through the eyes of a foreigner:

10 Things that make me angry about Black Americans…

1. Black Americans who blame white people for their problem- I can’t stand people who blame others for their problems.  Take responsibility for your life. White people are not responsible for your problems. You are your biggest problem. You will continue to be a victim of slavery if you believe that whites are responsible for your plights.

2. Black Americans who burn stores, businesses in the name of protesting- Using violence to protest violence is a contradiction. Martin Luther King Jr would be disappointed, if he was here. Martin Luther King jr. didn’t use violence to fight for your freedom. Peaceful protest is the way to go.

3. If you are afraid of white people, you need to check yourself: mental slaver y is the worst type of slavery. Whites can’t do anything to you. The best way to win this racism war is to be successful. If success is not your aim your fore-fathers fought for nothing. Fear will subject you to live a mediocre life.

4. Black American men who refuse to take care of their children. The one that hurts the most are the Black American men who know what it feels like to grow up without a father and they choose to put their children through the same. You are a disgrace to the whole black race.

  1. Black American women who have children for irresponsible black men. You clearly know that he is not taking care of his other five children and you are having a child for him. Why? God forgive all you Black American women who don’t care how your choices will affect the future of your children.
  2. 6. Men who choose women over their children. If she doesn’t love your children, she is not worth it. Your children matter.
  3. 7. Black on black crimes: of course, I don’t condone killing people period. You fulfill the wishes of the slave masters by killing each other. Continue kiling each other in the name of mental slavery. Let’s call it what it is.8. Successful black American men and women who are not mentors for other black males and females. We need more black men to mentor young adult men especially those without fathers in their lives.

    9. Successful black men and women who allow their success to enter their heads to the point that they forget their race. You are disgrace to your generation.

10. Black Americans who choose to be Statistic. Raise above the statistics because you must.

I see Greatness in you Black Americans. Do you?

Dear Mr. Someone,

Boy.. Nothing can stop my love for you.

I have conditioned my heart to only love you. I conditioned my thoughts to only think about you. I pray, I grow into the woman who will never disappoint you. I pray, I do you good all the days of my life. My heart beats for only God and you. You are the father of my future children. I can’t wait to meet you. I pray you love God more than me. I pray, we love God more than each other. I will close my eyes until God opens my eyes to you. I am ready for good and bad days with you. God first… Till we meet, I will wait for you!!!