You’re that Girl..

Most ladies who watch this proposal wish they were that girl.
You know what? We are that girl.
Ladies, we deserve guys who really love us.
No one can understand love.
Love is not a feeling.
When I see people in their old age holding hands..That’s love!
We deserve the best.
God wants to give us the best but first, we have to know our worth to get the best.
True love starts with God because God is love.

Society tells us to buy love with our looks but LOVE IS PRICELESS.
A Gift that only comes from God.

Ladies, our worth is in Christ not in a man, looks, degrees or anything else.

Please don’t settle for anything less than the best because you deserve to be that Girl! 

Marriage Quote..

“The role of the female in a Christian Marriage is to be his helpmate. The role of the man is to find a good wife. In a relationship, if he is not doing anything for God; you have no obligation to help meet it.” -Unplugged

Killing Lust Series: RUN!

I remember in college this guy who liked me dropped me off in my dorm room. When he was in my dorm room, I guess he couldn’t handle me and him in my room. Yes, he literally ran out!
You know your strengths and weakness. If you know seeing a woman or a man in a certain type of clothing will empower lust in your life then don’t put yourself in that situation. Avoid situations that will empower lust in your life. For example, if seeing R-rated movies or any movie that has sex in it or anything that is a struggle for you, it means you don’t need to see that movie. Feeding lust enhances lust in your life. The best way to kill lust is through the power of God and starving its appetite.

“Flee from every appearance of evil” 1 Thess. 5:22

This girl in my church thought there was nothing wrong with porn. She said you are not really doing the real thing. That is far from the truth. Porn empowers lust. If you are struggling with porn please, don’t allow anyone to fool you. Porn is very satanic and devilish. The enemy will use porn in your life to destroy you. If lust has gotten to this stage for you, other people need to be involved. If you have someone you trust who can help you exercise self-control and keep you in prayers.

Yes, we live in a hypersexual world but we can’t be ignorant of the plans of the enemy.
More to come!

Killing Lust Series: How to FIGHT Lust..

You can’t flirt with the spirit of Lust because it will DESTROY YOU. I overcame lust in my life by praying and fasting. I fasted and prayed for God to deliver me from this wicked demon. The enemy wants you to be casual with your prayers as you fight against lust. This is not the time to be casual with your relationship with God.

2 Cor 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”

If you want to defeat this wicked demon, you have to do warfare. I did warfare by praying and fasting. This wicked spirit is out to completely ruin your life. Fight for your life and future by raging war against this spirit in prayers.

Lust is an aggressive demon, it will linger if you are casual with praying and fasting. For people who don’t know what fasting is? Fasting to some people mean a lot of things. Personally, I fast by abstaining from food to spend time with God. The most important thing about fasting is that you are abstaining from something and spending time with God(correct me if I am wrong). Whatever fasting is to you, do it.. Fight!

Don’t joke with the spirit of lust. God has the power to deliver us from anything but we have to cry out to him to help us.

More to come!!

Our Choices.. Our kids!!

ImageI was talking to a girl who is pregnant and working in a fast food.
I thank God America takes good care of their children.
If I was having this conversation in Nigeria, God knows I would be crying.
How can a young girl raise up a child with a fast food paycheck? It’s impossible!
Completely Impossible!
I asked her about the child’s father, if he will do anything to support her when the baby is here.
She said, she wasn’t sure that she told him to get it together before the baby comes.

Babies don’t mature men; responsible men are responsible before they bring a child into this world.
Don’t expect anything to change if you decide for whatever reason to have a child with a man who is immature.
Ladies the decision you make affect will affect your child for the rest of their lives.
If we knew the power we have over our children’s’ life, we would be more careful with our decisions.
Even though, I have no kids now, I still have to think how my decisions will affect my kids.

If I choose to have kids out of wedlock will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone who doesn’t love me will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone who doesn’t want kids will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone I married will affect my kids.
If I choose to have kids with someone who is immature will affect my kids.

I want my kids to have a father and mother who love them living in the same house taking care of them.
I want my kids to have their father in their lives.
I want my kids to have everything they need to make them successful.
I want my girls to grow up to be intelligent, God-fearing, virtuous, strong and great contributors to our society.
I want my boys to grow to be like their father.

It may not happen how I want it to happen but I am not going to set myself for failure by having a child with someone whom I am not married to or not responsible.
To be honest, I don’t want baby-daddy drama. I don’t want to beg any guy to take care of their responsibility.
I want the best for my kids for this reason, I have to choose wisely.

Women your choices will affect your children. Choose wisely!!!

What defines a man? Does age, maturity or an intimate relationship with God define a man?

My words to menblog post inspired me to ask this question.

Anonymously, I asked the coach of Unplugged this question.
I know what you are thinking.. Ironically, a female asked this question lol!
I love his answer so much, I had to share it.

Here is his answer:

To answer your question directly all 3 defines a man… age lets us know outwardly he’s a man, maturity lets us know he understands and applies what it takes to be a man and his relationship with God validates he’s a man. The issue is many of us men are only found to be men by meeting the age requirement only.

The definition of a man ultimately comes from what God originally defines a man to be… The tragedy happened at the fall where we lost that definition. And from that moment we have been trying to discover “what defines a man” only to find ourselves confused. Some believe that strictly being a male outwardly validates manhood some even take it a step further and say that they are a man based upon their occurred level of maturity or their accomplishments.

These things may to a degree help us understand manhood but until we have a thriving relationship with God we will never know what it takes to be a man and surprisingly we will never and I mean never match the original definition of a man we can only trust in the perfect man to help us in our discoveries and that perfect man is Jesus.

Answer by: Joshua Eze

He Got Me..

If you glance over my blog posts, you will notice I don’t share personal information or experiences.
I like to think, I am a private person but every now and then (like now..) I open up a bit.
Nothing cheesy.. Here we go.

I took a trip to another state with another person to relax.
We went to this Nigerian restaurant to eat.
While we were there waiting on our food.
This young man came in to order his food.
When I first saw him, he looked like he just got off from a hard day at work.
In other words, the way he was dressed was unattractive.

Before I knew it, he was glancing a lot over my direction..
In my head, I was like “Oga, leave that thing, you no be my type abeg.”
He started talking to the owner of the shop and I heard the intelligence that was coming out of his month.. Yea, my head turned.
Hands down, intelligence is so attractive.
His looks didn’t catch my attention but his brains did.

Morale of the story: Go to School, intelligence is attractive!!

Excuse my honesty,
I am personally not attracted to thugs.
I don’t understand why a woman would shun an educated, God-fearing man and pick a thug, who walks around sagging his pants..
I digress.

An educated, God-fearing man will always get my attention any time, any day!